Saturday, 6 August 2016


Wiki Leaks Asange has redefined the notion of Journalism by revealing the truths about world Police i.e. USA and its puppets countries which are reproducing cheap labour for its supremacy over the weaker sections. What should Asian or African journalism learn from the courageous steps of Asange in general or Brahmins dominated Indian journalism in particular? Does Indian journalism revealing the truths about Indian state in general or dominant cultures in particular over the brutal violence on its Untouchables? What is the impact of Asange on the imagination of journalism in the context of Indian Hindu society? Does he really influenced the Indian journalism from its lie based manipulated news to truth seeking news projection? Is at all any influence of Wiki Leaks on Indian Hindu soil?

Indian journalism like its media i.e. print media or electronic media is being controlled by the Brahmins or non-Brahmins Hindus who decided the events or incidents whether to be published or not in its papers. The Hindu or Indian Express or regional news papers and its journalism are belonged to the same community without room for a true journalism. Indian media recruit journalists through various non-meritorious means such as caste, religion, language etc which are nothing but manipulations to eliminate critiques from its pure journalism. Indian media or its journalism never dares to question the uncivilized behaviours of Hindus on Untouchables at any point in the history of so-called journalism in pre or post British period. Post colonial state is another face of pre-colonial state in the sense that violence against India’s Untouchables increased compared to any period under the rule of Gandhi’s or present Hindutva regime. Uncivilized British-Indian rulers are the main culprits like Brahmins who well-established the inegalitarian practices of dominant castes by fearing of losing the support of non-Brahmins or Brahmins in its political power. White western Christian British masters had promised its Brahmins or non-Brahmin alliances that they never interfere in the matters of Hindu culture or tradition. British masters have never had the history of reforming the Hindu society or never try to protect the most under-privileged Untouchables from the hands of brutal Hindus.

Professor Rupa Vishwanath’s ground breaking work THE PARIAH PROBLEM is revealing the alliance of barbarian British rulers with its Indian brutal Hindu forces such as Brahmins and non-Brahmins to kill, rape, oppress the Untouchables in the regime of Britishers. It is only White Western Protestant Christian Missionaries who took up the task of protecting Untouchables from the brutal violence of Hindus by providing education. Education is very important weapon to safe themselves from the hands of any oppressor. John Dewey one of the influential intellectual of United States of America who stressed the point of moral values in Education in order to uplift the most sub-subaltern sections in any society. John Dewey was one of the most influential personalities on Ambedkar particularly in the matters of educating Untouchables in India. Ambedkar did his PhD under the guidance of Great Legend Professor John Dewey who influenced the American Education System which changed the scenario of Africans or Latin Americans or Indian Hindus over a period of time. Indian Hindu teachers never take up the responsibility of abolishing the practice of Untouchability on its subjects Untouchables by the uncivilized Hindus. Rupa Vishwanath has brought out the ground breaking realities of brutal violence of Hindus against Untouchables in her classical piece THE PARIAH PROBLEM: CASTE, RELIGION AND THE SOCIAL IN MODERN INDIA

Nowhere in the white western Christian societies suppressed its own subjects but made laws to protect non-White groups such as Africans, Asians, Indians or Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Hindus etc in order to educate or employ them in their companies or educational institutions. Indian Hindus enjoy the reservations that are providing by the white countries for all non-Christians to enter into their territories for various purposes such as education, employment etc by issuing VISAS. Most the reservation holders are Brahmins and non Brahmins who get the Visas under the category of RESERVATIONS. These reservation holders are utilizing education and employment by working with the white companies as cheap labourers. White man’s salary or hourly salary is far superior to non-White and non-Christian coming from the Asia in general or India in particular. These non-Christian non-meritorious or cheap labour Hindus in white countries have never have the self-respect or dignity to work as a cheap labour. I saw a Hindu-Brahmin while selling a Cow Meat in his hotel in Sydney. The same Hindu-Brahmin opposes beef in India. What hypocrisy is these Hindus have? Their behavior patterns are entirely different from India to non-Indian places.

These reservation Brahmins or non-Brahmins are main culprits in the oppression of Untouchables. They are using western education and employment in order to crush the voice of Untouchables. It is not happening over a period of time but since the beginning of 6000 years with the formation of so-called Harappan civilization. Harappan or Indus valley civilization is the starting point for formation of Untouchability. First rulers of India Jambav or his descendents have become Untouchables after their defeat in the war by the Hindu Dravidians or Hindu Aryans. Thought breaking historian Professor Romila Thapar has clearly mentioned about this creation of Untouchables by the Dravidians or Brahmins. Untouchables are the first rulers of this Jambu Dwipam or India who lost power to the barbarian Dravidians or Aryans. Later on they came to be Untouchables. Post-Jambav rulers had carried the grudge over these defeated first rulers of Bharat Desam in order to crush them permanently by the fear that if these Jambava descendents raise to power then nobody can dared to stop their muscles or mind.

Indian media like its judiciary never talk about highly nutritious food beef in its news or articles. Media is one of agent to carry the age old lie based Hindu systems in order to carry their Brahminical legacy. Indian academy is another ideological state apparatus of Hindus to impose or super-impose its uncivilized, unscientific, and irrational or myth based histories on its subjects. Progressive intellectuals like Romila Thapar or Kancha Ilaiah or Anand Teltumde or Rupa Vishwanath are very rare to contest these right wing Hindu historians or their uncivilized Hindu rulers. Pitiable event is that massive killer of Muslims in Gujarat has became a ruler of this muddy piece of Hindu state. Hindu media is the main reason for victory of this brutal killer whose party has capture by defeating secular parties in the country such as BSP, SP, and Congress etc. Indians should start reading writings or speeches of progressive intellectuals in order to improve their analytical and intellectual skills in order to stop non-intellectual, uncivilized, uneducated, irrational, lunatic, barbarian, unscientific people from the political power. International NGOs are ranking India as the most dangerous country for women and children so it’s the duty of every Indian to civilize themselves from the uncivilized activities of their religious sponsored brutal violence against Untouchables or women or children by reading the writings of civilized white western Christian intellectuals whose brain is guided by Son of God.