I am thinking of writing about some
non-meritorious academic social science or humanities centers and its functions
in the higher education institutions and universities in South Asia. I am
writing it purely from my personal experiences with the various teaching and
research communities who are running those centers non-meritoriously in the
Social Sciences. They are:
Center for the Study of Social
Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSE&IP)
Center for Women Studies (CWS)
Center for Ambedkar Studies (CAS)
Center for Gandhi Studies (CGS)
Center for Tribal Studies (CTS)
Center for Human Rights Studies
Center for Gender Studies (CGS)
Center for Dalit & Minority
Studies (CDMS)
Center for Islamic Studies (CIS)
It does not mean that departments of
various disciplines in the higher education institutions and universities are
filled with meritorious teaching and research communities. They are in fact
same on par with the above centers in spoiling the spirit of academic
discourses. Academic centers have become more centers for chitchatting with the
same ‘caste’ teachers, scholars and students.
The University Grants Commission
(UGC) has declared that Gautham Buddha (He is politically being added by the
academic mafia of Mahars), Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and
Jawaharlal Nehru (He is politically being added by then Congress regime at the
center) have influenced the Indian society from their life and struggles so UGC
has decided to set up centers at the universities in India. Mohandas Karamchand
Gandhi and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar were the genuine figures in this list of great
personalities who changed the Indian society from their struggles (M K Gandhi
and Dr B R Ambedkar) and knowledge ( Dr B R Ambedkar). If M K Gandhi was
succeeded in politics then Dr. B. R. Ambedkar has created enormous
knowledge in the areas of history, politics, geography, human rights,
sociology, economics, religious studies apart from his ground breaking
struggles against caste system which created Untouchables in subcontinent.
Arundhati Roy’s introduction for Ambedkar’s Annihilation of Caste with
The Doctor and the Saint - can give you massive information about the way in
which Ambedkar’s followers and M K Gandhi were fighting for the rights of
‘privileged’ groups. If M K Gandhi argued for the rights of PASSENGER INDIANS
(Mostly high class and come from the so called purified castes) by ignoring the
pathetic condition of INDENTURED INDIANS (Low class with low caste back ground)
in South Africa then Ambedkar followers in the Center are resenting non-Mahar
(Maharashtra), non-Parayar (Tamil Nadu) and non-Mala (Andhra Pradesh &
Telangana) groups in subcontinent. Indeed, Ambedkar had organized meetings with
his ‘mahar’ groups from the beginning. Eleanor
Zelliot’s Dr B R Ambedkar and Mahar Movement was the best example so
witness his ‘mahar movement’ in which it strict to ‘mahar’ community.
(Ironically, non-meritorious teachers and researchers of Center for Ambedkar
studies resent the Madiga Studies for arguing against the Justice studies that
have been taken by the non- Mahar, non- Parayar and non- Mala academicians in
the meritorious studies of the university centers and departments).
There are few namesake non-mahars in
his life but they are not countable. So the chain of resenting most
marginalized sections can be seen in the works of M K Gandhi or Dr. B. R.
Ambedkar. But the only difference between Ambedkar and Gandhi is ‘if former had
created enormous knowledge with modern principles of equality, liberty, freedom
and fraternity then later had superimposed purity and impurity in the society.
One is a modern with human rights principles another is a human rights violator
with holding the notion of purity and impurity.
Principal reason behind Dr. B. R.
Ambedkar’s knowledge is his western education at the world renowned Christian
Universities- Colombia University in the United States of America and London
School of Economics in the Great Britain which ruled India for more than 190
years, whereas M K Gandhi went to non-meritorious institutions-running by the
Indian community in South Africa and London. So if Columbia University and
London School of Economics have enabled Dr B R Ambedkar to create knowledge
then petty academic institutions in which M K Gandhi had studied had trained
him in a way that he can bargain with the power politics so he succeeded him in
political sphere unlike Ambedkar in intellectual sphere. Most of intellectuals
who went to prestigious universities in the west are struggling to live in the
subcontinent with their ‘western’ education training which trained them to be
with ‘too much’ academic knowledge, ‘too much’ dedication for their profession,
‘too much’ ethics and ‘too much’ honest in their daily life with ‘hard working
culture’. It is hard to live in a society which is carrying the spirit of
‘culture of off’ unlike the ‘culture of on’ of the white western society. Dr B
R Ambedkar had come from this ‘culture of on’ of western society whereas ‘his’
followers lived in their respectable places-places of ‘culture of off’. It is
just like ‘frog in well’.
UGC has allotted fund to set up few
centers for the study of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Gandhi, Social Exclusion &
Inclusive Policy and Women at various state and central universities in India.
Most of state and central universities started those centers for studying the
life histories of Ambedkar and Gandhi.
100% of Center for ‘Ambedkar’
studies has been captured by ‘his’ non-meritorious followers who are teaching
in the departments of political sciences at the every university. Of course
it’s not only Ambedkar centers have captured by ‘his’ followers but also Center
for the Study of Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policies at every university.
Most of these Center Directors or Heads are academically unfit and nobody known
their names in the academic circles.
Most of the central universities and
state universities, as a matter of fact, have occupied by the non-meritorious
reservation holders with few personal exemptions and candidates belonged to
‘agrarian’ or ‘business’ categories politically recruited under the open
category system. I have attended many seminars, conferences and workshops
organized by these non-meritorious teachers and researchers but I have seen
their hands shaking while they are ‘reading’ their papers in front of ‘other’
English speaking academicians without ‘shivering’ their hands and faces. Their
faces resemble inferior complexities and their hands are shivering. In fact I
had presented many papers in various national and international seminars,
conferences and workshops in front of eminent social scientists such as
Professor Gopal Guru and Professor Satish Deshpande at the Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi. Indeed, Professor T K Oomen had chaired my presentation
at the Pondicherry University way back to half decade ago. I used to be like them
but my perceiveness for intellectual discourses have shadow my inferior
complexities over a period of time. Credit goes to CSCS.
Non-meritorious teachers at the CAS
do conduct national seminars and conferences but speakers come from the ‘same
caste’ ‘same human rights orator’ ‘same Sudra bourgeois’ and ‘same vernacular’
speaking non-academicians. The purpose of the seminar has gone the moment
organizer is a vernacular speaking non-meritorious teacher. They share together
some chitchat and they make fun on ‘some’ dedicated scholars who produce
knowledge unlike these ‘chaired professors’ who spent entire their life to pass
days, months and years till they retire in the name of ‘first generation’ or
‘lower caste’ back ground. They have many excuses to escape from the knowledge
are full of ‘same caste or tribe’ and it is filled with the spirit of
‘gentleman agreement’ with the other non-meritorious ‘agrarian’ castes who join
the universities by using various political recommendations.
It has become a problem when eminent
Professors like Gopal Guru or Ashish Nandi or Anand Teltumbde or Arundhati Roy
make comment on these non-meritorious centers, departments, institutions and
universities the way in which they produce unproductive activities threatening
knowledge creation. These non-meritorious use the weapon of caste to threaten
intellectuals legally under the various ‘atrocities act’.
I never forget the words of leading
Dalit intellectual in subcontinent Professor Gopal Guru with whom I travelled
to Buddhist place from the BHU. In his own words ‘how a Ph.D. holder from the
Political Science department of the JNU, have spoiled the spirit of academic
scholarship by entertaining only his ‘community’ people by leaving the passion
for knowledge creation. His non-meritorious alumni of JNU, mostly coming from
the reservation section, who are working in the state or central universities
have became mere political activists rather than scholars in every academic
centers. Most of JNU or University of Hyderabad (UoH) degree holders coming
from the reservation section, who are working with the subcontinent
universities, are outside of the intellectual field and most of politically and
manipulated researchers became ‘puppets in the hands of dominant but
non-meritorious teachers’ just to get teaching jobs in the academic
institutions. One can see the gentleman agreement of non-meritorious
irrespective of caste, religion, gender, region etc.
Most of these CAS communities can’t
even spell out eminent social scientist names such as Aloysius or Gail Omvedt
or Eleanor Zelliot or Nicholas Dirk or Perry Anderson or Anand Teltumbde or
Sharmila Rege who are seriously working on the literature of liberation. Very
interesting observation is 70% of non-meritorious teachers and researchers in
the social sciences does not even know the name of internationally renowned
eminent Social Scientist Professor Gopal Guru who is working very seriously on
‘their’ liberator in the intellectual arena or does not know even the existence
of Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) journal in the subcontinent. This is my
personal experience with ‘reservation holders as well as agrarian
non-meritorious groups’ at many state and central universities in subcontinent.
It seems like,
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