Wednesday, 27 April 2016


Epistemological transgression is threat to any human society which is seeking for transnational changes in term of social justice.  European human societies are changing day by day by its progressive ideas. But Asian human societies are remained within the framework of pseudo and hypocritical societies with the strong epistemological transgression. I am thirty nine years by seeing the unchanged civil society from its blind beliefs and superstitions. I got my highest Doctorate Degree in education at the age of thirty one. It is a long time for anyone to get this highest degree but I have seen many intellectuals in this academic trajectories ranging from CSCS to Sydney University. I have seen English speaking teachers at the CSCS without any radical practices. For them radical thought means living together or dating or smoking or cross sitting or calling by name. Of course I am sure that they are radical in their own world view of within the centers like CSCS or CSSS or CSDS but what about their invisible traditional behaviors with the Untouchable groups or first generation groups or non-English speaking individuals. However my personal experience with non-meritorious traditional people in civil society or academicians inside the academics has used these epistemological transgressions to ruin the creative ideas in order to change the society from its barbarian ideas to civilized thought. I have travelled all the way from a small government school to APRDC-Nagarjuna Sagar, Hyderabad University, Pondicherry University, Babasaheb Ambedkar National Institute of Social Sciences-Madhya Pradesh, Center for the Study of Culture and Society-Bangalore, Jamia Milia Islamia-New Delhi, Federal University of Bahia-Brazil, Sydney University-Australia and Dravidian University-Andhra Pradesh. Perhaps, most of my personal experience with various teachers at these institutions has reminded my childhood days experience with different groups. As I had been observed many teachers I have understood that they are just government employees rather than knowledge creators. At least Brazilian or Australians teachers are professionals but Asian teacher’s particularly Indian teachers are more liked feudal in their thought process or behavior patterns.  They love modern form of slavery in the educational research institutions. I never come across any university teacher who teaches by reading vast literature on particular subject. They are like everyone who comes to university for salary purpose. Indian teachers at universities are in their own business of getting perks and salaries rather than creating knowledge. For Indian teachers research institution means an elementary school. Sometimes elementary school teachers are having profound knowledge about social evils but these university teachers are neither teachers nor researchers in any sense. They do not even know the meaning of research. One Brahmin teavher at a non-meritorious university in Kuppam had argued that how come you apply Gramsci in Indian context when I am recontexualizing Gramscian term Organic intellectual as well as hegemony to Ambedkar. This Hindu-Brahmin teacher says that Gramsci never say anything about caste so how can you use Gramsci in India? This is his research mind to understand what a poor research skills he does have. For most of university teachers in India Gramsci or Althusier or Derrida are unknown. Indian teachers produce unproductive ideas or poor ideas which are outdated with their traditional approach. Even their outdated ideas are not fit for measuring as intellectual ideas.  Phenomenological research is very important to dig the realities of epistemological transgression of Indian academic scholarship. Indeed one should do serious phenomenological studies to bring the realities of Indian society.  Organic intellectuals with protagonist ideas have questioned these vertical hierarchies of civil society that sanctioned by their well established religious scriptures. Nobody dared to question their sanctity except obeying and practicing it on their own human being. I understood the character of Indian or Asian society from my own personal experiences right from my childhood days to present day by holding a strong Doctorate Degree. My Doctorate degree has taught me read the character of Indian civil society critically rather than with positive mind. For me positive thinking is always threat to modernity. Positive thinkers are most dangerous than snakes. Vegetarian communities are most brutal thinkers and activists who are ruining the civil society from its barbarian nature to become a civilized society.

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