Friday, 29 April 2022

The Definition of Tolerance


The Definition of Tolerance

Often, we hear, read, write, speak, listen, claim, identify with the word tolerance in our writings, speeches, social media, public platforms, research papers, books, discussions, debates, seminars, conferences, workshops by individuals or groups, or communities without defining what tolerance means, whom they tolerate, which ideologies or behaviors or ways of life they tolerate, or which races or castes or faiths or cultures they tolerate, etc.

It is a very confusing statement or claim by many individuals, or so-called liberals. We already knew about the intention of politically correct ideologies to use this word, so I do not want to talk about them since we know how much they are harming humanity or progressive knowledge production.

When I just checked the Oxford Learners' Dictionary definition of tolerance, it says tolerance means "the willingness to accept or tolerate someone or something, especially opinions or behavior that you may not agree with, or people who are not like you,"

And another definition by Cambridge Dictionary is "willingness to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from your own, even if you disagree with or disapprove of them."

The Britannica Dictionary defines "willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that differ from your own" as "willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that differ from your own."

Now let us discuss seriously these so-called standard companies and their tolerance of some repressive or brutal words and their glorified definitions by the above publishing companies. For instance, the word "pundit" is defined by the Britannica Dictionary as "a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and who expresses ideas and opinions about that subject publicly (such as by speaking on television and radio shows)."

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, "a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and who often talks about it in public"

According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, "a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and is therefore often asked to give an opinion about it."

This is the politically correct definition of "pundit" by the above-mentioned publishing companies, manipulating billions of people across the globe. First of all, the word "pundit" is not an English word. It is a Sanskrit word from India.

The Pundit is a Brahmin. This word has a stronger caste identity than knowledge-based identity.

A Pundit is a Brahmin who divides human beings into five categories and vertically divides them into "Brahmin (Priest)"; the second is "Kshatriya (Warrior)", the second twice-born caste person; the third is "Vaishya (Trader)", the third twice-born caste person; the fourth is "Shudra (Peasant)", and the fifth and outcaste are "Madiga, the untouchable caste person".

The Madiga is constructed, considered, theorized, and practiced not only as an untouchable caste person, but also as an unseeable, unapproachable, unshadowed, unspeakable, and impure human being by the four aforementioned castes.

The first three castes are twice-born, hence pure Aryans, and allowed to wear the so-called sacred thread. The fourth caste is impure but not untouchable. Historically, the fourth caste is considered the foot-soldiers of the above three twice-born castes to carry out the orders of the Pundit or Brahmin upon the fifth caste untouchables, women, and sexual minorities.

Fourth caste people make up 50% of the population, whereas the first three castes are fewer than 10% of the population. The fifth-caste untouchables make up 25% of the total population in India. In India, where female infanticide or female child killings is a cultural norm, female infanticide or female child killings account is deep-rooted.

Women make up 40% of the total population, which is very low in Hindu or Islamic-dominated regions in India since they are killed when born. This is the root cause of the smaller women's population in India. It is linked with both the Hindu and Islamic religions. The lone Christian-dominated region in India is Nagaland, where the female population is higher than the male and English education is 100%.

Nagaland is unfortunately not a politically correct region in India. Otherwise, Hindus and Muslims might have occupied Christian areas to eliminate female children even in the womb and might have made it a rape region. Till recently, the Nagas resisted the Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains' entry into their land. Now it has fallen to the Hindutva ideology.

Naga Christian women might not get an education, or they may get raped, or they may get eliminated in the womb. On the other hand, Hindus and Muslims have mobilized their ideologies in Dimapur and are preparing to impose their lethal forms of ideologies on this lone protestant Christian region, where Naga Christian women are the safest in the world. The safety of Naga women is always at high risk under the blood and iron policy of New Delhi.

Every Brahmin or Pundit is known for his or her highest level of lethal forms of brutal ideologies against untouchable castes, women, tribals, and sexual minorities, historically till today, and it will be in the next trillion years of brutal forms of violence against the most vulnerable untouchable castes.

The Pundit orders his next second, third, and fourth foot-soldiers to implement the most lethal forms of violence against untouchable castes and genders. For instance, first, the pundit rapes an untouchable devadasi girl to take her virginity, followed by his foot-soldiers.

The rigid caste system, vertical caste hierarchies, honor killings, caste-based violence, untouchability, lynching, stoning, burning alive, mass raping of untouchable girls and women, mass killing of untouchable boys and men, massacres of untouchables, etc., happened on the orders of the Pundit or Brahmin.

The Pundit or Brahmin himself or herself initiates these brutal forms of violence to inspire his or her foot-soldiers to carry on.

We have 6000 years of a long history of caste-based violence and untouchability upon untouchables and women in South Asia with the blessings of the Pundit or Brahmin. So, in any case, a Pundit or Brahmin is associated with the most lethal forms of knowledge but also with the most lethal forms of violence against 75% of the population, whether historically or religiously.

The Brahmin and his foot-soldiers are not only dehumanizing untouchable castes and women with their Hindutva ideology, but they are also dehumanizing themselves by practicing or theorizing the caste system, untouchability, racism, and genderism.

The Pundit, or Brahmin, or his foot-soldier, is associated with crimes against humanity globally. S/he is the person who produced purity and impurity in Aryan and Anaryan theories by including black-skinned and African communities under the umbrella of "impure races". As a result, Pundit ordered that black-skinned, untouchable castes, women, tribal, and African communities be persecuted physically, mentally, theoretically, and practically on the ground. The Hindu Diaspora practices brutal forms of racism against the African community and people of black skin.

This is the full description of the word "pundit" or "Brahmin," which is associated with only genocidal persecution and nowhere associated with knowledge production or learning. But the above publication houses are super-imposing lies about Pundit. Nowhere in their dictionaries do I see Pundit as a repressive word that became a knowledge symbol.

Remember, Indo-European or Indo-white men's way of life shares common ideologies, ways of life, race, culture, tradition, thinking, and practice in matters of black skin, African, and sexual minority communities.

My dearest most vulnerable dark skin, untouchable caste, African, and sexual minority communities, the above dictionaries are lying about the definition of "pundit." The Pundit is a Brahmin, and the Brahmin is a genocider. Hence, book publishing companies should ban this word from their books, as it carries the spirit of genocidal intent. Glorification of Aryanism, Hitlerism, Hinduism, Islam, Punditry, or Brahmanism is a glorification of genocide against humanity. Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla

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