Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Germany, asylum camp, kitchen conditions, human rights, irresponsibility of Arab asylum seekers


This is the unhygienic condition of Germany-based asylum camps and their kitchen conditions. Human rights violations and the irresponsibility of Arab asylum seekers are so visible and violent in asylum camps. The German authorities and its Arab administration system are so corrupt and irresponsible. The asylum system has been corrupted by the Arab administration in Germany. Taxpayers’ money has been futile and corrupted at every stage. There is no accountability, transparency, or responsibility, and there is no professional ethics. So-called asylum seekers or refugees are economically motivated by totalitarian ideologies. Power and wealth are their dreams of life, for which they commit unethical crimes. I have not come across any genuine asylum seeker or refugee in the past or present in Western nations from the Islamic faith, Africa, or Asia, aka third-world countries. Everyone is economically and religiously motivated by violent ideologies. Parasites are omnipresent and omnipotent. I have not come across any genuine asylum seeker or refugee in the past or present in Western nations from the Islamic faith, Africa, or Asia, aka third-world countries. Everyone is economically and religiously motivated by violent ideologies. Parasites are omnipresent and omnipotent. The 1951 Refugee Convention has been gang raped by so-called asylum seekers or refugees from totalitarian and religiously fanatic societies in the Middle East and North Africa, Africa, Asia, and other third-world societies. The Convention helped very few genuinely persecuted asylum seekers like Salman Rushdie, Ibn Warraq, Taslima Nasren, and so on. Hundreds of millions of refugees from the above violent societies are hungry for power and wealth under totalitarian ideologies. There has never been a genuine or progressive asylum seeker or refugee in the past or present. They are worthless, talentless, and meritless people from third-world nations. But unfortunately, politically correct ideologies, along with UNO and its brown-skin and white-mask ideologies, are lifting and superimposing these religious fanatics upon the most progressive ideologies in the West.Sexual harassment, molestation, and other forms of illegal crimes are common in every asylum camp and are committed by so-called asylum seekers, particularly those of the Islamic faith. Asylum camps are not safe for female children, single women, queer people, or local communities. Every human trafficker is either Muslim or African in Europe. 99% of human traffickers are Muslims, and the remaining 1% are non-Islamic Africans in Europe.

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla, Author of the globally acclaimed "Compatibility of the Death Penalty with the Purpose of Criminal Punishment in Ethiopia". Author of "Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship".

Demeaning me

Culture is demeaning me.

And raising violence

Iceman is standing tall.

The victim is bending down.

But culture is scaring me.

Everywhere cold-tongues

Nowhere are truth and justice

Love has no place.

Hate is everywhere.

Violence and lies are mothers.

Trauma and stress are daughters

Globe is moving around mother

I am living with her daughter.

The daughter is not leaving me.

Mother is omnipresent and omnipotent.

The lie is winning the hearts of the global village.

Pride is incredibly successful in winning the heart of its mother.

A mother is cheering for her daughter.


Culture, tradition, religion, etc. have demeaned me, my parents, and their foremothers for millions of years.

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla

Author of the globally acclaimed "Compatibility of the Death Penalty with the Purpose of Criminal Punishment in Ethiopia".

Author of "Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship".

Monday, 5 June 2023

Is there a theory that speaks out against the cruel cremation philosophy? In the cremation worldview, neither the living nor the dead can be considered human or non-human. A cremation is an act of human cruelty. Combat it.

Is there a theory that speaks out against the cruel cremation philosophy? In the cremation worldview, neither the living nor the dead can be considered human or non-human. A cremation is an act of human cruelty. Combat it.


Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla

Author of the globally acclaimed "Compatibility of the Death Penalty with the Purpose of Criminal Punishment in Ethiopia".

Author of "Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship".

Dalit self-prison cells

“Untouchable or unseeable

Unapproachable or unspeakable

Walking carrion or walking corpse

Walking carcass or walking ant

There is no one in history.

Just like you named Untouchable

Bees, wasps, beetles, and crickets enslave you forever.

You are an Uncle Tom in our times.


Born in slavery

Chained by caste

Enslaved by untouchability

Dehumanized by the master

Persecuted by the castes of mind

Cracked by the way of life of asymmetries

Sub-humanized by age-old ideologies

Sandwiched by the iron walls of the caste system

Can’t breathe from birth to death.


But still self-chained by traditional breathing

Theories were born and died.

Ambedkar, Gopal Guru, and Gaddar were born and lived

But with conservative minds

None of them spoke against cremation.

But take pride and glory in it.

Pride and honor took place in it.


Humanity and human status lost their dignity in its cremation ideology.

None of their icons spoke or practiced freedom and liberty theologies.

None of their theories have a protein word called freedom and liberty."

None of their theories have a protein word called truth or "justice."


Self-prisoned with castes of mind

Boundaries built with lies and hypocrisy

When their theories glorify the Apoha tradition

The Apoha tradition is a persecuted philosophy.


Self-inflicted but glorified as anti-caste

When an ideological state appears

Persecuted, sandwiched, cracked, enslaved, crooked, manipulated, and corrupted

You are born out of them, but you still practice them.


Remaining in chains

Have no voice against them.

Your theories and praxis are no different from your masters of caste and untouchability.”


This is my personal experience with the theories and practices of untouchable castes. Dalits, untouchables, or Ambedkarites are conservative folks across time and space. They are hypocrites, like any persecuted mind. Actually, they can’t liberate themselves from their way of life. The word Dalit itself is a conservative word, but they glorify this carbohydrate word. The words Dalit or Ambedkarite are not protein words but oligopeptides.

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla

Author of the globally acclaimed "Compatibility of the Death Penalty with the Purpose of Criminal Punishment in Ethiopia".

Author of "Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship".

India is one country where the notion of hero worship has its roots in slavery. Indians are born with a slave mentality that practices hero worship, wherein talent has no place other than exaltation at the expense of talent or merit, and wherein there is no space for merit in the mind other than the social background of that hero's caste.


India is one country where the notion of hero worship has its roots in slavery. Indians are born with a slave mentality that practices hero worship, wherein talent has no place other than exaltation at the expense of talent or merit, and wherein there is no space for merit in the mind other than the social background of that hero's caste.

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla

Author of the globally acclaimed "Compatibility of the Death Penalty with the Purpose of Criminal Punishment in Ethiopia".

Author of "Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship".