Wednesday, 20 July 2016


If anyone knows the history of slavery in India will be shocked to hear pathetic condition of Sudras (Agricultural sections) and Untouchables at the hands of Brahmins who migrated to India from the Central Asia. Brahmins are the foreign race who conquered indigenous sections by using various false religious sanctions such as they are the representatives of God on earth and they are the Gods on earth. They have manipulated indigenous sections with their crook and criminal mind set to rule the people without producing anything except depending on non-Brahmins. So you may be surprised to ask me how come these barbarian Hindu Brahmins had conquered the indigenous Indians and how come they are dominating the majority Hindus. First of all they have created caste system to isolate people to people in the name of purity and impurity and second they have ingrained the notion among every section of people that they are superiors among their own castes or tribal’s by accepting Brahmin as a final superior  to decide their future. Brahmin self is filled with cruel thoughts and criminal mind set to remain their hold on the majority masses in the name of Brahmin superior and Brahmin God. He insulted even God the omnipresence on earth by claiming that he is a God on earth. Brahmin has derogated characters of even God by introducing inhuman theories and practices upon majority people who never love each other but enmity. Unlike American masters over their African slaves Hindu Brahmins conquered the mind set of majority masses to believe that whatever Brahmin says is the direct order from the omnipresent or almighty God. So majority Hindus had accepted the divinity power of Brahmin with the introduction of inhuman Hindu scriptures which gave power to Brahmins. Ironically these uncivilized Hindu scriptures have written by uncivilized Brahmins 3000 years ago and followed by uneducated non-Brahmins as sheep follow the shepherd. But these barbarian Brahmins are not good shepherds unlike Jesus Christ who guided His people into right path to love and care their fellow human beings. Barbarian Brahmins have created their own Hindu Gods who guide their followers to kill outside of their community for the sake of power culturally or socially which paved way for the creation of inequalities permanently.

My own Pooja-Yadav community Sri Krishna’s example is important in guiding Arjuna to eliminate Karna even though Krishna or Rama is myth without any historical evidence for their existence. Krishna or Rama had guided their community people to kill innocent people who are not from their community background. Nowhere in the world are those so-called Gods guiding their community people to kill outside of their communities. Very interesting and pitiable that Indian Hindu Gods are such inhuman Gods to sanction their followers to kill innocent people who eat beef. Nowhere I saw that eating beef is crime for the Hindu Gods so their followers eliminate people who eat beef. In the Holy Bible all living creatures are equal and they are sanction to eat without any grading to special animal or bird. They are all equally qualified to eat. God has sanction to eat them without any discrimination. But Hindu scriptures are worshiping Cow as a holy animal like Brahmin whereas remaining animals are unholy like non-Brahmins. Non-Brahmins are following what these barbarian Brahmins are saying without any rationality or shame. There is a missing link among non-Brahmins i.e lack of questioning Brahmins and their superiority, superstitions and blind beliefs that are well established by these Ayyangars or bhats who established slavery among agriculture castes and Untouchables permanently.

I started reading Holy Bible’s Old Testament and New Testament I have never come across anything like kill your enemy for remaining your power. Perhaps, Holy Bible directed its people to love your enemy or neighbor. Where is the Biblical philosophy among Hindu Gods or their followers? I never come across any teachings of Son of God Jesus Christ who guided His people to eliminate weaker sections but indeed guided His people to love and care most vulnerable sections in the society. Nowhere in the Hindu have had scriptures guided their people to be honest or to be loved by God but guiding its people to be isolated from the humans itself to protect their purity and impurity. It has sanction caste system to protect their purity and impurity. Even converted Christians from the Brahmin or non-Brahmin castes have spoiled the spirit of Jesus Christ by carrying their age old caste practices even after conversion to Christianity. Kerala’s Syrian Christians are the best example for this grater sin against HIS wishes and philosophy. Whatever these Hindu converts of Syrian Christians are doing just against Son of God and they have to prepare for answering Him.

I have seen a white Brazilian marrying an African woman in Salvador in Brazil. I have seen an African Father or Pastor who are leading white dominated Churches in Brazil. Indeed in India I never seen a Brahmin converted Christian is attending the Church running by an Untouchable or Muslim converted Christian. Christian is such a great religion which has been reduced to be like Hindu religion by these Hindu converts. It is a grater sin that they have to answer God in Heaven after their death. These Hindu converts converted Christianity into Hindu religion with their lunatic Brahmanical practices in the Holy Church. Jesus Christ might be hanged Himself by observing these Hindu converts and their practical life like their fellow Hindu faiths holders from their same community.

Now in this 21st century of India we have a modern slavery practicing by corporate MNCs or Medical institutions against most productive groups or let me adopt what Althusier used Ideological State Apparatus through government institutions with the support of Judiciary. Judiciary is another Brahmanical Hindu institution to carry the legacy of Brahmin superiority. Indians should educate to destroy the Brahmincal slavery even in this 21st century India to establish egalitarian society. What Gunner Mirdal is used right word for the Asian Drama is right for Indian society who are playing their role as a Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra which is unethical, irrational, unscientific, barbarian in any sense. Scientific studies strongly proved that Brahmins are not Indians but migrated from the Central Asia so let us not entertain these anti-nationals who have separated our brothers and sisters in the name of caste purity and impurity for ages.

I am hoping that at least my Pooja-Yadavas will follow the footsteps of Great Genius Gurram Jashuva and Mahatma Jothibha Phule who are greatly inspired by Christian philosophy in order to challenge the Brahmanical hegemony.

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