Thursday 28 October 2021

how do you define Brahmin in your words, Naanna?

 My Dear Naanna

The Indian Brahmins defined you as "Untouchable", "Unseeable", "Unapprocahable", "Unshadowable". We are the "Walking-Carrion", "Walking-Corpse", "Walking-Carcass", "Achut", "Chandala", "Panchama", "Madiga" by Brahmins. Brahmins are loved by the entire world, naanna. Nobody treats him as "a criminal against humanity" for naming us as "Untouchable", "Unseeable", "Unapprocahable", "Unshadowable", "Walking-Carrion", "Walking-Corpse", "Walking-Carcass", "Achut", "Chandala", "Panchama", "Madiga". Finally, you died as "Walking-Carrion" like any untouchable in Asia, naanna. 

If I ask you to define our creator, i.e., Brahmin,how do you define Brahmin in your words, Naanna? As a "Criminal Against Humanity," OR "as a Violator of Human Rights," OR "as a Violator of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights," OR "as an inhuman creature on Earth," OR "as a Human Rights Killer."

But Western society defined our creatures as "Pandit" "Priests" "Beautiful" "Scholars" "Spiritual leaders" "Gurus" "Avatar" "Honest" "Hardworking" "Yoga Gurus" "Meditation Gurus" "Cambridge University Scholars" "Oxford University Scholars" "Colombia University Scholars" "BBC icons" "CNN Icons" "American Icons" "Western icons" "Indian icons" "Cricketers" "Genious" etc naanna. 

I studied vernacular language so that I could not use more words like "joragns" to describe your honest life, naanna.Because Brahmins or their foot-soldiers never allowed us to attend school till the British arrived in India. We are first generation untouchables. They never allow you to attend school. We were forbidden from reading and learning for 6000 years till British humanists, particularly Western Protestant Christian missionaries, arrived in India to civilize them. But they failed, Naanaa.

Naanna, You want to see me as a great scholar in English writing. How can I become a great scholar like John Rawls, or how can I write a grand work like his "A Theory of Justice" with my broken English skills, naanna? None of the Western world talks about our Brahmin-produced or created untouchables and their vulnerability at the hands of Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, or Naanna.

Naanna, rest in peace.

May our Lord grant you entrance into his heavenly kingdom.Naanna:

Your son,

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla


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