Thursday 10 November 2022

"It's not me, but you." You are my Dalit oppressor.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my racist.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my casteist.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my parasite.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my gender oppressor.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my rapist.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my chameleon.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my black-skinned, white-masked.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my killer.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my shooter.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my monster.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my lord.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my master.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my ethnocentric


"It's not me, but you."

You are my Eurocentric


"It's not me, but you."

You are my Taliban.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my pundit.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my Hitler.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my black oppressor.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my Brahmin.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my Shudra.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my Dalit oppressor.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my gender oppressor.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my equal rights oppressor.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my tormentor.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my human oppressor.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my anti-transgender.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my anti-lesbian.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my gay enemy.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my anti-bisexuality.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my anti-queer.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my untouchability practitioner.


"It's not me, but you."

You're my accuser.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my humiliation.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my encroacher.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my iceman.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my subhuman creator.


"It's not me, but you."

You are my shit”

This is the vulnerable condition of LGBTQ communities, untouchable castes, blacks, and Yazidis across the globe.

Truth and Justice Matter-John Rawls, A Theory of Justice

“There will be no death penalty, extrajudicial killings, or judicial killings. Judicial killing is a crime against constitutional morality, and extrajudicial killing is a crime against humanity. Even criminals have the right to life in prison.” Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla


Author of the globally acclaimed "Compatibility of the Death Penalty with the Purpose of Criminal Punishment in Ethiopia".


Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship

LGBTQ Rights Campaigner + Untouchable Lives Matter Campaigner + Black Lives Matter Campaigner + Human Rights Campaigner+ Anti-Death Penalty Campaigner

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla (he/they), black, untouchable caste, labour, founder of Equality Religion.

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