Friday 11 November 2022

You are bigots who discriminate against people because of their sexual minority status, their untouchable caste, or their skin color.


You have committed a crime against sexual minorities, untouchable castes, blacks, and Yazidi people, against their rights, against their human equality, against their human status, against their human dignity, and against their freedom.

You are bigots who discriminate against people because of their sexual minority status, their untouchable caste, or their skin color.

You believe in stereotypes and are prejudiced against people who don’t belong to hegemonic masculinities and femininities, who don’t belong to your caste, and who don’t look like you!

And you have hurt so many innocents—250 million untouchable castes and tens of millions of sexual minorities, blacks, and Yazidi people—that you will get what you deserve from the International Criminal Court for violating the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as the 1948 Genocide Convention.

There is no crime without punishment.


Truth and Justice Matter-John Rawls, A Theory of Justice

“There will be no death penalty, extrajudicial killings, or judicial killings. Judicial killing is a crime against constitutional morality, and extrajudicial killing is a crime against humanity. Even criminals have the right to life in prison.” Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla


Author of the globally acclaimed "Compatibility of the Death Penalty with the Purpose of Criminal Punishment in Ethiopia".


Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship

LGBTQ Rights Campaigner + Untouchable Lives Matter Campaigner + Black Lives Matter Campaigner + Human Rights Campaigner+ Anti-Death Penalty Campaigner

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla (he/they), black, untouchable caste, labour, founder of Equality Religion.

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