Saturday, 6 August 2016


Wiki Leaks Asange has redefined the notion of Journalism by revealing the truths about world Police i.e. USA and its puppets countries which are reproducing cheap labour for its supremacy over the weaker sections. What should Asian or African journalism learn from the courageous steps of Asange in general or Brahmins dominated Indian journalism in particular? Does Indian journalism revealing the truths about Indian state in general or dominant cultures in particular over the brutal violence on its Untouchables? What is the impact of Asange on the imagination of journalism in the context of Indian Hindu society? Does he really influenced the Indian journalism from its lie based manipulated news to truth seeking news projection? Is at all any influence of Wiki Leaks on Indian Hindu soil?

Indian journalism like its media i.e. print media or electronic media is being controlled by the Brahmins or non-Brahmins Hindus who decided the events or incidents whether to be published or not in its papers. The Hindu or Indian Express or regional news papers and its journalism are belonged to the same community without room for a true journalism. Indian media recruit journalists through various non-meritorious means such as caste, religion, language etc which are nothing but manipulations to eliminate critiques from its pure journalism. Indian media or its journalism never dares to question the uncivilized behaviours of Hindus on Untouchables at any point in the history of so-called journalism in pre or post British period. Post colonial state is another face of pre-colonial state in the sense that violence against India’s Untouchables increased compared to any period under the rule of Gandhi’s or present Hindutva regime. Uncivilized British-Indian rulers are the main culprits like Brahmins who well-established the inegalitarian practices of dominant castes by fearing of losing the support of non-Brahmins or Brahmins in its political power. White western Christian British masters had promised its Brahmins or non-Brahmin alliances that they never interfere in the matters of Hindu culture or tradition. British masters have never had the history of reforming the Hindu society or never try to protect the most under-privileged Untouchables from the hands of brutal Hindus.

Professor Rupa Vishwanath’s ground breaking work THE PARIAH PROBLEM is revealing the alliance of barbarian British rulers with its Indian brutal Hindu forces such as Brahmins and non-Brahmins to kill, rape, oppress the Untouchables in the regime of Britishers. It is only White Western Protestant Christian Missionaries who took up the task of protecting Untouchables from the brutal violence of Hindus by providing education. Education is very important weapon to safe themselves from the hands of any oppressor. John Dewey one of the influential intellectual of United States of America who stressed the point of moral values in Education in order to uplift the most sub-subaltern sections in any society. John Dewey was one of the most influential personalities on Ambedkar particularly in the matters of educating Untouchables in India. Ambedkar did his PhD under the guidance of Great Legend Professor John Dewey who influenced the American Education System which changed the scenario of Africans or Latin Americans or Indian Hindus over a period of time. Indian Hindu teachers never take up the responsibility of abolishing the practice of Untouchability on its subjects Untouchables by the uncivilized Hindus. Rupa Vishwanath has brought out the ground breaking realities of brutal violence of Hindus against Untouchables in her classical piece THE PARIAH PROBLEM: CASTE, RELIGION AND THE SOCIAL IN MODERN INDIA

Nowhere in the white western Christian societies suppressed its own subjects but made laws to protect non-White groups such as Africans, Asians, Indians or Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Hindus etc in order to educate or employ them in their companies or educational institutions. Indian Hindus enjoy the reservations that are providing by the white countries for all non-Christians to enter into their territories for various purposes such as education, employment etc by issuing VISAS. Most the reservation holders are Brahmins and non Brahmins who get the Visas under the category of RESERVATIONS. These reservation holders are utilizing education and employment by working with the white companies as cheap labourers. White man’s salary or hourly salary is far superior to non-White and non-Christian coming from the Asia in general or India in particular. These non-Christian non-meritorious or cheap labour Hindus in white countries have never have the self-respect or dignity to work as a cheap labour. I saw a Hindu-Brahmin while selling a Cow Meat in his hotel in Sydney. The same Hindu-Brahmin opposes beef in India. What hypocrisy is these Hindus have? Their behavior patterns are entirely different from India to non-Indian places.

These reservation Brahmins or non-Brahmins are main culprits in the oppression of Untouchables. They are using western education and employment in order to crush the voice of Untouchables. It is not happening over a period of time but since the beginning of 6000 years with the formation of so-called Harappan civilization. Harappan or Indus valley civilization is the starting point for formation of Untouchability. First rulers of India Jambav or his descendents have become Untouchables after their defeat in the war by the Hindu Dravidians or Hindu Aryans. Thought breaking historian Professor Romila Thapar has clearly mentioned about this creation of Untouchables by the Dravidians or Brahmins. Untouchables are the first rulers of this Jambu Dwipam or India who lost power to the barbarian Dravidians or Aryans. Later on they came to be Untouchables. Post-Jambav rulers had carried the grudge over these defeated first rulers of Bharat Desam in order to crush them permanently by the fear that if these Jambava descendents raise to power then nobody can dared to stop their muscles or mind.

Indian media like its judiciary never talk about highly nutritious food beef in its news or articles. Media is one of agent to carry the age old lie based Hindu systems in order to carry their Brahminical legacy. Indian academy is another ideological state apparatus of Hindus to impose or super-impose its uncivilized, unscientific, and irrational or myth based histories on its subjects. Progressive intellectuals like Romila Thapar or Kancha Ilaiah or Anand Teltumde or Rupa Vishwanath are very rare to contest these right wing Hindu historians or their uncivilized Hindu rulers. Pitiable event is that massive killer of Muslims in Gujarat has became a ruler of this muddy piece of Hindu state. Hindu media is the main reason for victory of this brutal killer whose party has capture by defeating secular parties in the country such as BSP, SP, and Congress etc. Indians should start reading writings or speeches of progressive intellectuals in order to improve their analytical and intellectual skills in order to stop non-intellectual, uncivilized, uneducated, irrational, lunatic, barbarian, unscientific people from the political power. International NGOs are ranking India as the most dangerous country for women and children so it’s the duty of every Indian to civilize themselves from the uncivilized activities of their religious sponsored brutal violence against Untouchables or women or children by reading the writings of civilized white western Christian intellectuals whose brain is guided by Son of God.

Thursday, 28 July 2016


Cultural apparatuses are one of the important weapons for the repressive state apparatus in Asian society in general and Indian society in particular. As Louis Althusser identified Ideological State Apparatus as a most dangerous human threat by the hegemonic groups particularly for the lower strata society is playing by the predominant groups and ideas everywhere to rule the majority masses that are consciously unconscious about the ideological hegemony of predominant castes. The ideological state apparatus or repressive state apparatus is very visible in the everyday affairs of the Indian state. Indian Freedom struggle for freedom is one of the reproductions of the ruling castes in order to capture the political power from the most egalitarian white western British Christians to the Black Indian Hindus i.e Brahmins or non-Brahmins in south India. How the transformation of power happen from the hands of British to non-British Hindu Brahmins by suppressing the majority masses which includes fourth category Shudras(agricultural castes such as Reddy, Kamma, Velama and Kapu in south India).  First of all these foreign origin Iranian Brahmins had separated these agricultural castes into superior and inferior castes to hate among themselves by creating an ideological feeling that this Reddy is superior than that Reddy or this Kamma is superior than that Kamma. Religious apparatus or its sanction has helped Brahmins to remain power through the cultural practices. They (Brahmins) have used Hindu temples to retain their cultural supremacy over these non-Brahmin castes in order to rule them mentally. When these non-Brahmins have mentally accepted Brahmins as their Gods on earth these Brahmins started creating another slaves like Shudras to which non-Brahmins belonged i.e Untouchables so that these non-Brahmin slaves have started supporting Brahmins to carry their irrational theories and practices upon the lower caste Shudras or Untouchables without any revolt among these fourth and fifth category castes. Educational institutions such as Shanti Niketan or Gurukulam’s have helped these Brahmins to rule the minds of non-Brahmins. In the recent history of Europe even white western Christians have fallen for these Brahmins and their manipulations for Yoga or Meditation. Even so-called Prince or Princess of United Kingdom is worshipping Hindu Gods and Goddess by practicing Yoga and Meditation. It is not just these individuals from the white western Christian societies but also UNO who are worshipping or glorifying the unscientific Yoga or Meditation. UNO went on to declare the Day of Yoga internationally. It is height that these barbarian Hindu Brahmins have manipulated entire international community by drawing attention their biological relationship with the white western Christians. Indeed Britishers or Europeans are treating Brahmins as their equals in India in terms of race but unfortunately these British or Europeans are the main culprits in order to establish through various repressive state apparatus by law or act. These are the Britishers who permanently sanctioned millions of lands to the Brahmins or non-Brahmins in their ruling time. They (Britishers) had established Brahmins as the Masters of India in their post-British India. Britishers knew that as long as Brahmins rule this country inequalities will be remain so that they can come to conquer this intellectually inferior land through various means. Government running Hindu schools or Brahmins running Roman Catholic Schools is important agents of state apparatus who are carrying the legacy of Brahmins. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or his soldiers are important ally of Britishers who crushed the voice of lower castes or tribes particularly Untouchables or hill based tribes. Of course mainland tribals are highly sanskritized to capture the power in their tribal areas. Tribal’s had escaped from the clutches of these cultural apparatus. However they are chained by other state apparatus i.e government schools or private schools or police or armed forces in the name of Naxalism. Mainland tribal’s having become Hindus in order to escape from the haunting of Brahmins or state apparatus whereas hill based tribals have not for the sake of their belief in Son of God. Religious apparatus has very significant role in the society to remain large number of masses in the hands of few dominate castes. Hindu villages have become hell for the lives of Untouchables for their everyday life. M K Gandhi wanted to establish Hindu village in fact established in the post-British India. He (Gandhi) had fulfilled his dream of establishing Hindu-Brahmin rule over majority non-Brahmin race. Dr B R Ambedkar or his Christian converted Master Mahatma Jothibha Phule had tried to create conscious among large number of masses about the ideological apparatus of Brahmins in the oppression of Shudras or Untouchables but futile since the majority non-Brahmins are treating Brahmins as Gods on earth. At least Untouchables have realized the ideological apparatus of Brahmins everywhere in not only south India or India or south Asia or Asia but also in the white western Christian societies where Presidents and Prime Ministers or Royal families are fallen for the manipulations of Hindu Brahmins in the name of Yoga or Meditation.  However, there is no hope of equality, liberty, freedom and fraternity for the large number of Untouchables in any coming ages. Shudra slaves are learned manipulations from their Masters Brahmins whereas Untouchables yet to learn but their Masters Mahatma Jothibha Phule or Dr B R Ambedkar are cautioning them from the far distance of Heaven that doesn’t fall for these ideological apparatus of Brahmins. They are cautioning their followers to be careful about the castes of mind of Shudras or non-Brahmins who became killers of these large numbers of powerless Untouchables or Muslims. Untoucahbles are aware of ideological state apparatus of Brahmins but we don’t know when will my powerful Pooja-Yadav or Madiga communities aware of these apparatus of Brahmins. Jesus only should create this consciousness among these non-Brahmins who are not aware of their uncivilized theories and practices that are super imposed by the pious/cruel Brahmins over a period of 6000 years. Awareness is important for knowledge creation. Knowledge is power. Power leads to deconstruct the well-established ideas like Manyasri Kanshi Ram or his Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) did in the state of North India. BSP is an anti-ideological apparatus of Brahmins in India. It has created ripples in the heart of uncivilized Hindus that BSP is going to capture the power in the Center through which they (Hindus) can’t see to rule by an Untouchable. Iron lady Mayavathi is carrying the legacy of BSP Founder Kanshi Ram in order to establish a just society through the capture of political power. Indeed right wing Hindu parties are trying to eliminate this Madiga(Chamar) Party but Chamars (leather professions) are more united right from its Jambu Dwipa (Jambava is the first ruler of India or Bharat Vamsham in Puranics so it is not easy for any right wing Hindu political parties to break the ideological apparatus of Kanshi Ram among the weaker sections.21st century India needs Kanshi Ram’s ideas but not the ideas of Hindu Swaraj or Ram Rajya. Break the ideological apparatus of Brahmins to establish the ideological apparatus of Bahujan Samaj Party.

Monday, 25 July 2016


Who wanted to know the true face of Hinduism and its brutal violence against most disadvantaged groups on earth i.e. Untouchables? Who wanted to know the brutal history of Hindu philosophy which is eliminating Untouchables and Muslims with a target goal of ‘resistance free India’ from the protest ideologies of Untouchables and Muslims? What is the philosophy of so-called progressive intellectuals and their writing towards brutal violence of Hinduism on its opponents? Is it the only or soul responsibility of Professor Romila Thapar or Professor Kancha Ilaiah to respond to brutal violence of Hinduism at the cost of their life? Is it the only commitment of Professor Romila Thapar to fight against Hindu oppression at the cost of her life? Are there any books written by these leftist intellectuals against the brutl philosophy of Hinduism like Professor Aloysius works against Hindu ideology? Is it the only responsibility of Perry Anderson who published a ground breaking work THE INDIAN IDEOLOGY by analyzing entire Indian race and its intellectually inferior Hindu religious mind to suppress the most oppressed sections in the world i.e. Untouchables? What is the standpoint of Professor Partha Chatterje, Professor Ashish Nandi or other leftist Social Scientists who never dare to write on Hindu violence but going with majority religious fundamentals? Of course Professor Romila Thapar is exceptional intellectual in India who dared to write against this brutal philosophy of Hinduism and its violent followers who are eliminating Untouchables, Muslims and progressive intellectuals in the name of culture, tradition and philosophy. Why are Ambedkar followers so backward in academics? What made them to inferiors in academic discourses?

What are the cultural transgressions that are speaking by so-called progressive or left intellectuals who are carrying the legacy of Hindu religious practices at their homes? Have you ever seen a leftist intellectual death ceremony the way in which it is being celebrated in burial ground? That is why we adopt what Professor Kancha Ilaiah says about the need of focusing on post-death ceremony and its celebrations of so-called leftist intellectuals by their family members. Professor Satish Deshpande, an eminent Sociologist, from the Delhi University is an orthodox Brahmin to carry the legacy of his Brahmin tradition. I had seen while he was performing pooja for his father on the banks of Ganga in Varanasi. It is not just Professor Satish Deshpande but every leftist is the same. A progressive intellectual never allow his or her family members to do his or her death ceremonies with this uncivilized Hindu practices after their death. They could guide their family members to celebrate with specific secular manner without indulging a Brahmin priest or Hindu ceremonies while they alive but these so-called Brahmin leftist intellectuals are aware of their social status so that they never request or guide their family members to do their post-death ceremonies in a non-religious way so post-death ceremony of progressive intellectuals is matter now to come to conclusion whether they are really progressive or religious who fear in the philosophy of Brahmanical ideology. I have seen few leftist cum human rights scholars and their post-death ceremonies the way in which their family members have celebrated. For example Professor Bala Gopal whose death ceremony carried with a complete Aryan or Brahmanical way. There are many in this way.

One may ask me how come a dead body is aware of their ceremony after death. It is  a silly question because when you are not in position to convince your family members regarding this barbarian religion and its irrational theories and practices then how come you change your outside of your family. Even living legends of so-called human rights Hindu-Brahmin leftist scholars are also going in the same ship. Can these so-called leftist scholars change their practices towards non-religious practices or towards most egalitarian practices of Christian way of life? Why this leftist intellectual is are opposing conversion of masses into Christianity? What made these progressive intellectuals to oppose Christianity or English as a mother tongue of India? At the same time these leftist intellectuals are sending their kids to the Christian schools to learn only ENGLISH through which knowledge is floating. What made Professor Romila Thapar to open her voice against Hindu violence and its brutal attacks on most oppressed sections in the world i.e. Untouchables or Muslims? How come so-called progressive intellectuals from the JNU or CSDS, CSSS, CSCS, Delhi University or IITs are silence over Hindu violence? Is it because they are all belonged to same Hindu Brahmin community or someone will ask them to eat beef to prove them as progressive intellectuals.

My personal experience with CSCS-Bangalore says that they are centers with full of western degree-white skinned- polished English speaking Brahmins who hide their inner spirit but pretend to be progressive. Is it the same with CSDS or CSSS? What was the practical life of Professor Rajani Kotari who is a thought breaking political thinker in academics and founder of CSDS-celebrated social science institute in India along with CSSS? Finally what is the contribution of these celebrated social science institutions in the matters of brutal violence of Hindu religion and its unforgiveable atrocities on Untouchables and Muslims in India?

Can any intellectual dared to say being a Hindu means being inhuman in his or her theories or practices?

Friday, 22 July 2016


If you are an Untouchable or Muslim in India, it is easy to lynch by the Hindu mob in the name of Cow or beef eating. Lynching of untouchable in Gujarat is the today’s news. Jesus saves the Untouchables and Muslims from the clutches of uncivilized Hindus who are killing Untouchables and Muslims mercilessly in the name of protecting cow or beef eating. Yesterday it was the time for lynching of a Muslim in Uttar Pradesh and today it is time for Untouchable in Gujarat. Where are you Jesus? When are you going to save your weaker sections in India who are being killed by Hindu mobs? Are you sleeping or watching merciless killings of Hindus upon Untouchables and Muslims?

As per my knowledge on Hindus killings of Untouchables in the name of history, heritage and culture it has a tradition of killing Untouchables for 6000 years. Indian history of violence, brutality, killings, raping, inequalities, and sexual harassment is a history of 6000 years in the matters of Untouchables but it is 70 years in the matters of Muslims. As a Historian I can attest that nowhere in the world has the longest history of Hindu violence against the Untouchables or any human being. I read the violence of Hitler upon Christians, Jewish, Sexually minorities and short people but Holocaust has very short history in the contest of Germany under the brutal leadership of Aryan-Hitler and hic uncivilized Aryan German forces. My historical mind is saying that it’s not only the era of Brahmins who started killing indigenous people with their arrival since 3000 years but Dravidians are same like their Brahmin invaders since 6000 years. So history of violence against Untouchables for ages is not new to the history of India. Let me start with Brahmin Hindu Parashuram who killed Kshatriyas mercilessly but became God for entire Hindu communities.


Who do you know the real story of this barbarian Brahmin hero-Parashuram who killed Kshtriyas mercilessly including Kshtriya women, Kshatriya babies and unborn Kshatriya babies from the womb of their Kshatriya Mothers? Why barbarians Brahmins worship Parashuram who killed Kshatriyas? What made Parashuram to kill Kshatriyaas mercilessly including Kshatriya women and Kshatriya unborn kids? Do Kshatriyas remember the way in which Brahmins eliminated Kshtriyas under the leadership of this barbarian Parashuram? What does brahmanical history says about this most violent killer of human being in their writings? Brahmins have documented the merciless killings of Parashuram in their Hindu scriptures. They have praised the way in which Parashuram had killed thousands of Kshtriyas and their wives and children including unborn children. However, these shameless Kshatriyas have accepted Brahmins as their superiors even after the massacre of thousands of their community Kshatriyas. Then how come these crooked Brahmins managed to believe that they had killed Kshatriyas for the universal benefit? What is that benefit that Brahmins have done for the Universe except leading their life without any production intellectually or materially by manipulating the most productive groups such as agricultural and professional groups such as farmers, gold smiths, weavers or leather communities historically? What was the Brahmins standpoint on merciless killings of Parashuram in their Hindutva scriptures which made believe that Parashuram had guided by Hindu Gods to eliminate the Kshatriytas for the sake of Universal benefits.

Present status of Kshatriyas in India:

Kshatriyas are the puppets in the hands of these barbarian Brahmins without any shame. Even though these uncivilized and intellectually inferior or Iranian origins based Brahmins have proudly say that they had eliminated entire Kshatriya community these shameless Kshatriyas are hardcore followers of Brahmins.

Present Status of Untouchables and Muslims:

Untouchables and Muslims are living in the shadow of fear after BJP coming to power. BJP or its terrorist outfits RSS, VHP, Bajrangdal are targeting Untouchables and Muslims to eliminate them from the Indian soil. But still some of Untouchables belonged to Hinduism are remained in the fold of Hinduism when the 99% Untouchables of south India had converted to Great Religion i.e. Christianity. Hinduism has become threat for not only knowledge creation but also humans particularly for the communities of Untouchables and Islam. Untouchables or even I can advise my Pooja-Yadavas should leave this barbarian Hindu religion to develop themselves intellectually, scientifically, educationally, socially, culturally and progressively without carrying irrational and uncivilized Hindu cultural life. My mighty Yadavas should follow great genius Professor Kancha Ilaiah or Gurram Jashuva who are converted to Christianity from the Yadav community in order to educate themselves and to save themselves from the tyranny of Brahmins.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016


If anyone knows the history of slavery in India will be shocked to hear pathetic condition of Sudras (Agricultural sections) and Untouchables at the hands of Brahmins who migrated to India from the Central Asia. Brahmins are the foreign race who conquered indigenous sections by using various false religious sanctions such as they are the representatives of God on earth and they are the Gods on earth. They have manipulated indigenous sections with their crook and criminal mind set to rule the people without producing anything except depending on non-Brahmins. So you may be surprised to ask me how come these barbarian Hindu Brahmins had conquered the indigenous Indians and how come they are dominating the majority Hindus. First of all they have created caste system to isolate people to people in the name of purity and impurity and second they have ingrained the notion among every section of people that they are superiors among their own castes or tribal’s by accepting Brahmin as a final superior  to decide their future. Brahmin self is filled with cruel thoughts and criminal mind set to remain their hold on the majority masses in the name of Brahmin superior and Brahmin God. He insulted even God the omnipresence on earth by claiming that he is a God on earth. Brahmin has derogated characters of even God by introducing inhuman theories and practices upon majority people who never love each other but enmity. Unlike American masters over their African slaves Hindu Brahmins conquered the mind set of majority masses to believe that whatever Brahmin says is the direct order from the omnipresent or almighty God. So majority Hindus had accepted the divinity power of Brahmin with the introduction of inhuman Hindu scriptures which gave power to Brahmins. Ironically these uncivilized Hindu scriptures have written by uncivilized Brahmins 3000 years ago and followed by uneducated non-Brahmins as sheep follow the shepherd. But these barbarian Brahmins are not good shepherds unlike Jesus Christ who guided His people into right path to love and care their fellow human beings. Barbarian Brahmins have created their own Hindu Gods who guide their followers to kill outside of their community for the sake of power culturally or socially which paved way for the creation of inequalities permanently.

My own Pooja-Yadav community Sri Krishna’s example is important in guiding Arjuna to eliminate Karna even though Krishna or Rama is myth without any historical evidence for their existence. Krishna or Rama had guided their community people to kill innocent people who are not from their community background. Nowhere in the world are those so-called Gods guiding their community people to kill outside of their communities. Very interesting and pitiable that Indian Hindu Gods are such inhuman Gods to sanction their followers to kill innocent people who eat beef. Nowhere I saw that eating beef is crime for the Hindu Gods so their followers eliminate people who eat beef. In the Holy Bible all living creatures are equal and they are sanction to eat without any grading to special animal or bird. They are all equally qualified to eat. God has sanction to eat them without any discrimination. But Hindu scriptures are worshiping Cow as a holy animal like Brahmin whereas remaining animals are unholy like non-Brahmins. Non-Brahmins are following what these barbarian Brahmins are saying without any rationality or shame. There is a missing link among non-Brahmins i.e lack of questioning Brahmins and their superiority, superstitions and blind beliefs that are well established by these Ayyangars or bhats who established slavery among agriculture castes and Untouchables permanently.

I started reading Holy Bible’s Old Testament and New Testament I have never come across anything like kill your enemy for remaining your power. Perhaps, Holy Bible directed its people to love your enemy or neighbor. Where is the Biblical philosophy among Hindu Gods or their followers? I never come across any teachings of Son of God Jesus Christ who guided His people to eliminate weaker sections but indeed guided His people to love and care most vulnerable sections in the society. Nowhere in the Hindu have had scriptures guided their people to be honest or to be loved by God but guiding its people to be isolated from the humans itself to protect their purity and impurity. It has sanction caste system to protect their purity and impurity. Even converted Christians from the Brahmin or non-Brahmin castes have spoiled the spirit of Jesus Christ by carrying their age old caste practices even after conversion to Christianity. Kerala’s Syrian Christians are the best example for this grater sin against HIS wishes and philosophy. Whatever these Hindu converts of Syrian Christians are doing just against Son of God and they have to prepare for answering Him.

I have seen a white Brazilian marrying an African woman in Salvador in Brazil. I have seen an African Father or Pastor who are leading white dominated Churches in Brazil. Indeed in India I never seen a Brahmin converted Christian is attending the Church running by an Untouchable or Muslim converted Christian. Christian is such a great religion which has been reduced to be like Hindu religion by these Hindu converts. It is a grater sin that they have to answer God in Heaven after their death. These Hindu converts converted Christianity into Hindu religion with their lunatic Brahmanical practices in the Holy Church. Jesus Christ might be hanged Himself by observing these Hindu converts and their practical life like their fellow Hindu faiths holders from their same community.

Now in this 21st century of India we have a modern slavery practicing by corporate MNCs or Medical institutions against most productive groups or let me adopt what Althusier used Ideological State Apparatus through government institutions with the support of Judiciary. Judiciary is another Brahmanical Hindu institution to carry the legacy of Brahmin superiority. Indians should educate to destroy the Brahmincal slavery even in this 21st century India to establish egalitarian society. What Gunner Mirdal is used right word for the Asian Drama is right for Indian society who are playing their role as a Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra which is unethical, irrational, unscientific, barbarian in any sense. Scientific studies strongly proved that Brahmins are not Indians but migrated from the Central Asia so let us not entertain these anti-nationals who have separated our brothers and sisters in the name of caste purity and impurity for ages.

I am hoping that at least my Pooja-Yadavas will follow the footsteps of Great Genius Gurram Jashuva and Mahatma Jothibha Phule who are greatly inspired by Christian philosophy in order to challenge the Brahmanical hegemony.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016


What are the nation, nation state and nationalism in the context of Indian Hindu society? Is there any rational or civilized nationalism at all or is it all any nationalism existed in India is a doubtful. For my understanding of reading on real nationalism is very much laid in the philosophy of broader understanding of equality, liberty, freedom and fraternity to establish egalitarian state in which every minority or weaker section can enjoy his or her status without afraid of any threatening from the majority groups. But unfortunately Indian Hindu society is giving derogatory meaning to the word called nationalism since its origin of so-called national movement. Does Indian society have the ethical stamina to define the nationalism from the philosophy of western principals of minority or weaker section rights to exercise food habits, beliefs, dresses etc without threatening calls from the majority Hindu groups? Why majority Hindu groups are in a great position of lack of ethical stamina to accept the freedom of speech or freedom of writing from the minority groups such as Untouchables and Muslims? What made Hindu regime to support the violence against weaker sections Untouchables and Muslims even though UNO has declared proclamation of human rights for every human being irrespective of majority or minority and rich or poor and white or Asian. How to define nation state in the present circumstances when the Hindu regime is supporting ‘chicken’ ‘mutton’ ‘vegetarian’ eaters to kill ‘beef’ eaters. It seems that even judiciary is supporting violence against beef eaters. According to scientific studies beef is the highly nutritious food in the world. It is giving relief to many lifeless people who are suffering from grater deceases. Why can’t apex court in India proclaim judgment on beef eating without leaving it to personal beliefs? Generally law offices in the white western Christian nations come into existence in support of scientific reason and its application without looking into its citizens beliefs. How to understand when a lower court in Utter Pradesh issued an order to file an FIR against a victim family for the cause of beef eating based on the forensic reports. What is wrong with beef eating and is it against fundamental rights of India? Or beef eating is a crime? Should judiciary system determine the food habits of weaker sections what to eat or what not to eat? Are we living in the dark age of Ram Rajya or Sri Krishanas Pandava era in this twenty first century? Are we living in the fear of life threat from the majority Hindu groups who are controlling our food habits or dress habits? Who are responsible for leaving weaker sections in the hands of majority groups to die? Who gave permission to majority Hindutva groups to come and hang weaker sections for the sake of beef eating? Where is sate when the majority groups are killing, raping, maiming the weaker sections in the name of caste, religion, culture, tradition, food habits and dress code? Where are so-called progressive intellectuals when atrocities are going against Muslims and Untouchables?  What made Professor Ashish Nandi to say that traditional Hindu based RSS has the cultural intellectual arguments?  What is the line of knowledge creation among Hindu terrorist group RSS or its outfits such as BJP, VHP, Bajrang Dal except ingraining uncivilized  religious beliefs to suppress the Untouchables or women in the name of purity and impurity. What is wrong if any mighty Yadav come forward to issue moral orders to ban eating sheep or goat of non-Yadavas for the sake of his love towards sheep or goat with which that Yadav is very much associated right from his or her childhood days unlike a Hindu Brahmin who never associate with any productive things except depending on unproductive activities such as temples or spreading superstitions and blind beliefs in the name of karma to carry his legacy of superiority of Brahmin self. What will happen entire mighty Yadav community ban the sheep eating of non-Yadavas? What if farmers issue an order to ban eating his or her rice for the sake of his or her love towards his crops? What if a chicken rendering people issue a threat to ban the chicken eating among rice eaters or mutton eaters or beef or pork eaters? What will happen if Chamars ban the shoe wearing of non-Chamars for the sake of their love towards skin of the cow or buffalo? What will happen if the white western Christians ban the entry of Hindus into their countries for the sake of conflict religious beliefs and superstitions or blind beliefs of Hindus that their countries should not get spoiled like irrational Hindu society? What will happen if Western educational institutions ban the students from the non-knowledge societies such as Asia or subcontinent for getting knowledge? Why Indian Hindu government is has lack of intellectuals to define what fundamental right is or what is not? Why can’t majority Hindus failed to understand meaning of Constitutionalism and its philosophy of equality, liberty, freedom and fraternity. What made Hindus to be inferiors in terms of knowledge creation which can be benefited by the universal human being despite of their 6000 years of domination in subcontinent? What made majority Hindus scare of Untouchables or Muslims. Why is Hindu society have failed to produce intellectuals but liars, manipulators, fraud, dishonest, ethically week, morally down, sadhus, sanyasis, etc . I am reminding what a great genius Professor Aloysius said about this uncivilized people in his ground breaking work NATIONALISM WITHOUT A NATION IN INDIA. Majority identities should create a space for intellectual discussions, debate, thought sharing, opinion sharing through vast reading of social sciences with rational approach. Religious tolerance is what Father of Indian Constitution Dr B R Ambedkar said in his classical piece Indian Constitution. When will Hindus follow this great genius who rebelled against uncivilized Hindu religion and its irrational practices?  You can kill progressive minds like us but you can’t kill spirit of progressivism. If billions of irrational Hindus rise to kill progressive minds ineed spirit will not die. I may get killed by Hindutva groups but my spirit will not die. When India would became nation state from the definition of western nationalism. When will Hindus learn to respect minorities and Untouchables for their food habits? Or Should Ambedakr born again from his tomb to teach Hindus what is rationality what is not like Jesus Christ who sacrificed Himself on Cross for the sake of our sins? You can’t focus on national interest without cleaning your kitchen which is filled with human shit. What Untouchables and Muslims want is exercising their freedom of food habits so weaker sections need to live without fear but not national interest. When there is no guarantee of life in your own kitchen then where will you focus on national interests? You may manipulate white western Christian society by sending cheap labout to those countries to serve white people but truth is thicker than blood so soon weaker sections will capture political power through the constitutional means as their Master Ambedakr said, political power is the master key to abolish at lease few hierarchies or inequalities if not religiously well established caste system. What Nicolas Dirks said in his master piece Castes of mind? As long as Indian Hindu society carry castes of mind they won’t became intellectuals or they won’t allow their neighbors with their uncivilized and irrational thoughts and actions. Hindu Brahmins have spoiled the USA, Great Britain, and Australia, Canada or other European countries with their migration to those countries 100 years back by introducing Yoga or mediation. ISCON is another Hindu organization who is converting whites to this uncivilized religion. If you look the knowledge creation of above countries where Hindus are majority knowledge is decreasing year by year. Africa or Middle East countries will be dominating in coming decades in terms of knowledge creation

Saturday, 4 June 2016


I started questioning myself from the very young age that why we (Indians) are so backward, irrational, uncivilized, unscientific in everyday life by deriving attention from my personal experience with my villagers and later on with the whole Indians. I really do not aware of root cause for my villagers later on Indians superstitious, blind beliefs and irrational thoughts and actions in their everyday life. I thought of illiteracy is the main cause for all these uncivilized thoughts and actions but my personal experience with Indian academic community that it is not illiteracy but something is the main root cause for the lack of progressive ideas or big ideas.

I started searching for the root cause for this barbarian attitude of dominant social groups in terms of their relation to their sub-subaltern groups or genders. It is not just Indian academic centers which are producing intellectually inferior degree holders but even so-called premier institutions in the west such as Cambridge University or Oxford University or Harvard University or Columbia University or Sydney University which are taking Indians for their degrees have failed to produce Indian degree holders with progressive ideas after their graduation from these intellectually superior institutions.

I had a greater experience with RSS affiliated Brahmin Student from the Gujarat who did his Masters in Human Rights and Democratization (Asia-Pacific) from the Sydney University, Australia. He is not only the best example to manipulate human rights courses but almost every student from Islamic countries as well as Hindu countries who come to study this Human Rights course at this premier Sydney University. Jewish teachers of this course who are holding power over this Department of Human Rights and Democratization are main culprits who choose high caste Hindus and Muslims with the MHRD scholarship to produce against anti-Christian theology. MHRD under the leadership of Jewish teachers is producing students with dominant ideas to reproduce age old hierarchies, traditions, cultures and manipulations instead of dealing with human rights issues or practicing human rights in everyday life. No MHRD student with the degree has never work for Human Rights but became more traditional, more hierarchical, more women oppressors with the degree they are holding from this MHRD. Jewish teachers of this Masters in Human Rights and Democratization (Asia-Pacific) from the Sydney University knew that these intellectually inferior people from the Hindu and Muslim countries are unproductive; hence, they choose these dominant social groups very selective. MHRD has become anti-Christ rather than anti-social evils. If you look at the face book accounts of these MHRD students or alumni nobody entertain human rights but they are posting their religious priests speeches that are anti-human rights philosophies. It is not just this Brahmin MHRD student from Gujarat who gives various stills of him on Face Book but every Muslim or Hindu or Buddhist do the same thing. They talk of human rights issues like their Jewish teachers inside the class room of MHRD and forget out of these human rights. They come for getting degree from this premier university by submissing various fake documents to claim that they are human rights upholders but in reality they are against rights of sub-subaltern groups and genders.

When I was reading Professor Noam Chomski, he said that greater ideas are greater than millions of people who carry the age old systems to suppress the modernity in the name of culture, tradition, food habits. They are produced, reproduced and imposed, super-imposed by well -established religions which have singular or plural gods and goddesses to guide their intellectually inferior followers in order to carry their age old oppressive traditions and cultures. Chomski is not talking about modern west but Asian mode of culture and tradition. I am indeed experienced what he said in the subcontinent where followers of various gods and goddesses have lack of thinking, reasoning, rational and human skills. What yesterday happened in the University of California where a n Indian psycho named Mainak Sarkar who belonged to Hindu-Brahmin community, killed an intellectually superior white Professor William Klug and white Ashley Hasti, has the history of psycho of 6000 years if we draw attention from the subcontinent and its superimposition of superstitions, blind believes, irrationality, lunatic practices on its followers which produced uncivilized thoughts and actions from the origin of Indian scriptures. Now with this lunatic act of Sarkar who is a Hindu Brahmin how to understand the importance of bigger ideas in order to produce psychologically sound people in subcontinent. There are many questions haunting my mind but unfortunately few are dealing with this psycho pathetic who targeted to eliminate an eminent Professor who is supervising big project of human heart. What is problem with Indian race with Christian knowledge societies who are trying to change the 6000 years of oppressive history of India to modern country which can compete with the human development index goals? What made Indians to hate intellectually superior people in the name of culture, tradition and food habits? I do not say that Islamic countries are greater than Hindu country in terms of human rights issues but the difference between Islamic and Hindu country is that if Islam and its followers is targeting intellectuals openly whereas subcontinent Hindu philosophy and its followers is targeting softly without grabbing attention from the global media. Indeed local media is nothing but a helping hand of these dominant local suppressors who belonged to intellectually inferior Sudra i.e Reddy, Kamma, Velama, Kapu or agricultural castes. If national media i.e. The Hindu or Indian Express is being owned by the intellectually inferior top of the twice born communities then the state media is being occupied by the local Sudra castes. Therefore there is a gentle man agreement between these both intellectually inferior groups that they can’t interfere in their business at state or center but publishing some item news. They started barter system to accumulate Gupta Nidhi for the next 100 generations. Gupta Nidhi has the history of 6000 years oppressiveness in this subcontinent. It is the main reason for economic inequalities in the subcontinent but no Economist dared to talk about this Hindu religious sponsored inequality among Untouchables and tribes. Gupta Nidhi has produced by the socially dominant forces in order to keep Untouchables and Tribals or even women as their slaves forever. Professor Kancha Ilaiah, a Yadav converted Christian to which I belong from the subcontinent who talk of this Gupta Nidhi and its consequences on Indian sub-subaltern groups in creating economic inequalities since the arrival of foreign Aryans. As this eminent Professor observed Gupta Nidhi (Block money) has sent intellectually inferior dominat castes to premier institutions in Christian nations to spoil intellectually superior Christian societies with their low or backward academic or knowledge skills or IQ levels. Mainak Sarkar is come from this back ground. It is not only Sarkar but Indians who are going to Christian societies are coming from the same Gupta Nidhi back ground.

When a society does not have knowledge like Indian Hindu society then there won’t be any change in any aspect of their life locally or nationally. You have to compete with the international community to carry human rights to uplift your fellow human being. Human Rights courses at west or Western upliftment of intellectually inferior non-Western people to give citizenship or Permanent Residence to stay in their societies has the strong history of Biblical guidance which says love your fellow human being and uplift your neighbor. Hindu or Islamic philosophies have to learn from this Biblical theology to love and to uplift poor and needy who is your neighbor. He or she may be Untouchable or Touchable. You should learn from the way in which Christian west is accommodating you even though you are intellectually inferior without any skills. Love your neighbor be it Untouchable or Touchable. Uplift your neighbor like you are getting visa from the Christian west to upgrade your life style. Do not worship false gods or do not worship any idols which are crushing your progressive thoughts and actions. Follow UNO’s millennium goals to reduce culture, tradition, superstitions, blind beliefs, poverty, corruption, violence, untoucahbility, hierarchies, etc


Wednesday, 27 April 2016


Epistemological transgression is threat to any human society which is seeking for transnational changes in term of social justice.  European human societies are changing day by day by its progressive ideas. But Asian human societies are remained within the framework of pseudo and hypocritical societies with the strong epistemological transgression. I am thirty nine years by seeing the unchanged civil society from its blind beliefs and superstitions. I got my highest Doctorate Degree in education at the age of thirty one. It is a long time for anyone to get this highest degree but I have seen many intellectuals in this academic trajectories ranging from CSCS to Sydney University. I have seen English speaking teachers at the CSCS without any radical practices. For them radical thought means living together or dating or smoking or cross sitting or calling by name. Of course I am sure that they are radical in their own world view of within the centers like CSCS or CSSS or CSDS but what about their invisible traditional behaviors with the Untouchable groups or first generation groups or non-English speaking individuals. However my personal experience with non-meritorious traditional people in civil society or academicians inside the academics has used these epistemological transgressions to ruin the creative ideas in order to change the society from its barbarian ideas to civilized thought. I have travelled all the way from a small government school to APRDC-Nagarjuna Sagar, Hyderabad University, Pondicherry University, Babasaheb Ambedkar National Institute of Social Sciences-Madhya Pradesh, Center for the Study of Culture and Society-Bangalore, Jamia Milia Islamia-New Delhi, Federal University of Bahia-Brazil, Sydney University-Australia and Dravidian University-Andhra Pradesh. Perhaps, most of my personal experience with various teachers at these institutions has reminded my childhood days experience with different groups. As I had been observed many teachers I have understood that they are just government employees rather than knowledge creators. At least Brazilian or Australians teachers are professionals but Asian teacher’s particularly Indian teachers are more liked feudal in their thought process or behavior patterns.  They love modern form of slavery in the educational research institutions. I never come across any university teacher who teaches by reading vast literature on particular subject. They are like everyone who comes to university for salary purpose. Indian teachers at universities are in their own business of getting perks and salaries rather than creating knowledge. For Indian teachers research institution means an elementary school. Sometimes elementary school teachers are having profound knowledge about social evils but these university teachers are neither teachers nor researchers in any sense. They do not even know the meaning of research. One Brahmin teavher at a non-meritorious university in Kuppam had argued that how come you apply Gramsci in Indian context when I am recontexualizing Gramscian term Organic intellectual as well as hegemony to Ambedkar. This Hindu-Brahmin teacher says that Gramsci never say anything about caste so how can you use Gramsci in India? This is his research mind to understand what a poor research skills he does have. For most of university teachers in India Gramsci or Althusier or Derrida are unknown. Indian teachers produce unproductive ideas or poor ideas which are outdated with their traditional approach. Even their outdated ideas are not fit for measuring as intellectual ideas.  Phenomenological research is very important to dig the realities of epistemological transgression of Indian academic scholarship. Indeed one should do serious phenomenological studies to bring the realities of Indian society.  Organic intellectuals with protagonist ideas have questioned these vertical hierarchies of civil society that sanctioned by their well established religious scriptures. Nobody dared to question their sanctity except obeying and practicing it on their own human being. I understood the character of Indian or Asian society from my own personal experiences right from my childhood days to present day by holding a strong Doctorate Degree. My Doctorate degree has taught me read the character of Indian civil society critically rather than with positive mind. For me positive thinking is always threat to modernity. Positive thinkers are most dangerous than snakes. Vegetarian communities are most brutal thinkers and activists who are ruining the civil society from its barbarian nature to become a civilized society.

Sunday, 24 April 2016


Professor Kancha Ilaiah, kuruma by caste, sister community of Yadav who converted to Christianity by faith, is one of the revolutionary scholars of south Asia whose works are creating ripples in the heart of lunatic Hindus. He is an icon for sub-subaltern groups in Indian subcontinent. His academic writings are more powerful than the Karl Marx and Dr B R Ambedkar. He is the first radical thinker who rejected Brahmanical Hinduism in any form after Periyar Ramasamy. Indeed, Periyar Ramasamy was the first radical activist against Hindu idols. He used to destroy the Hindu temples in Tamil speaking region. Nobody can equate to Ramasamy in standing against Brahmanical Hinduism. Following the footsteps of Periyar Ramasamy or Mahatma Jothibha Phule or Dr B R Ambedkar or Kanshi Ram, Kancha Ilaiah is publishing thought breaking academic writings by deconstructing the myths of Hindutva theories and practices. His:

Manatatwam (in Telugu), have shaken the Indian academy. His Dalit-bahujan discourse in Indian academy has brought out many realities of Brahmanical conspiracy to suppress the freedom of thought, critique, truth and adequate research in Indian academy. Brahmanical or non-Brahmanical writings have spoiled the spirit of knowledge creation. Most interestingly, writes the dalitbahujan intellectual Kancha Ilaiah, one can derive social theories and history that were kept invisible, for centuries, to the society from these (personal) experiences. Personal experience brings out reality in a striking way. I argue that this is the only possible and indeed the most authentic way in which the deconstruction and reconstruction of history can take place. (Why I am not a Hindu, P.xii). Personal experiences can also be used to assess/interrogate the relation between individual and socio-cultural theories. Hence, his Dalit-bahujan identity has broken the Indian academy from its Brahmanical writings to Dalit writings but unfortunately scholars who are writing on Dalit modernity are not coming from the Dalit communities but non-Dalit communities such as Professor Kancha Ilaiah or Professor Sharmila Rege. Ambedkar followers in the Indian academy are sleeping without any academic work. Therefore non-Dalit communities such as Yadav to which Professor Kancha Ilaiah belong or Madiga to which Dr Gundimeda Sambaiah belong or some progressive Brahmins to which Dr Ananya Vajpay, Professor Rajni Kotari and Professor Upendra Bakshi belong and non-Brahmins like Professor G Aloysius and Professor Sharmila Rege belong, took the responsibility of these lazy Ambedkar followers who never read and write except spoiling the spirit of academic discourses by their caste groups. Above thought breaking scholars are representing the cause of Dalits in academic discourses. It is a shame for shameless Ambedkar followers in the academics. But they never feel ashamed of depending on non-Mala or non-Mahar communities for intellectual writings on their issues. Ilaiah’s creative writings are thought breaking with ground breaking realities of Hindu society. One can’t write the Indian history, polity, philosophy and culture and tradition without going through the writings of Professor Kancha Ilaiah.


Indian cinema industry is one of the most non-meritorious film industries in the world. It is filled with full of non-meritorious actors, actresses, directors etc with block money producers with the back of high political offices. They are being worshipped by uneducated Indians by constructing temples for them. It is irony that Indians does not have culture of analyzing cinema or its characters in a progressive way because Indians have the culture of plagiarizing from the west in any sector with re-productive cinema making or stealing knowledge from the west. Indian cinema industry is characterless, ethic less with full of corrupted people. I am not using HINDUTVA way of character but character is always associated with the moral values. Moral values if any one applies to the Indian cinema are not fit into broader category of ethics because Hindu society is not having ethical stamina to recognize originality or progressive knowledge. It knows only copy from the western cinema but Indian cinema is full of copy from the Hollywood movies. Bahubali or any other Indian box office hit cinemas i.e Magadeerudu are 110% copied from the Hollywood movies then where is the question of OSCAR AWARD to Indian actors or actresses or directors or any other departments of cinema when they are copying from the white western Christian cinema Hollywood industry? Bahubali director managed to get award from the non-meritorious central government who does not value knowledge creation. The director of Bahubali is not having shame to copy from the Hollywood movies. When you have a government with non-meritorious ministers then there won’t be room for any knowledge based movies except plagiarized movies. Indian cinema does not know meaning of making movie with original stories or actions without plagiarism from the west because it is their culture to copy from the white western Christian Hollywood film industry. Whenever I see Cinema Awards in India there are common actors and actress in every award functions. For example Amitab Bachan or Ishwarya Roy is one of the non-meritorious actors in Indian cinema industry but managing their stardom without any personal talents but caste and religion card to survive in the industry like anyone. Now they are indulged in the PANAMA scam. They should be tested by LIE DETECTOR for denying their role in this scam. The ironical news is that BJP government is trying to make this non-meritorious actor (Amitab Bachhan) as a president of this country. Of course Indian Hindu culture itself is a corrupt so there is no question of pinpointing some Amithab Bachan or Ishwarya Roy for their corrupted or unethical life. Corruption or scams or unethical life are not new to this Indian cinema industry but they are spoiling the spirit of originality by copying from the western movies. There is NO Indian movie without copying from the white western Christian Hollywood movies right from its beginning. But there are funny awards for these non-meritorious actors and actresses or directors for their non-meritorious actions in India. Indian political parties are happy to use these non-meritorious actors or actresses for various unethical reasons. Actresses or heroines in Indian cinema are sexual objects rather than doing serious characters on par with so-called hero in movies. Where there is a room for originality there will be a knowledge based society without corruption or scams or unethical life. But unfortunately Indian cinema has surrounded by non-meritorious actors and actress or directors or producers or singers with same caste and same religion back ground. As long as Indians remain uneducated without valuing knowledge their society will remain with uncivilized theories and practices without becoming progressive society. Self-flattering Indian society should learn from the white western Christian society to live like with truth or ethical life. One can’t expect ethics in a society where there is no room for question and answer, transparency, debate, discussion, reading, writing with strong progressive ideas of society. Every Hindu is corrupt and unethical in practicing Untouchability on his fellow human being. Women are not progressive in their attitude or behavior with their fellow human being who is not belonged to their community or religion. Indian audience should have rationality or knowledge to judge any matter but unfortunately Indian ideas have produced unproductive, non-intellectuals, irrationals, casteist, and corrupt, self-flattering people in this so-called 6000 years history of Indian society. When will Indian society have strong ethical stamina to recognize human being as human being without looking at their socio-religious-race places? When will uneducated Indians learnt to respect fellow human being or when will Indians have sports or cinema spirit in progressive way? When will they carry rationality in their everyday life? When will Indians stop hero-worship in any form? When will Indians respect greater ideas than non-meritorious icons?

Tuesday, 19 April 2016


 Thomas Paine (January 29, 1737 – June 8, 1809) is one of the founding father of United States of America with highly intellectual mind. He is a most influential political activist, thinker with powerful brain unlike his counterparts in south Asian or Asian  political space who enjoy the life of unproductively without knowing the meaning of reason of human birth with lunatic theories and practices of well established their lie based religion. Paine ’s highly influential books  Rights of Man (1791) or The Age of Reason (1793-94)  or his powerful pamphlets Common Sense (1776) or his another pamphlet The American Crisis(1776-83) have changed the scenario of human societies from their inegalitarian practices to egalitarian practices. Of course Mahatma Jotibha Phule(11 April 1827 – 28 November 1890) -a converted Christian from the Mali or sister caste of powerful Yadav community from Maharashtra- founding father of Indian modernity has highly influenced by the writings of Paine’s Rights of Man or The Age of Reason. Jothibha Phule was the first social transformer in India by opening schools for women and Untouchables in western India. The condition of 19th century is that no women or Untouchable should learn education. They are not allowed to enter into schools or public spheres. They were not allowed to walk with foot wear. They were not allowed to speak in public places. This is the condition of women and Untouchable under the leadership of Hindu-Brahmin Peshwa. Of course Peshwas were supported by another Hindu King-Shivaji-the icon for Hindu brutal organizations RSS or Bajrangdal or Shiva Sena or VHP or BJP. Before Shivaji, YADAVAS were the rulers of Maharashtra who allowed critics to criticize their policies unconditionally. Yadav’s have ruled entire India. They have ruled Devgiri in south India. Indeed, they are also highly brahmanical with the uncivilized practices of Hindu religion. However, they are far advanced than the non-Yadav Hindu communities in Indian subcontinent. Yadava community has a strong history of modernity or resistance from the beginning of Gurram Jashuva who reconstructed the inegalitarian Indian Hindu society from the egalitarian perspective of Christianity. They (Yadav Kings to which one of my parent belong) never allow partiality or discrimination or inequalities in their ruling kingdoms. For instance Gurram Jadhuva (28 September 1895 – 24 July 1971)-founding father of Modernity in south India has written numerous classical poems against the well established theories and practices of Hindu society. He born into Christian converted Madiga-Yadav communities in 20th century. Another predominant anti-Hindu intellectual Kancha Ilaiah is writing against the well established Hindu cultures in India. His Why I am not a Hindu-A Critique of Hindu Religion has created ripples in the heart of Hindus across the globe. He is also believed in Jesus Christ-Son of God. His speeches are ground breaking realities in India. Therefore, Yadav community is playing an important role of protagonist against the antagonistic role of Hindu myths. For instance, Yadav parties SP or RJD in Uttar Pradesh or Bihar have defeated Hindu’s party BJP or Congress in every election. Yadav’s are restricting Hindutva brutal forces without penetrating into central India or north India. But unfortunately Yadav’s in south India are not so well educated to restrict the Hindutva forces. However, my Yadav Mother SUGUNA YADAV who born to YADAV DORA (Dora means local chief of the villages) PATNALA SIMHADRI YADAV and RAAMAYAMMA YADAV married my Christian-Madiga father in resistance to Hindutva’s purity and pollution notions. My maternal grandparents have accepted my father even though they have restricted him initially.

Thomas Paine’s Rights of Man, Mahatma Jothibha Phule-A Yadav by caste-was the foremost social reformers of the Indian subcontinent who raised his voice for the rights of Indian women and untouchables. He opened his schools for Brahmin women who have been treated as sub-humans by their Brahmin husbands. Phule had opened schools with the support of white western Christian missionaries whose contributions in the upliftment of India’s under-privilized sections including Brahmin women never been forgotten in the history of human progressive in India. Pandita Ramabai-a Brahmin converted Christian widow fought against her own uncivilized practices of Brahmin caste with the support of Phule or his followers. Dr B R Ambedkar had claimed Mahatma Jothibha Phule as his mentor who influenced Ambedkar throughout his life. Jothibha Phules classical piece Gulam Giri in Marathi or Slavery in English translation. Phule had dedicated his SLAVERY to the good people of the United States of America as a token of admiration for their sublime disinterested and self-sacrificing devotion in the case of Negro slavery; and with an earnest desire, that my country men may take their noble example as their guide in the emancipation of their Sudra brethren from the trammels of Brahmin thraldom. Dr B R Ambedkar carried the legacy of what Mahatma Jothibha Phule desired and wished and Greatest Scientist turned Social Reformer Kanshi Ram-founder of Chamar/Madiga party Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) had achieved what Mahatma Jothibha Phule wished to capture political power to save from the clutches of Hindutva prison. Yadav’s SP & RJD or Chamar’s BSP are the powerful political parties who are restricting the Hindutva forces in North and Central India with the egalitarian principles.

Thomas Paine’s influence in Indian subcontinent is uncountable in transforming Indian Hindu society from its uncivilized thought process to civilized thought process from the beginning of Yadav converted Christians: Mahatma Jothibha Phule to Gurram Jashuva to Kancha Ilaiah to my mother SUGUNA YADAV who are applying Thomas Paine’s RIGHTS AND REASON in Indian society with their greatest practices of noble principles of equality, liberty, freedom and fraternity.


Sunday, 17 April 2016


White western Christian society is juxtaposed to what Christ did for the most oppressed sections during HIS life time. He loved, cared most oppressed sections in His life time by questioning the well established inequalities and discrimination by spreading His own kingdom-a kingdom without caste-class-gender-race less society. His kingdom is different from the kingdoms of Hindu gods and goddess where there is NO place for Untouchables. He (Jesus Christ) inspired entire human society by sacrificing His life for the sake of sinners i.e. priests, rulers, landlords, industrialists, administrators, pseudo intellectuals who exploited the oppressed groups in the name of purity and impurity. He is the victim of human lies. He showed love, care, and sacrificed and affection, humanity to the humans to care his or her fellow human being without looking at their socio-economic, color, gender and religious conditions. He is the first human who taught the most dangerous human to love and care his or her fellow human being and living creatures without discrimination.

But unfortunately His (Jesus Christ) followers in the white western Christian society became most dangerous humans for establishing unequal based societies by discriminating most vulnerable sections by supporting dominant groups from every society by issuing Visas or by giving full fellowships to study at their premier institutions and by giving citizenship and finally by practicing and worshiping these well stabled cultures which are separated human beings in the name of high caste and low caste in Asia. There is NO room for sub-subaltern sections in these developed countries. Their Visas are gate keepers by restricting Untouchables for studies or jobs. They (white western Christian) became hypocrites who neglected the most oppressed sections of the world by supporting well established hegemonic groups from the other human societies where humans are not treated as humans but worst than animals. Hindus from India treat their fellow humans who are untouchables as sub-humans than the animals. An untouchable life is no value than the cow-an animal.

Cow is more precious than the life of Untouchable in India. Untouchable is equal to curry leaf to Hindu in India. If you ask a Hindu whose life is important to you he or she says cow is more important than the life of Untouchable without second thought. Jhajjar district of Haryana is an example to show that the life of Untouchable is NOT important than the cow. Untouchables were lynched to death by mob of Hindus for the sake of eating dead cow. It is not just Jhajjar but any Hindu attitude or behavior is same towards Untouchable from any corner of this country is the same in regard to Untouchables. There is NO single day passing without raping an Untouchable or without killing an Untouchable or without social boycotting an Untouchable in India or Nepal or even in Muslim countries.

White western Christian society is making a Hindu more powerful, strong, dominant and rigid by supporting culture and tradition of Hindu religion. A civilized man never support Hindu culture in any form because it has separated human from human in the name of purity and pollution. There is no different from the Indian Hindu or Western Hindu in terms of practicing uncivilized behavior with the Untouchable. White western Christians and their international organizations such as United Nations Organization (UNO) or European Union (EU) or World Bank or UNICEF etc is lover of Hindu culture and tradition. Chief of the European Union was so dear to the Brahmin students at this course.

Let me remind my personal bitter experiences with Jewish teachers, white western Christian teachers and Asian teachers at my Master of Human Rights and Democratization(MHRD) (Asia-Pacific) at Department of Human Rights and democratization (Asia-Pacific) at the prestigious Sydney University, Sydney, Australia that they (Jewish Teachers) select only Hindu-BRAHMINS from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Indonesia and high caste Muslims from the Muslim countries with full fellowship to study this degree. Honestly saying, MHRD course at the prestigious Sydney University, Sydney, Australia is filled with most dangerous, traditional teachers and students from Israel and Asia-Pacific. MHRD is like our Indian universities in terms of time passing without any serious outcome from their students.

MHRD is using for lifting Hindu Brahmins to settle in Australia or any white western Christian world. MHRD invites only high caste Hindus or Muslims with full scholarship in the name of Human Rights Advocates. These are the people who are agents of age old Hindu culture and tradition. I am the first non-Brahmin Yadav-Madiga student who went with scholarship to study but I have faced bitter experience by seeing behavior of the Jewish teachers and Hindu Brahmins or high caste Muslim students who support tradition, culture and religion. As Karl Marx said when the religion is an opium of masses to sponsor violence, discrimination and hierarchies these same so-called human rights students are very much agents of age old Hindu or Muslim hierarchical practices and theories. A Muslim girl from the Pakistan never removes her Burkha from her body or she never even shows her face. A Brahmin from India or Nepal never tells the truths about his or her Hindu religion. A Buddhist from Nepal or China never reveals the realities of their religious atrocities on their non-believers.

When I went to study this course in 2011 there were many Brahmin students from India, Nepal, Malaysia and Indonesia. One of Brahmin law student was my classmate from Gujarat who is a member of most dangerous Hindutva organization Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). He invited with full scholarship to pursue this Human Rights course. Most importantly his father did this one year course with full scholarship from the Sydney University. His father is a senior RSS activist. He with other Brahmin students from other Asian countries used to show Hindu culture as a most respectable culture by touching the feet of teachers in Sydney. Jewish teachers were so happy with his loyalty. Human Rights Departments from the west are no different from the departments of human rights from the Indian universities in terms of carrying the legacy of Gandhi or his Hindutva movement for establishing Ram Rajya. Prince and Princess of Great Britain are visiting graveyard of Gandhi in India but Mahatma Jothibha Phule or Periyar Ramasamy or Dr B R Ambedkar has not even visible to this couples who led the liberation movement from the clutches of Hindu religion and Gandhism. White western Christians are most dangerous than the Hindu Brahmins in India or Nepal in well establishing inequalities by their Visa requirements to settle dominant forces from Asia to suppress Untouchables with their prospective DOLORS. Dolor is danger than Indian rupee to create egalitarian society in India.

But NO human rights student from this MHRD opens his or her mouth in support of Untouchables of Asia. It is me who started talking about Hindus atrocities against Untouchables. Jewish teachers as well as Brahmin students started isolating me. Finally there was a complaint on me from the Hindu-Brahmins, high caste Muslims and Buddhists from Nepal and China that I am hurting the feelings and sentiments of Hindu Brahmins by talking against Hindus behavior towards Untouchables.

My Jewish Director and Jewish teachers called me and warned me that I would be removed from the course if I hurt the feelings and sentiments of Hindus in any form. Ironically the official rooms of MHRD Director or Teachers are filled with Hindu God-Ganesha in the name of South Asian culture. Ganesha is a symbol of South Asian studies. It is not just case with the Sydney University but also at the entire Europe and other white western Christian universities. There is NO single university in the west without Brahmins without fellowships. But what is their outcome of this fellowship is nobody knows except using it for settle in those developed countries. Visa requirements for studies or jobs are dearest to Hindus in Asia for entry into white western Christian societies.