Friday, 11 February 2022

Sanath Kumara


Sanath Kumara

“You were born in another repressive Sri Lankan society.

Simhala Buddhist society or Tamil Hindu society are both repressive societies.

Simhala and Tamil societies are casteist societies with its

Deep-rooted vertical caste hierarchies

Deep-rooted gender hierarchies

Deep-rooted violence

Deep-rooted lies

Deep-rooted superstitions

Deep-rooted blind beliefs

Deep-rooted corruption

Falsely persecuted individuals

I have personal experience with both the Simhala and Tamil communities.

They are agents of repressive ideologies.

But it is a Buddhist tourist sight.

The world is hiding Sri Lankan repressive ideologies.

A tiny country with a deeply ingrained repressive ideology

Whether Simhala or Tamil, both are agents of violence,

We Indians worship cows as mothers.

Your Simhala reveres the cow as their grandmother.

There is a link between the repressive ideologies of Hindu India and Buddhist Sri Lanka.

It produced lie-based human rights students.

Just like its mother, Indian human rights students,

South Asian deception

Asian dramas are dehumanizing us.

There is no place for us.

We are generational victims in our society.

Our tormentors are glorified worldwide.

We are projected as hate speakers by western agents of our Asian tormentors.

Asian skin and South Asian skin are thick and hard.

Western skin falls for Asian skin.

Asian skin is so hard to liberate from its violence.

Asian skin is so hard to liberate from its lies.

Asian skin is so hard to liberate from its social theory of corruption.

Asian skin is so hard to liberate from its civilizational lies.

Western skin is watering our Asian skin.

Asian skin is deeply rooted in Western land, with its systematic lies.

Our lives do not matter.

We are curry leaves for our western civilized skin.

Asian skin is laughing at us.

They knew our voice was nothing but a shit in the eyes of westerners.

Every moment we lose breath.

There is no man’s land for us.

Our western skin is drumming for our Asian skin.

They are welcoming, with millions of visas.

Since the social theory of corruption is our foundation of society,

Hegemonic castes, communities, and religions are migrating to the west with their massive wealth.

It is irony.

Anti-corruption Western lands are welcoming deep-rooted corruption from eastern lands.

Politically correct

Socially accepted

Families are welcome.

Lies started

Every moment of deception is a moment of deception.

The west becomes the east.

East is currently tuning in.

West is currently dancing.

The social theory of corruption is deep-rooted in the west now.

There is no scope for our liberation.

The multicultural slogan is deeply ingrained.

Multiculturalism is nothing but a welcome lie.

Multiculturalism is nothing more than the acceptance of repressive ideologies.

Multiculturalism is nothing but welcoming violence.

Multiculturalism is nothing but a welcoming barbarian way of life.

Multiculturalism is nothing but welcoming traditional ideologues.

Through multiculturalism, the most radical Western societies have become the most traditional societies.

In multicultural societies, there is no scope for any true truth.

In multicultural societies, there is no scope for any honest debate.

In multicultural societies, there is no scope for equality.

In multicultural societies, there is no scope for any freedom of speech.

In multicultural societies, there is no scope for any freedom of thought.

In multicultural societies, there is no scope for critical thinking.

In multicultural societies, there is no scope for any kind of liberation.

The eastern hegemonic establishment is the goal of western policy.

There is no place for the eastern subaltern in western ideology.

The United Kingdom is prioritizing anti-LGBTQ immigration.

It is filled with tens of millions of anti-LGBTQ communities.

Once progressive, London has become Afghanistan.

America, once radical, has now become the Middle East and North Africa.

White westerners, who were once humanistic, have now acquired Asian skin.

Now white has become Asian brown and Asian black.

We are dying.

They are celebrating.

Across time and space, we are victims.

They are tormentors.

Eastern tormentors are becoming lawmakers in the west.

Leaving no scope for the safety of our lives,

We have to drum for our voices.

There is no western drum for us.

We are a burden for them.

Peace is always a burden for them.

Violence is loved by them.

You died in the hands of male and female chauvinists.

In our society, males and females share the sin of our lives.

Either patriarchic or matriarchic, they are our oppressors.

Noam Chomsky is always right about the social theory of western corruption.

Rest in peace.

Rest in power.

We have no hope of living with dignity and respect.

Sri Lanka is another muddy piece of Buddhist society.

Just like its mother India's mucky Hindu society.”


Day 12 Campaign: Dedicated to a young Sanath Kumara was a 34-year-old Sri Lankan Buddhist trans woman and HIV advocate who was murdered in Sri Lanka on September 5, 2017.


Can we have a transgender woman as the next Secretary-General of UNO? Can we have a transgender woman as the next Director-General of WHO?


Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla, Author of "Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship"

Author of  “Dalit/Untouchable Anthology: Untouchable Lived Experiences” (

Author of “An Intellectual History of Anti-Caste Philosophers in India: A Study on Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar” (

Published poems by Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla at My poetic side



Twitter:  Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter

Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook

 YouTube: Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship/ Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla



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