The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is a global human rights campaign that is campaigning for the rights of LGBTQ communities, black queer communities, untouchable castes, black lives matter, anti-slavery, anti-corruption, peace, nonviolence, democracy, justice, equality, liberty, freedom, and equity for all marginalized sections across the globe. HRC is thriving in its goal of achieving a just society in which all of the above-mentioned persecuted communities are safe. #BLMLGBTQLivesMatter.
Wednesday, 1 December 2021
Letter to my Late Father Mattimalla Titus, alias Anand-Translated by Alena Lerchova
6th letter
Dear Naanna,
We knew we were dead psychologically and sociologically with our ontological wounds. We the Untouchables are not new to death, naanna. Ours is a psychological death and sociological death, unlike our Hindu tormentors, who have only physical death, naanna.
Naanna, I am really sorry that I failed to help you or my mother, sister, and their children to save them from this psychological and sociological death.
Naanna, is there any untouchable without dying psychologically and/or sociologically? I wonder if there is any naanna.
Naanna, rest in peace.
Your son,
Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla
B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D(History)
Author of "Why I Am
Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship"
Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable
Rejecting India’s Citizenship (English Edition)
Twitter: Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter,
Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook
Dopis číslo 6
Drahý otče,
Věděli jsme, že jsme skrze svá trvalá zranění psychicky i sociállní smrt, na rozdíl od našich hinduistických trýznitelů, kteří znají jen smrt fyzickou, otče.
Otče, je mi nesmírně líto, že jsem tebe, mou matku, sestru a její děti nepomohl zachránit před touto psychickou a sociální smrtí.
Otče, žil kdy nedotknutelný, aniž byl psychicky a sociálně mrtvý? Přemýšlím, jsi to ty, otče.
Otče, odpočívej v pokoji.
Tvůj syn,
Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla
B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D(History)
Author of "Why I Am
Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship"
Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable
Rejecting India’s Citizenship (English Edition)
Twitter: Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter,
Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook
Letter to my Late Father Mattimalla Titus, alias Anand-Translated by Alena Lerchova
5th letter
Dear Naanna,
I am reading dialectics. I am reading what it means and it says ‘human discourse that produces truth' naanna. But our south Asian discourse is a discourse of crime against humanity naanna. Generally, dialectics, whether they are Hegelian dialects or Kantian dialects or John Rawlsian dialects or Slavoj Zizek dialects or Michael Foucaudian dialects, or Biblical dialectics, disclose the social realities of their respective societies, naanna. But I wonder if there is any dialect at all in Indian society?
Naanna, you were subjected to the lies of Indian dialectics your entire life, from birth to death. You were persecuted throughout your life like any untouchable naanna. But so-called global human rights bodies never voice for your dehumanization naanna because it is a giant Anakonda they can’t defeat naanna. We are ants, naanna. We are female Mayfliers naanna.
Naanna, I am hoping that you are enjoying dialectics in Heaven, Naanna. I do not know whether there are dialectics in Heaven or I really do not know what Heaven looks like, but we all know what ‘hell on earth’ means, naanna. We only know suffering, pain, humiliation, rejection, reduction, hell in the form of our caste system, and untouchability naanna.
Naanna, even psychoanalytic theorists have failed to analyze the depth of our ontological wounds through this heinous caste system and untouchability naanna. It is an ontological wound from our birth to death.
I am done naanna. I can’t even dare touch their Mother India naanna, which created this ontological wound in me like every "walking-corpse" naanna.
Naanna, the obnoxious practices of the caste system and untouchability have killed you at a very young age.
Sorry, naanna; I wanted to tell you about my caste-based humiliation, degradation, dehumanization, and untouchability from elementary school to university in India, Brazil, Australia, and Ethiopia, but I restrained myself so as not to hurt you.
Now you are not here and you will never come to us except we should come to you naanna. You are unreachable now like they put us in our ghettoes. Our ghettoes are unreachable to them.
Naanna, I am a free human being in European society. I have obtained human status here in Europe, naanna.
See you in the future.
Your son ‘Untouchable Spring"
Dr. Suryaraju
Mattimalla B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D(History)
Author of "Why
I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship"
Why I Am Not Indian: The
Untouchable Rejecting India’s Citizenship (English Edition)
Twitter: Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter,
Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook
5th letter in Czech: Translated on November 07, 2021, by Alena Lerchova
Dopis č. 5
Drahý otče,
Čtu dialektiku. Čtu, co to znamená, a říká to "lidský diskurz, který produkuje pravdu" otče. Ale náš jihoasijský diskurz je diskurzem zločinu proti lidskosti otče. Dialektika, ať už se jedná o hegelovské dialektiky nebo kantovské dialektiky nebo dialektiky Johna Rawlsiana nebo dialektika Slavoje Zizeka nebo dialekty Michaela Foukaaudského nebo biblickou dialektiku, odhalují společenskou realitu svých společností, otče. Ale zajímalo by mě, jestli je v indické společnosti vůbec nějaká dialektika?
Otče, byl jsi vystaven lžím indické dialektiky celý život, od narození až po smrt. Byl jsi celý život pronásledován jako každý jiný Nedotknutelný otče. Ale takzvané globální orgány pro lidská práva neslyší na tvoji ponížení otče, protože to je obrovská Anakonda, kterou nemohou porazit otče. Jsme mravenci, otče. Jsme jako jepice otče.
Otče, doufám, že si užíváš dialektiku v nebi, otče. Nevím, zda existuje v nebi dialektika a opravdu nevím, jak vypadá nebe, ale všichni víme, co znamená "peklo na zemi", Otče. Známe jen utrpení, bolest, ponížení, odmítnutí, omezení, peklo v podobě našeho kastovního systému a nedotknutelnosti otče.
Otče, dokonce ani teoretici psychoanalýzy nedokázali analyzovat hloubku našich ran tohoto ohavného kastovního systému a nedotknutelnosti otče. Jde o celoživotní zranění, zranění od našeho narození až po smrt.
Skončil jsem s Otče. Neodvažuji se dotknout Matky Indie otče, té, která ze mě udělala "chodící mrtvolu" otče.
Otče, nesnesitelné praktiky kastovního systému a nedotknutelnost tě zabily ve velmi mladém věku.
Promiň, Otče; Chtěl jsem ti říct o mém kastovním ponížení, hanbě, odlidštění a nedotknutelnosti od základní školy po univerzitu v Indii, Brazílii, Austrálii a Etiopii, ale zdržel jsem se, abych ti neublížil.
Teď tu nejsi a nikdy už k nám nepřijdeš, to my jednou přijdeme za tebou. Jsi nyní nedosažitelný, jako by nás dali do našich ghett. Naše ghetta jsou pro ně nedosažitelná.
Otče, jsem svobodná lidská bytost v evropské společnosti. Získal jsem lidský status tady v Evropě, Otče.
Uvidíme se v budoucnosti.
Tvůj syn "Nedotknutelné jaro"
Dr. Suryaraju
Mattimalla B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D(History)
Author of "Why
I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship"
Why I Am Not Indian: The
Untouchable Rejecting India’s Citizenship (English Edition)
Twitter: Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter,
Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook
Letter to my Late Father Mattimalla Titus, alias Anand-Translated by Alena Lerchova
My Dear Naanaa/Father
You were born, raised, and died as an
untouchable. Our burial ground is also separate from their crematorium like
our houses are. We are part apart since we have been untouchables for the last
6000 years. Your dream of dying in a caste-less, untouchability-less society
remains a dream, just like any other untouchable dream. We are the production
and reproduction of the state and civil society. You died in my absence.
Naanna, your last wish of seeing my son can’t be fulfilled in my situation. You
are gone from that muddy piece of Hindu land. Naana, I promise you that I will
never die in Hindu land, even though I was born in Hindu land. I promise you at
any cost I won’t die in that muddy piece of Hindu land.
Naanna, Who is responsible for our
caste-produced poverty? Who is responsible for our untouchability-produced
death? Who is responsible for our life-long persecution from cradle to death?
Who is responsible for our dehumanization process from birth to death? Naanna,
I was born and raised in a Hindu land, but I promise you I won’t die in India.
Naanna, May Christ give you a place in
His Heavenly Kingdom for your honest life. Unlike billions of Hindus, you did
not have a home, gold, or bank balance.
Naanna, Thank you for teaching me a
moral life that I will uphold till my last breath. I promise you to lead my
life with your moral values.
Thank you, Naanna; you gave me
everything when you have nothing. But today, I was not there when you died. I
can’t reach you to see your face nanna. Please accept my apology.
Your son
Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla
B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D(History)
Author of "Why I Am
Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship"
Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable
Rejecting India’s Citizenship (English Edition)
Twitter: Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter,
Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook
Můj drahý otče,
Narodil jsi se,
vyrostl a zemřel jako nedotknutelný. Naše pohřebiště jsou oddělené od jejich
krematoria, stejně jako naše domy. Jsme součástí sebe, protože jsme byli
nedotknutelní posledních 6000 let. Váš sen o smrti ve společnosti bez kasty a
nedotknutelnosti zůstává snem, stejně jako každý jiný sen. Jsme produktem a
reprodukcí státu a občanské společnosti.
Zemřel jsi v mé
nepřítomnosti. Otče, tvé poslední přání vidět mého syna nemůže být v mé situaci
splněno. Odešel jsi z toho blátivého kusu hinduistické země. Otče, slibuji, že
nezemřu v hinduistické zemi, i když jsem se tam narodil. Slibuji ti za každou
cenu, že v tom blátivém kousku hinduistické země nezemřu.
Otče, kdo je
zodpovědný za naši kastovní chudobu? Kdo je zodpovědný za naši smrt vyvolanou
nedotknutelností? Kdo je zodpovědný za naše celoživotní pronásledování od
kolébky až po smrt? Kdo je zodpovědný za náš proces odlidštění od narození do
Otče, narodil jsem se
a vyrostl v hinduistické zemi, ale slibuji ti, že v Indii nezemřu.
Otče, kéž ti Kristus
dá místo ve svém nebeském království pro tvůj čestný život. Na rozdíl od
miliard hinduistů jsi neměl domov, zlato ani bankovní zůstatek.
Otče, děkuji ti, že
jsi mě naučil morálnímu životu, který budu udržovat až do svého posledního
dechu. Slibuji, že povedeš můj život svými morálními hodnotami.
Děkuji, otče; dal jsi
mi všechno, i když jsi neměl nic. Dnes jsem nebyl u toho, když jsi zemřel.
Nemůžu se k tobě dostat, abych viděl tvou tvář,otče. Omlouvám se,
Tvůj syn
Mattimalla B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D(Historie)
Author of "Why I Am
Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship"
Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable
Rejecting India’s Citizenship (English Edition)
Twitter: Dr Suryaraju
Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter,
Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook
Letter to my Late Father Mattimalla Titus, alias Anand-Translated by Alena Lerchova
My Dear Naanna
Indian Brahmins defined you as "Untouchable", "Unseeable",
"Unapproachable", "Unshadowable". We are the
"Walking-Carrion", "Walking-Corpse",
"Walking-Carcass", "Achut", "Chandala",
"Panchama", "Madiga" by Brahmins. Brahmins are loved by the
entire world, naanna. Nobody treats him as "a crime against
humanity" for naming us as "Untouchable", "Unseeable",
"Unapproachable", "Unshadowable", "Walking-Carrion",
"Walking-Corpse", "Walking-Carcass", "Achut",
"Chandala", "Panchama", "Madiga". Finally, you
died as a "Walking-Carrion" like any untouchable in Asia, naanna.
I ask you to define our creator, i.e., Brahmin, how do you define Brahmin in
your words, Naanna? As a "Criminal Against Humanity," OR "as a
Violator of Human Rights," OR "as a Violator of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights," OR "as an inhuman creature on
Earth," OR "as a Human Rights Killer."
Western society defined our creatures as "Pandit" "Priests"
"Beautiful" "Scholars" "Spiritual leaders"
"Gurus" "Avatar" "Honest" "Hardworking"
"Yoga Gurus" "Meditation Gurus" "Cambridge University
Scholars" "Oxford University Scholars" "Colombia University
Scholars" "BBC icons" "CNN Icons" "American
Icons" "Western icons" "Indian icons" "Cricketers"
"Genious" etc naanna.
studied vernacular language so that I could not use more words like
"jargons" to describe your honest life, naanna. Because Brahmins or
their foot-soldiers never allowed us to attend school till the British arrived
in India. We are first-generation untouchables. They never allow you to attend
school. We were forbidden from reading and learning for 6000 years till British
humanists, particularly Western Protestant Christian missionaries, arrived in
India to civilize them. But they failed, Naanaa.
You want to see me as a great scholar in English writing. How can I become a
great scholar like John Rawls, or how can I write a grand work like his "A
Theory of Justice" with my broken English skills, naanna? None of the
Western worlds talks about our Brahmin-produced or created untouchables and
their vulnerability at the hands of Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains,
or Naanna.
rest in peace.
our Lord grant you entrance into his heavenly kingdom. Naanna:
Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla
B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D(History)
Author of "Why I Am
Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship"
Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable
Rejecting India’s Citizenship (English Edition)
Twitter: Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter,
Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook
Drahý otče
Indičtí bráhmani tě
definovali jako "Nedotknutelného", "Neviditelného", "Odtažitého",
"Bez přístřeší". Jsme "Chodící mrtvoly“, „Chodící zdechliny",
Bráhmáni jsou milováni celým světem, otče. Nikdo s nimi nezachází jako se
"zločinci proti lidskosti" za to, že nás pojmenovali
"Nedotknutelnými", "Neviditelnými", " Odtažitými",
„Chodícími mrtvolami“, „Chodící zdechlinami", "Achut", "Chandala", "Panchama", "Madiga. Nakonec jsi
zemřel jako "Chodící zdechlina" jako každý Nedotknutelný v Asii, otče.
Když tě požádám, abys
definoval našeho Stvořitele, tj. Bráhmana, jak ho definuješ, otče? Jako
"zločince proti lidskosti", nebo "jako porušovatele lidských
práv", NEBO "jako porušovatele Všeobecné deklarace lidských
práv", NEBO "jako nelidské stvoření na Zemi", NEBO "jako
zabijáka lidských práv".
Západní společnost nás
definovala jako "Odborníky" "Kněží" "Krásné"
"Učence" "Duchovní vůdce" "Guru" "Avatary"
"Čestné" "Pracovité" " Guru jógy" "Meditační
guru" " Učence z Cambridge" "Vzdělance z Oxfordu"
"Vědce z Kolumbijskéuniverzity" "ikony BBC" "Ikony
CNN" "Americké ikony" "Západní ikony" "Indické
ikony" "Hráče kriketu" "Génie" atd Otče
Studoval jsem lidový
jazyk, abych nemohl používat slova jako "joragns" k popisu vašeho čestného života, otče.
Protože bráhmani nebo jejich pěšáci nám nikdy nedovolili chodit do školy, dokud
Britové nepřišli do Indie. Jsme první generace nedotknutelných. Nikdy nám
nedovolili navštěvovat školu. Bylo nám zakázáno číst a učit se po dobu 6000
let, dokud britští humanisté, zejména západní protestantští křesťanští
misionáři, nepřišli do Indie, aby je civilizovali. Neuspěli, otče.
Otče, chceš mě vidět
jako velkého učence v anglické literatuře. Jak se mohu stát velkým
učencem, jako je John Rawls, nebo jak mohu napsat velké dílo, jako je jeho
"Teorie spravedlnosti" s mými znalostmi angličtiny, otče? Nikdo ze
západního světa nemluví o našich bráhmanech,kteřístvořili nedotknutelné a
jejich zranitelnostv rukou hinduistů, buddhistů, muslimů, sikhů, džinistů, otče.
Otče, odpočívej v
Kéž ti náš Pán
dopřeje vstup do svého nebeského království, otče:
Tvůj syn,
Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D(History)
Author of "Why I Am
Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship"
Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable
Rejecting India’s Citizenship (English Edition)
Twitter: Dr Suryaraju
Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter,
Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook
Generational trauma
Generational trauma
From Chandala to Achut
From Achut to Untouchable
From Untouchable to Madiga
From Madiga to Scheduled Caste
From the Scheduled Caste to the Dalit
From Dalits to Untouchables
What is there in name?
Chandala, Achut, Untouchable, Madiga are the same.
The same coin of invincibility of Hinduism
From the Ages till today
I am Untouchable
My paternal parents were untouchables.
My paternal forefathers were untouchables.
My paternal generations were untouchables.
We are always untouchable.
Our names are "Maadigodaa."
Our name is "Maalodaa"
Our name is "Pandi."
Our name is "Kaaki"
Our name is "Nakka"
We are born untouchables
Raised as untouchables
They were untouchables when they died.
Africans are better than us
They raised from "Coloured" to "Negro"
From "Negro to Black"
From "Black to African-American"
Slavery abolished
Tens of thousands of "Republicans" sacrificed their lives.
To abolish Slavery
None of Hindus voiced against "Untouchability" and "Caste system"
Slavery and race are temporary repressive systems.
It operated for 100 years.
Unlike caste system and untouchability
Which has a long-history of 6000 years
Whites are civilized for their slaves
But our Hindu masters are uncivilized
They are known for cruelty.
Inhuman treatment
Lynching, stone to death
Forceful feeding of human excreta
Dehumanizing Untouchables
Slavery produced a formal equality
Caste never produced formal equality
Slavery practitioners are Christians
Caste, untouchability and racism practitioners are Hindus,
Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Parsees
Racism is the only problem in the west.
In the east Caste, Untouchability, Race, Gender violence, honour killings, infant female killing
Dowry, the arranged marriage system, forced marriages, religion, etc.
Humans are not equal in the Hindu nation.
Humans are equal in a Christian nation.
Humans are not equal in an Islamic nation.
Humans are equal in Christian nation
Humans are not equal in Buddhist nation
Humans are equal in a Christian nation.
Humans are not equal in the Sikh nation.
Humans are equal in Christian nation
Humans are not equal in Parse nation
Humans are equal in a Christian nation.
Humans are not equal in a neo-Buddhist nation.
Humans are equal in a Christian nation.
America is their dream.
America is a Christian nation on paper
American democrats are with my tormentors
Slavery was once practiced by American Democrats.
American Republicans understood my tormentors
But they became hate-speakers in the eyes of my tormentors.
Vote bank politics are powerful in America
Many laws in favour of my Hindu tormentors
From birth to death we are facing our tormentors at every moment.
Even his shadow is dehumanizing us.
Our tormentor Hindu woman is more rigid than her Hindu men.
Hindu women are powerful than her Hindu men in eliminating me,
Hindu women forced her men to gang-rape Surekha akka and her 13 years daughter in Khairlanji
Hindu women forced her men to rape Untouchable women
Hindu women forced her men to rape Poolan Devi
Hindu women are crueler than Hindu men.
Me too movement became their agent to hide their cruel face
She became American leader now
She used her father's blackness.
But she hates Africans.
Africans believed her lies
She is a Brahmin.
Periyar Ramasamy said longbcak
If you come across a Brahmin and a snake, leave the snake but eliminate the Brahmin.
This is the personal experience of Periyar Ramasamy in Dravida land.
Ambedkar burnt their Manu Dharma Shashram
Periyar destroyed Brahmins Hindu temples
Mahatma Jothibha Phule converted to Christianity.
My Aryan pooja-Golla mother left her Hinduism
Organic intellectuals are trying to destroy Hindu religion
But Nobel Laureates are carrying Hindutva spirit
West is re-imposing Hindutva ideology
It has agents everywhere.
Agents are powerful.
They are the leaders of world
They are sun
We can’t reach them.
Only our tormentors can manipulate them.
Our tormentors are stronger than their agents
Our tormentors have yoga, meditation, spirituality, Hindu festivals, temples, and cricket.
Ours is a generational trauma.
Theirs is generational blissful life
They are omnipotents
We are omniuntouchables
We are dehumanized
We are depersonalized
They are terminating us in every form.
Our everyday life and death is determined by Hindu
Our breath is determined by Hindus.
They are criminals against humanity.
But they became human rights voices.
Western education, language, scholarship, employment are their agents
Global bodies are their agents.
Indian ideology is their mother.
Aryan racism's mother
Mother of Indo-European racism
Even victims of Aryanism are agents of Aryans
Ours is a generational genocide
Our genociders are scholars.
They became Nobel laureates.
They became scholars
They became poets.
They became writers.
They became icons of modernity.
They became icons of subaltern ideology
They are Gandhians.
They are Indians.
They are South Asians.
They are Asians
They are Pacificians.
They are known for Oscar level acting
They are using ISCON.
They are using yoga.
They have tens of millions of Yoga practitioners
They are omnipresent.