Wednesday 1 December 2021

Generational trauma


Generational trauma

From Chandala to Achut

From Achut to Untouchable

From Untouchable to Madiga

From Madiga to Scheduled Caste

From the Scheduled Caste to the Dalit

From Dalits to Untouchables

What is there in name?

Chandala, Achut, Untouchable, Madiga are the same.

The same coin of invincibility of Hinduism

From the Ages till today

I am Untouchable

My paternal parents were untouchables.

My paternal forefathers were untouchables.

My paternal generations were untouchables.

We are always untouchable.

Our names are "Maadigodaa."

Our name is "Maalodaa"

Our name is "Pandi."

Our name is "Kaaki"

Our name is "Nakka"

We are born untouchables

Raised as untouchables

They were untouchables when they died.

Africans are better than us

They raised from "Coloured" to "Negro"

From "Negro to Black"

From "Black to African-American"

Slavery abolished

Tens of thousands of "Republicans" sacrificed their lives.

To abolish Slavery

None of Hindus voiced against "Untouchability" and "Caste system"

Slavery and race are temporary repressive systems.

It operated for 100 years.

Unlike caste system and untouchability

Which has a long-history of 6000 years

Whites are civilized for their slaves

But our Hindu masters are uncivilized

They are known for cruelty.




Inhuman treatment

Lynching, stone to death

Forceful feeding of human excreta

Dehumanizing Untouchables

Slavery produced a formal equality

Caste never produced formal equality

Slavery practitioners are Christians

Caste, untouchability and racism  practitioners are Hindus,

Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Parsees

Racism is the only problem in the west.

In the east Caste, Untouchability, Race, Gender violence, honour killings, infant female killing

Dowry, the arranged marriage system, forced marriages, religion, etc.

Humans are not equal in the Hindu nation.

Humans are equal in a Christian nation.

Humans are not equal in an Islamic nation.

Humans are equal in Christian nation

Humans are not equal in Buddhist nation

Humans are equal in a Christian nation.

Humans are not equal in the Sikh nation.

Humans are equal in Christian nation

Humans are not equal in Parse nation

Humans are equal in a Christian nation.

Humans are not equal in a neo-Buddhist nation.

Humans are equal in a Christian nation.

America is their dream.

America is a Christian nation on paper

American democrats are with my tormentors

Slavery was once practiced by American Democrats.

American Republicans understood my tormentors

But they became hate-speakers in the eyes of my tormentors.

Vote bank politics are powerful in America

Many laws in favour of my Hindu tormentors

From birth to death we are facing our tormentors at every moment.

Even his shadow is dehumanizing us.

Our tormentor Hindu woman is more rigid than her Hindu men.

Hindu women are powerful than her Hindu men in eliminating me,

Hindu women forced her men to gang-rape Surekha akka and her 13 years daughter in Khairlanji

Hindu women forced her men to rape Untouchable women

Hindu women forced her men to rape Poolan Devi

Hindu women are crueler than Hindu men.

Me too movement became their agent to hide their cruel face

She became American leader now

She used her father's blackness.

But she hates Africans.

Africans believed her lies

She is a Brahmin.

Periyar Ramasamy said longbcak

If you come across a Brahmin and a snake, leave the snake but eliminate the Brahmin.

This is the personal experience of Periyar Ramasamy in Dravida land.

Ambedkar burnt their Manu Dharma Shashram

Periyar destroyed Brahmins Hindu temples

Mahatma Jothibha Phule converted to Christianity.

My Aryan pooja-Golla mother left her Hinduism

Organic intellectuals are trying to destroy Hindu religion

But Nobel Laureates are carrying Hindutva spirit

West is re-imposing Hindutva ideology

It has agents everywhere.

Agents are powerful.

They are the leaders of world

They are sun

We can’t reach them.

Only our tormentors can manipulate them.

Our tormentors are stronger than their agents

Our tormentors have yoga, meditation, spirituality, Hindu festivals, temples, and cricket.

Ours is a generational trauma.

Theirs is generational blissful life

They are omnipotents

We are omniuntouchables

We are dehumanized

We are depersonalized

They are terminating us in every form.

Our everyday life and death is determined by Hindu

Our breath is determined by Hindus.

They are criminals against humanity.

But they became human rights voices.

Western education, language, scholarship, employment are their agents

Global bodies are their agents.

Indian ideology is their mother.

Aryan racism's mother

Mother of Indo-European racism

Even victims of Aryanism are agents of Aryans

Ours is a generational genocide

Our genociders are scholars.

They became Nobel laureates.

They became scholars

They became poets.

They became writers.

They became icons of modernity.

They became icons of subaltern ideology

They are Gandhians.

They are Indians.

They are South Asians.

They are Asians

They are Pacificians.

They are known for Oscar level acting

They are using ISCON.

They are using yoga.

They have tens of millions of Yoga practitioners

They are omnipresent.

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