Wednesday, 29 December 2021



“O, Ethiopian,

Oh, Turkish inhumans.

Oh, Amhara,

Oh, Afar

O, Eritrean

O, Abiy Ahmed

O, Ethiopian Parliament

O, Ethiopian Amhara Civil Society,

O, Ethiopian Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

O, Ethiopian National Bank,

O, Ethiopian Airlines

Oh, Ethiopian Army

O, Ethiopian Politician

O, Genociders of Tigrayans

O, killers of Tigrayan men and women

O, rapists of Tigrayan girls and women

I trusted you

Whole heartedly

I trusted your Addis Ababa

I trusted you with my whole body and mind.

I trusted you about your hospitality

I trusted you about your innocence

I trusted your polite greetings

I trusted your peaceful personality

I trusted your smiling

I trusted your hugging

I trusted your touching

I trusted your orthodox Christianity

I trusted your everything

But I am wrong

I am terribly wrong about you

You fooled me with your politeness

You fooled me with your greetings

You fooled me with your Orthodox Christianity

You fooled me with your cunning ideology

You fooled me with your inhuman ideology.

You fooled me with your heinous ideology

You fooled me with your cruel ideology

You fooled me with your hospitality

You fooled me in every trust

You fooled me just like

You fooled western powers

You fooled me just like

You fooled global bodies

You fooled everyone with your poverty mask.

You fooled everyone with your backward mask

You fooled everyone with your peace mask

We realized your inhuman ideology

When you start killing innocent Tigrayans

We realized your cruel ideology

When you start mass-raping innocent Tigrayan girls

We realized your heinous ideology

When you start mass-raping innocent Tigrayan women

We realized your cruel ideology

When you start mass-raping innocent Tigrayan girls

We realized your violent ideology

When you start mass-raping innocent Tigrayan women

We realized your genocide ideology

When you start mass-killing and mass-raping millions of Tigrayans

Two million Tigrayans lost their lives

Another million left to Sudan

Another million lost their property

Half-million Tigrayan girls are raped by you

Families destroyed by you

Families killed by you

Millions persecuted by you in this 2 years war

Million Tigrayans died from starvation

You used rape as a weapon to dehumanize Tigrayans

You used killing as weapon to eliminate Tigrayans

You used starvation as weapon to kill millions of Tigrayans

You used bank as weapon to eliminate Tigrayans

You used Ethiopian airlines as weapon to bombard Tigrayan region

You used foreign fund to physically terminate Tigrayans

You used Turkey to eliminate your brothers and sisters

You used Eritrean to kill Tigrayans

You used Turkey to kill and rape Tigrayans

You used every foreign aid to eliminate Tigrayans from earth

O, animals

Don’t you have heart to kill a human?

O, animals, are you not ashamed of raping your own blood and flesh Tigrayans?

O, Hynas, are you not ashamed of following Abiy Ahmed?

O, lions, are you not ashamed of killing an innocent Tigrayan?

O, tigers, are you not ashamed of using rape as weapon to demoralize Tigrayans?

I lived in Mekelle 4 years

I never seen such a peaceful region in Africa

Every foreigner is a witness to the Tigrayans and their peaceful region.

You destroyed peace, children.

You destroyed ethnic minority Tigrayans

You destroyed the most peaceful people on earth.

Every non-African witness to the Tigray region

They are the most peace-loving community on earth.

They don’t even harm ants.

Ants, birds, and animals are freely walking in the Tigray region.

They know only love.

They don’t know about harm.

They know only welcome.

They don’t know poison ideology.

They are the most reception people

How did your heart allow you to kill millions of Tigrayans?

How did your heart allow you to rape such innocent Tigrayans?

Are you not afraid that the International Criminal Court will hang you to death for your crimes against humanity in the Tigray region?

Are you not scared of the international court of justice for your crimes against Tigrayans?

Are you not afraid of the United Nations and its reports about your genocide against millions of innocent minority Tigray ethnic community members?

Two years have passed, but you are killing them.

Two years have passed, but you are raping them.

You are killing and raping non-stop.

Non-stop genocide against Tigrayans

Even most genocides have a short period to eliminate minority groups.

Turkey eliminated 1.5 million minority Christian Armenians

Minority Tutsis are victims of Hutus in the Rwandan genocide.

Two hundred million untouchables are victims of caste and untouchability genocide in India.

This is the longest genocide in millions of years of history, but the world is silent.

Caste-based genocide against India’s untouchables has a 6000-year history of genocide.

I knew you are killing and raping millions of minority ethnic Tigrayans because world is silence about genocides

You know that UNO can't take any action against you.

You know that the ICC can’t take any action against you.

Because you know that they are puppets in the hands of world powers.

World powers are puppets in the hands of Asian, African, and Islamic ideologies.

You know that they will apolosize for Tigrayns after a thousand years.

Just like they apolosized on Tutsis and Armenians.

They are not yet apologetic for untouchables, Yazidis, and sexual minorities.

They are still sidelined by Abiy Ahmed.

Just as they are with Gandhi and the Indian State in their treatment of untouchables

They can’t control Turkey, Eritrea, Amhara, and Ethiopia.

They are silent about Tigray's genocide.

Silence is not an option.

I am speaking against the Tigray genocide.

I am shouting for justice for Tigrayans.

Stop the war.

Stop the genocide against Tigrayans!

Stop the genocide against the untouchables of India.

Stop the genocide against Yazidis!

Stop the genocide against sexual minorities.

Oh, Ethiopian, you are a human first and human last.

Let me remind you that you are a human being.

Don’t be in history for your historical genocide against the minority Tigray ethnic community.

Don’t be in history like the Hindus for their genocide against the untouchables of India.

Don’t be in history like Muslims for their genocide against Yazidis, Armenians, and sexual minorities.

Don’t be in history like Buddhists, Sikkhs, Jainas, and Parsees for their historical genocide against untouchables.

Change, change into humanity.

We are humans created by our God, Jesus Christ.

We are His imagination.

Killing Tigrayan is killing Jesus Christ.

Raping Tigrayan means raping Jesus Christ.

Starving Tigrayans means starving Jesus Christ.

Our God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our sins.

He died for us.

He was born for us.

He was crucified for our sins.


You are killing and raping and starving His imagination.


Fear of our Jesus the Saviour

Fear of His Heaven

Our Christ is a Lord of Forgiveness.

He will forgive your genocide

Stop your genocide against His people”

This is my personal experience with Tigrayans in the Tigray Region. I lived for four years in Mekelle and one year in Addis Ababa. Amhara, Afar, Eritrean, Turkish, and Ethiopian State are notorious for eradicating Ethiopia's minority ethnic Tigray community. Ethiopia's minority ethnic Tigray community is living in fear of death and rape from Amhara, Afar, and Ethiopian State. Tigrayans are known for their peace in Africa. Tigray is the most peaceful region on the globe. Every foreigner knows about Tigrayans and their peaceful nature.

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla, Author of "Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship" (

Author of  “Dalit/Untouchable Anthology: Untouchable Lived Experiences” (

Author of “An Intellectual History of Anti-Caste Philosophers in India: A Study on Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar” (

Published poems by Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla at My poetic side



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