Saturday, 29 January 2022

An invitation letter for my online campaign for future transgender leadership of UNO and WHO: Day 1 Campaign:


An invitation letter for my online campaign for future transgender leadership of UNO and WHO:

Day 1 Campaign:

Dedicated to Camila Daz Córdova, a 29-year-old transgender woman from El Salvador who was brutally murdered by El Salvador police on January 31, 2019

Dear Global Human Rights Bodies,

I launched an online campaign to see a future Secretary-General of the United Nations Organization (UNO) and Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) from the sexual minority communities, particularly the transgender community. UNO and WHO have achieved mainstream gender leadership in representation, but they remain patriarchal and matriarchal without any representation from the LGBTQ communities. In this hard patriarchal and matriarchal system of UNO and WHO, I launched an online campaign for the appointment of a transgender woman as future Secretary-General of the United Nations Organization (UNO) and Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). In the history of both UNO and WHO, they never selected a sexual minority leader as the leader of either organization.

Can we have a transgender woman as the next Secretary-General of UNO? Can we have a transgender woman as the next Director-General of WHO?

Please join me and support my online campaign on Twitter, blogs, and Facebook for a month to elect a transgender woman as Secretary-General of the United Nations Organization and Director-General of the World Health Organization.

This invitation letter is being included in my online campaign for future Secretary-General of the United Nations Organization (UNO) and Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) from the sexual minority communities, specifically the transgender community.

Thank you

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla, Author of "Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship",(

Author of  “Dalit/Untouchable Anthology: Untouchable Lived Experiences” (

Author of “An Intellectual History of Anti-Caste Philosophers in India: A Study on Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar” (

Published poems by Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla at My poetic side



Twitter:  Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter

Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook

 YouTube: Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship/ Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla



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