As Michael Foucault said,
As Karl Marx said,
As Habermas said,
As Gramsci said,
As Althusser said,
As John Rawls said,
As Slavok Zizek
Social power leads
Cultural hegemony
It leads to
political economy.
Social hegemony is
needed for a cultural economy.
Political economy
necessitates cultural economy.
In any
ethnic-based society,
Like caste-based societies might be right.
As I had seen with an ethic-based society in a foreign
I understood your
ethnic power.
Your Naga is your
source of power.
Korea is your
mother land.
Nagaland is your
native land.
Zunhebuto is your
ethnic land.
Kilomi is your
birth place.
You appear to have been born, raised, and educated with Christian principles
Like any man from the north eastern hemisphere,
You joined the
Became prime
minister of the under-ground government
Soon after, you
became a Parliament member twice.
Like any activist,
your dreams are fulfilled.
Becoming a
Parliament member or legislative member
Every Indian's
Every Asian's
fantasy comes true.
Every African's
Every subaltern's
Except a few
bastards like me
They want to
produce critical literature.
Dalit bastards
like me
Who reads critical
literature, reads critical literature, reads critical literature, reads
critical literature, reads critical literature
To write the
wrongs even if it means death
I observed you for
more than twenty years.
I observed your
family power.
I observed your
power politics.
Like any Indian,
Power politics is
not new to our mode of society.
That’s why
irrationality overrides rationality.
Violence over
Prejudice over
Lies triumph over
triumphs over honesty.
Family triumphs
over people.
People are goats
and sheep.
They go by ethnic
identities in the hill country.
In the same way
that caste identities exist on the mainland,
They don’t realize
what is happening to them.
They are pawns.
They are
Only power knows.
Who is the pawn
What is the
scapegoat's identity?
Who is his hair's
People are still
They will sleep
forever till
Ethnic identities
and caste identities exist.
As in our mode of
As you aware of
power politics
Caste and ethnic
identities are power centers.
As Ambdkarites
used to capture petty power
Your northeastern
people are hungry for petty power
We're all familiar
with petty power and its impact on subordinates.
Like Ambedkaties,
they use petty power on subalterns like me.
Once upon a time, you too humiliated me in Dimapur
Power abuse against lovers, critics, intellectuals,
writers, outspoken, atheists, human rights voices, whistleblowers, and
anti-corruption activists is a common occurrence in Asia, Africa, and Islam.
Fight a system.
Fight an Indian ideology
Fight an Asian
Fight a Pacific
Fight a casteism
Fight racism
Fight an
Fight for
Fight for the
LGBTQ community
Fighting for
formal equality
Fight an African
Fight an Islamic
You will come to
know whether you are a lion or a cow.
The Lion is our
repressive system.
The Lion is our
repressive ideology.
The Lion
represents our depravity.
Our inhuman and heinous ideologies are lionized.
I came out of the Ambedkarites' ideology.
I realized
I experienced how
Ambedkarites are
internally exploiting fellow untouchables.
I experienced
their systematic corruption.
Family politics
Amassing wealth
oppression is omnipotent among them.
Just like yours
People think you retired from power.
They are sleeping,
They are
They are
But power is
centralized within your family only.
You know very
I know very well.
We know very well.
Some may argue
that there is nothing wrong.
When others hold
family tree,
It is not a
problem in our mode of society.
Casteism and ethnocentrism are deeply rooted, operated, practiced, glorified, installed, and theorized even among goats and sheep.
People can’t escape from it.
Dalit bastards like me, your son's or son-in-law's favorite word, are escaping from Indian ideology.
We are running away from the Asian mode of society
We are moving
away from African ideology
We are running
away from Islamic ideology
But they are
omnipresent and omnipotent.
People like me
are alone.
You are a
There are 7.9
billion Gandhis
Power hungers,
family trees, molesters, violent
Oppressors of
goats and sheep
They constructed
a family tree.
Who can cut the family tree when it is deep-rooted?
Dr. Suryaraju
Mattimalla, Author of "Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting
India's Citizenship" Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla, Author of
"Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship",(
Author of
“Dalit/Untouchable Anthology: Untouchable Lived Experiences” (
Author of “An Intellectual
History of Anti-Caste Philosophers in India: A Study on Babasaheb
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar” (
Published poems by
Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla at My poetic side
Twitter: Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla)
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Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla |
YouTube: Why I Am
Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship/ Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla
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