Monday, 14 March 2022

500-Day-Ongoing Tigray Genocide


500-Day-Ongoing Tigray Genocide

“Genocide is not new to our third world nations.

We have genocide against untouchables in India.

We have genocide against untouchables in Nepal.

We have genocide against untouchables in Sri Lanka.

We have  genocide against untouchables in Japan.

We have genocide against untouchables in Pakistan.

We have genocide against untouchables in Bangladesh.

We have genocide against sexual minorities in the world.

We have genocide against ethnic minorities in Africa.

We have caste-based genocide.

We have an untouchability based genocide.

We have race-based genocide.

We have religious-based genocide.

We have gender-based genocide.

We have ethnically based genocide.

We have terrorism-based genocide.

We have nationalistic-based genocide.

We have patriotic-based genocide.

We have purity and impurity-based genocide.

Genocide dehumanizes victims.

Genocide dehumanizes genociders.

A genocide perpetrator is unaware of how much his or her genocide ideology has dehumanized him or her.

Cowards take the chance to rape innocent female children in genocide.

Cowards take the chance to rape women in genocide.

Cowards take the chance to kill powerless children and women in genocide.

In any genocide, sexual minorities are more vulnerable.

Children and women are more vulnerable to genocide.

Solidarity with the Tigrayan people, despite the fact that they persecute sexual minorities. They are paedophiles, oppressors of women, corrupt, cheats, exploiters, slave traders, irrational, anti-science, anti-reason, liars, greedy, power-mongers, anti-democracy, cruel, hypocrates, and anti-human rights ideologues, as does every third world ideology.

Your Tigray ideology, Amhara ideology, Ethiopian and African ideology are the same in killing sexual minorities.

In raping female children, your Tigray ideology, Amhara ideology, Ethiopian ideology, and African ideology are all the same.

Your Tigray ideology, Amhara ideology, Ethiopian and African ideology are all the same in their open sexual assault on women in public spheres.

You are known for brutal violence against sexual minorities, like any Ethiopian.

You are known for open raping of female children, like any Ethiopian.

You are known for open sexual exploitation of female children, like any Ethiopian.

You are known for open sexual exploitation of women like any Ethiopian.

You are known for open corruption, like any Ethiopian.

As I have 5 years of experience in your Tigray and Amhara regions,

I do know your everyday, brutal life.

Sex, meat, football, cheating, corruption are part of your everyday life.

There is no humane thing in your everyday life.

Sexual and economic exploitation is part of your everyday life.

You are still living in a primitive era like any third, fourth, or fifth world nation.

This is a third-world phenomenon.

You are so brutal in your killing of LGBTQ communities.

Now both cruel communities are killing each other.

Now both cruel communities are raping each other.

Now both cruel communities are destroying each other.

You are singing a human rights song.

You will never sing this song when you are killing LGBTQ communities.

You never sing this song when you are raping female children.

You never sing this song when you are raping female students.

You never sing this song when you are sexually exploiting women in public places in Tigray.

You never sing this song when you are corrupting local and global funds.

Change your ideology.

Respect for LGBTQ communities

Let LGBTQ people live.

Let female children go to school.

Let women walk freely.

Don’t rape female children.

Don’t sexually assault women.

Let them walk freely in Ethiopia.

Your religious mask was unmasked by me long back.

Your way of life is a crime against humanity.

You are facing the persecution from your fellow Amhara and Ethiopian ethnic groups now.

An Ethiopian is known for his or her brutal ideologies, like any third world ideology.

This is an Ethiopian phenomenon.

This is a third-world phenomenon.

This is a black skin phenomenon.

This is a brown skin phenomenon.

This is an Asian phenomena.

This is an African phenomenon.

Let us change our brutal ideologies by reading Noam Chomski's books.

Let us change our brutal ideologies by reading Micheal Foucault's books.

Let us change our brutal ideologies by reading Antonia Gramsci's books.

Let us change our brutal ideologies by reading Karl Marx's books.

Let us change our brutal ideologies by reading Louis Alhussier's books.

Let us change our brutal ideologies by reading Slavoj Zizek's books.

Let us change our brutal ideologies by reading Habermas' books.

Let us change our brutal ideologies by reading John Rawls' books.

Let us change our brutal ideologies by reading Derrida's books.

As I knew everyday life of our third world ideologies

Our people do not have a culture of touching books.

Ethiopians do not even have a book.

Africans do not even have a book.

Don’t read books written by third world nationals.

They are ingraining lies through their books

They are ingraining false pride through their books.

Their books are full of lies, just like any Indian book.

There is no truth in our books.

It is full of false nationalism.

It is full of false patriotism.

It is full of jingoism.

Don’t follow your politicians.

Don’t follow your black and brown intellectuals

They are not intellectuals.

Nothing is written by them.

Everything is plagiarized from white societies.

Touch the book.

Lack of book reading culture is the basis of your brutal ideologies.

Your way of life is not civilized.

It is very much uncivilized, like Indian ideology.

You and Indians share a common culture of brutal ideologies.

I am still in solidarity with you because of the blood and iron of the Ethiopian State and Amhara communities against you, even though you share common ideology with your Amhara, Ethiopian, Indian, Japanese, Asian, and Islamic communities in oppressing untouchables, anti-corruption activists, whistleblowers, radical thinkers, radical writers, LGBTQ communities, and female children and women.

We are against any iron-and-blood policies.

I am anti-the blood and iron policy of any nation.”

The 43-day Human Rights Campaign is dedicated to the Tigrayen men, female children and women who were burnt alive, raped, maimed for life by the Ethiopian Nobel Peace Prize Winner Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, the Ethiopian Army, and Amhara civil society. Save the minority Tigrayen ethnic community from the Ethiopian Amhara Community. Ethiopian sexual minorities are more vulnerable to the 500-days Tigray Genocide by the Ethiopian Nobel Peace Prize Winner Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, the Ethiopian Army, and Amhara civil society.  


️The 43-Day Human Rights Campaign honors Black and Brown trans and gender-nonconforming people who were killed in the United States in 2021.

The 43 Day Human Rights Campaign is dedicated to a two-time Emmy-winning black freelance reporter, Kelsey Minor, who wrote "Say Their Names: 2021 was a deadly year for Black and Brown trans and gender non-conforming people" in the USA. Can we have a transgender woman as the next Secretary-General of UNO? Can we have a transgender woman as the next Director-General of WHO? Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla.

I am happy to inform you that I am extending my online human rights campaign for the next 100 days from my one-month campaign ❤Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla❤.

Can we have a transgender woman as the next Secretary-General of UNO? Can we have a transgender woman as the next Director-General of WHO? ❤Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla❤.

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla, Author of "Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship",

Author of  “Dalit/Untouchable Anthology: Untouchable Lived Experiences” (

Author of “An Intellectual History of Anti-Caste Philosophers in India: A Study on Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar” (

Published poems @ by Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla at My poetic side



Twitter:  Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter

Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook

 YouTube: Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship/ Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla




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