Monday, 3 January 2022

Above all, don’t lie to yourself


Fyodor Dostoevsky

You highly influenced me.

With your teaching, "Above all, don’t lie to yourself."

Just like John Rawls' "A Theory of Justice",

Just like Michael Foucault's "Sexuality, Power, and Hegemonic" teachings,

Just like Althusser’s "Ideological State Apparatus,"

Just like Antonia Gramsci’s "Organic intellectuals,"

Your influence on me

Born into Indian society,

It never makes a social contract with the truth.

Even though Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Locks, and Hobbes

Emphasized the significance of truth, honesty, and human values

To free people from oppression and brutal ideologies.

But how can I grow in a society where lying is a foundational part of human life?

My birth is not a lie.

My caste is not a lie.

My faith is not a lie.

My gender is not a lie.

My oppression is not a lie.

However, I walked from my village to school.

From high school to university

It is a lie to go from the workplace to the place of death.

There is dominance everywhere.

Everywhere power dominates,

Caste reigns supreme everywhere.

Hindutva reigns supreme everywhere.

Everywhere Islam dominates,

They dominate with lies.

Lies to dehumanize the subaltern

Subalterns too lie for their material benefit.

When I go to school, the teacher lies.

When I go to college, the teacher lies.

When I go to university, the teacher lies.

When I go to the market, it is a lie.

Families lie.

Localities lie

Regional lies

National lies

International lies

State lies.

Brahmin lies

Hindu lies

Muslim lies

Buddhist lies

Jain lies

Sikh lies

Neo-Buddhist lies

Ram Rajya is a liar.

Krishna Rajya is deceitful.

Vivekananda lies.

Dalit lies

Tribal lies

Lies, lies, lies from birth to death

I was born in a lie-based society.

I went to ‘white society'.

I have not seen a lie.

I have seen only the truth.

Honest, hard work, human values.


I am surprised to see honesty.

It is everywhere in white society.

I stayed in brown and black societies.

Everywhere there are lies, dishonesty, cheating, corruption, fraud.

Brown and Black are born liars.

They are born corrupted.

They are born cheating.

They are born violent.

I have not seen violence among whites.

I have not seen dishonesty among whites.

I have not seen cheating among whites.

I have seen only human values among them.

They are humanists.

They are progressive.

They are civilized.

They are symbols of truth.

If there is any word for honesty,

"White is the symbol of honesty.

If there is any symbol for human values,

"White is the symbol of human values.

We (my brown wife and I) have been talking about it for years and years.

Why are our brown and black societies so dishonest, violent, prone to lies, cheating, corruption, and uncivilized?

Why are white people so honest?

We concluded that completely white people are a different human race.

They can’t be ordinary human races like brown and black.

They are entirely different from cruel brown and black humans.

They are known for human values.

Unlike my brown and black people,

We can’t become white even if we are born to a white mother.

To become like white, there should not be inter-race blood.

Inter-race-born people can’t become white.

Their other side of non-white blood can’t make you pure human.

Only white people are pure human beings.

We have seen inter-race children born to white and non-white parents.

In lies, they are the same as brown and black people.

Whites are superior in human values.

Nobody can reach them on human values.

Nobody can reach their ideology

White ideology is a symbol of human values,

There is no need for God, religion, spirituality, or meditation for them.

Sinners like brown and black people need God, religion, spirituality, meditation.

God needs sinners like Brown and Black.

A doctor needs patients.

Whites are spotless human beings.

They are pure and they are His children.

If God creates any wonder in the world on earth,

It is none other than the white race.

White men and women are pure.

Our brown and black claims of racism in white societies are fabricated.

Yes, they have to look at us suspiciously because our background is like that.

We never change, even if we are a citizen of white society.

Tens of millions of brown and black people have been citizens of white societies for 450 years.

But brown and black remained the same at every moment of deception, deception, deception, deception, deception, deception, deception, deception, deception, deception, deception, deception, deception, deception, deception, deception, deception,

You can’t become white.

They can’t become like us.

We are inhuman.

They are human.

Uphold the truth.

Follow the white way of life.

May God Bless the White race

I am apologizing on behalf of browns and blacks who are exploiting your human values.

If there is any meaning to a human being, that is you, White.

White is a symbol of human beings.

Nobody can reach you.

Dr. Suryaraju MattimallaAuthor of "Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship" (

Author of  “Dalit/Untouchable Anthology: Untouchable Lived Experiences” (

Author of “An Intellectual History of Anti-Caste Philosophers in India: A Study on Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar” (

Published poems by Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla at My poetic side



Twitter:  Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter

Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook

 YouTube: Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship



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