Tuesday, 1 March 2022

❤️Martina Caldera❤️, ❤️Keeva Scatter❤️, ❤️Rubi Dominguez❤️, ❤️Nikki Turietta❤️, ❤️Za’niyah Williams❤️, ❤️Ke’Yahonna Stone❤️, ❤️Nikai David❤️, ❤️Cris Blehar❤️, ❤️Danyale Thompson❤️, ❤️Angel Naira❤️


Martina Caldera❤️,  ❤️Keeva Scatter❤️❤️Rubi Dominguez❤️, ❤️Nikki Turietta❤️ ❤️Za’niyah Williams❤️ ❤️Ke’Yahonna Stone❤️ ❤️Nikai David❤️ ❤️Cris Blehar❤️❤️Danyale Thompson❤️ ❤️Angel Naira❤️


“Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-civilized society.


 Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-human rights society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-progressive society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-safe society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-scientific society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-white society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-peace society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-animal-loving society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-policed society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-developed society.



Lovely, my lovers

In once-slavery-practiced society, you were born to die.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-white supremacist society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-multicultural society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-anti-trans society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in hyper-rational society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-humane society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-capitalist society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-Asian, African, Racist, and Islamic refugee host society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-good-lie society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-hegemonic society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super- Valentine's Day society.



Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-dating society.


 Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-living-together society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in every repressive ideologue's American dream society.


Lovely, my lovers

You were born to die in super-liberal society.


Sleep well, my lovers.

In the grave, sleep tight.


Rest in peace, my sweethearts.

Rest well, my lovers.


Rest in power, my lovers.

Rest well, my lovers.”

I used "super" since it is a favoured word of supremacists, anti-sexual minorities, brown skin and white masks, white skin and brown masks communities.

Day 30 Campaign is Dedicated to a young trans-American women and Gender Non-Conforming Community ❤️Martina Caldera❤️,  ❤️Keeva Scatter❤️❤️Rubi Dominguez❤️, ❤️Nikki Turietta❤️ ❤️Za’niyah Williams❤️ ❤️Ke’Yahonna Stone❤️ ❤️Nikai David❤️ ❤️Cris Blehar❤️❤️Danyale Thompson❤️ ❤️Angel Naira ❤️who were violently killed in the United States of America in 2021.


The Day 30 Campaign is honouring the Human Rights Campaign for contributing to information about Fatal Violence Against 56 Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Communities within the first quarter of 2021. Can we have a transgender woman as the next Secretary-General of UNO? Can we have a transgender woman as the next Director-General of WHO? ❤️ Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla❤️.

I am happy to inform you that I am extending my online campaign for the next 100 days from my one-month campaign ❤ Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla❤ .


Can we have a transgender woman as the next Secretary-General of UNO? Can we have a transgender woman as the next Director-General of WHO? ❤️ Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla❤️ .


Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla, Author of "Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship"https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Suryaraju-Mattimalla-ebook/dp/B09MDXFTY2/ref=sr_1_2?qid=1637756966&qsid=261-0591308-5553230&refinements=p_27%3ASuryaraju+Mattimalla&s=digital-text&sr=1-2&sres=B09MDZM1Q2%2CB09MDXFTY2&text=Suryaraju+Mattimalla)

Author of  “Dalit/Untouchable Anthology: Untouchable Lived Experiences” (https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Suryaraju-Mattimalla/dp/B09M5B7XVS/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Dalit%2FUntouchable+Anthology&qid=1638451224&sr=8-1)

Author of “An Intellectual History of Anti-Caste Philosophers in India: A Study on Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar” (https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Suryaraju-Mattimalla/dp/B09M785T3S/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=An+intelectual+history+of+anti-caste+philosophers+in+indien%3A+A+study+on+Babasaheb+Dr.B.R.Ambedkar&qid=1638746824&sr=8-1)

Published poems by Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla at My poetic side

 Blog: DALIT ACADEMIC MAFIA (https://dalitacademicmafia.blogspot.com),

Blog: TIGRAY GENOCIDE IN ETHIOPIA (dejazamtchnegussebezabih.blogspot.com),

Twitter:  Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter

Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook


 YouTube: Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship/ Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla





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