Monday 20 June 2022

Academic Corruption of the Indian Academic Mafia and Ambedkarite Academic Mafia in India and the Diaspora- Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla

Academic Corruption of the Indian Academic Mafia and Ambedkarite Academic Mafia in India and the Diaspora- Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla

My writing is highly inspired by eminent Professor Ramachandra Guha's "Death by a Thousand Cuts" (May 20, 2015, The Indian Express), where he spoke about the academic fraud of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) and its Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under the leadership of the corrupted politician Shruti Irani and the current Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. It is an amazing write-up by such a beautiful mind about how Indian academia is ruined by the appointment of so-called eminent professors, scholars, scientists, theorists, or renowned academicians as heads of the academic institutions in India who are known for plagiarism throughout their lives and are academically inadequate.

Professor Ramachandra Guha geniously saved his most corrupted Hindu Brahmins and their non-Brahmin knowledge producers from their long history of 6000 years of unbearable violence, corruption, lies, cheating, violence, persecution, etc. locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. He deliberately shows that academic corruption is a recent one. That is a big lie. Indian corruption has a long history of corruption, which has strong roots in its brutal Hindu religion and its caste system and untouchability.

The Indian Hindu religion is the root cause of not only brutal violence, rape, lynching, massacre, denial, carnage, untouchability, sub-humanity, dehumanization, humiliation, repulsion, exclusion, purity and impurity, and genocide, but also the root cause of an established or deep-rooted corruption in everyday life to the extent of knowledge production. Traditional knowledge production aided Hindu atrocities against truth and honesty to establish their historical and international hegemony over truth or truth-seeking. The western powers helped these traditional knowledge producers and their agents through their awards and rewards. The Nobel Prize, NASA, and other western knowledge centers took on the responsibility of projecting these most corrupted, brutal traditional knowledge producers as world-renowned scientists or theorists or scholars or writers, etc. The awards poured in from western-based knowledge centers, institutions, and publications, transforming traditional and conservative knowledge producers into progressive knowledge producers overnight. Historically and mythologically, Indian Hindu society is a lie-based society, and Mala, the untouchable caste society, is a byproduct of that lie-based Hindu society. The Brahmins are masters of this lie and Malas are agents of that lie based society from untouchable castes of India. The Brahmin is threat to knowledge production locally, regionally, nationally and internationally whereas Mala is threat to non-Mala untouchable castes.

The Non-Mala untouchable castes are immediate victims of mainstream Mala caste leaders, bureaucrats, police officials, judges, lawyers, poets, writers, activists, and academicians in Indian society. Brahmin and Mala share the same ideology of oppressing others in order to achieve their objectives at any cost. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar was the founding father of Mala, Mahar, Pariah lies, so Mala's violence, plagiarism, or Mahar's plagiarism, cheating, or lying has a 100-year history, as opposed to Brahmin's 6000-year history of lies and violence. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar advised his Mahar, Mala, and Pariah untouchable castes to achieve political power at any cost. That paved the way for the systematic corruption and violence of Mala, Mahar, and Pariah untouchable castes, which threatened the development of non-Mala, non-Mahar, and non-Paraih untouchables in this 100-year history of modern India. Mala caste is a founding father of systematic corruption among the untouchable castes in Indian society.

I have personal experience with this "academically inadequate situation" when the Center for the Study of Culture and Society (CSCS) in Bangalore demoted me from their doctoral degree to a diploma student in cultural studies in 2005, saying that I was academically inadequate to pursue my doctoral studies in cultural studies. I felt happy about their decision since I carry academic moral values, academic ethics, and human values. Individual or personal human values, such as honesty, are critical to establishing a just society. Indian society and its Mala, Mahar, and Pariah untouchable castes lack these values. Human values or ethics are carried out by individuals rather than communities and are the foundations of any successful democratic society.

Individuals should make a contract with honesty and moral values that they will never participate in any kind of corruption, manipulation, cheating, lying, gangs, collective responsibility, inhuman values, groups, unethical way of life, immoral activities, or crimes that undermine democratic values. Democracy failed due to a lack of honesty at an individual level in Indian society. The Hindus and their agents, including the mainstream untouchables, and their Ambedkarites, are the basic causes of this failure of democracy and honesty in Indian societies. The Ambedkarite castes, or Mala and Pariah from south India or Mahars from western India, are the basic causes of this systematic corruption among untouchable castes in Indian society. The main root causes of these unending crimes against humanity in Indian society in general and Indian academia, in particular, are the Brahmin-led Hindu community at the national and international levels; the Shudra (Reddy, Kamma, Kapu, Velama, Gouda, etc.)-led Hindu community at the local level; and the Mala-led Ambedkarite community at the local, regional, and national levels.

Here I am going to talk about the Indian academic mafia led by notorious Brahmins and their non-Brahmin agents (Reddy, Kamma, Kapu, Velama, Gupta, Raju, Gouda, Kayastha, Muslim, Jain, etc.), as well as the Ambedkarite academic mafia (Mala, Mahar, Pariah, etc.) led by another notorious untouchable caste, Mala, and their Mahar agents across time and space in Indian academia. This is my lived experience with both the Indian academic mafia led by Brahmins and their non-Brahmin agents (Reddy, Kamma, Kapu, Velama, Gouda, Raju, Gupta, etc.) and the Ambedkarite academic mafia led by Mala, Mahar, Pariah, and other untouchable castes. I am applying the concept of injustice anywhere threatened to justice everywhere to understand how these Indian castes and mainstream untouchable castes have ruined honesty, truth, democracy, freedom, fraternity, human values, knowledge production, critical thinking, individuality, rights, liberalism, identity, and truth in the name of caste, untouchability, colonialism, liberalism, Marxism, feminism, postmodernism, human rights, religion, region, women, Gandhi, Yoga, meditation, spirituality, Ambedkar, nationalism, jingoism, Dalitbahujan, subaltern, Bahujan, Shudra, Brahmin-Bania, Tagore, Thakur, Kayastha, academic scholarship, counter ideology, resistant ideology, etc. Unfortunately, Ambedkarites (Mala, Mahar, and Pariah untouchable castes) even manipulated, corrupted, and dragged even honest academicians like Gopal Guru, Gail Omvedt, Gnana Aloysius, EPW, Oxford University Press, Rutledge, etc like their founding fathers and mothers of deep-rooted academic corruption like Brahmins, Rajus, Guptas, Reddies, Kammas, Kapus, Velamas, Goudas. This is the fate of Indian academia, where both mainstream Indian castes and Ambedkarite castes manipulate and corrupt renowned academic publishing houses with their systematic plagiarism without reading even a single page of references that they give in their published articles and books by world-renowned publishing houses such as Oxford University Press (OUP), Routledge, or EPW. You will be astounded if you examine the English language ability, speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills of these so-called scholars who publish theoretical or empirical works in EPW, OUP, or Routledge. Hindus and Ambedkarites alike became brothers and sisters in this matter of corruption. So, the Hindus and Ambedkarites have reached a gentleman's agreement on these corruption issues, so that no more academic corruption is revealed. Here I am going to leak some of the individuals who published their works in EPW or OUP or Rutledge without even touching a page or without even knowing how to write a leave letter but are publishing tens of books and articles in renowned publication houses and journals without any fear of justice systems that are part and parcel of time and against systematic corruption. Even western universities are part of this systematic corruption. The eminent theorist Professor Gopal Guru knows very well that his Mala or Mahar or Pariah or Ambedkarite academic community is known for its deep-rooted academic corruption, but he never opens his theoretical mouth against his community's academic corruption. Silence is not an option. It is killing dedicated readers, writers, and critical minds like me who are independent in thinking, practicing, and writing the wrong things. The eminent thinker recruited many corrupted Malas, Mahars, and Pariah academicians in his lifetime and felt guilty for recruiting those corrupted Ambedkarites into academic institutions.

The bold Ramachandra Guha published the truth about the Indian academic mafia after a decade of my demotion from Ph.D. to Diploma. As a result, it was a merit-based humiliation against my inadequate academic scholarship that caused me to leave the center without informing it. It is a historical mistake, I realize now. The caste conspiracy of Ambedkarites forced me to leave theoretical CSCS; otherwise, if I had read their course works seriously or participated in their theoretical discussion, I would have been nurtured by theoretical knowledge. I am not ashamed to apologize for CSCS.

However, my inter-caste (born to Madiga Untouchable father and "Aryan" Pooja-Golla mother) conscious never stops purchasing hundreds of books from Oxford University Press (OUP), Cambridge University Press (CUP), Sage, Critical Quest, Navayana, Verso, etc and never stops serious reading. It helped me maintain my academic integrity without being swayed by ideological pursuits. I concluded that I should reveal the truth about the subaltern academic mafia, Ambedkarite academic mafia, non-Brahmin academic mafia, etc. since Ramachandra Guha focused on the mainstream academic mafia.

I started thinking about why many bold political theorists, including Professor Gopal Guru or Professor Anand Teltumde, never raised their voices against the systematic academic corruption of Ambedkarites in Indian universities. I understood that they are scared of tags like "anti-Dalit", "ant-Ambedkar", and "anti-reservation" from these powerful Ambedkarite individuals and their followers, who are in a position to influence the general public of their castes. Truth matters, but caste has become a barrier to many radical theorists revealing the academic fraud of sub-subaltern academic faculties in Indian academia. I took this task of revealing the academic fraud of these individuals who created a feeling among serious scholars that even EPW, OUP, Sage, Elsevier, and Rutledge can be manipulated and corrupted by these academically corrupted individuals.

Indian academia should treat academic corruption, fraud, plagiarism, anti-academic ethics, and immorality in knowledge production as a threat to original academic reading, writing, thinking, and ethics and should lay a strong foundation for future knowledge/theoretical production by strict academic examination by panels composed of honest theorists to know the capabilities of any scholar who is publishing massively in theoretical journals. The MHRD or UGC should take this responsibility to protect original writings from academic corruptness. They can request that a scholar submit their English language scores, such as TOFEL, IELTS, and so on, to determine their ability to write in a theoretical language. It is a simple criterion to protect academicians from stealing knowledge. Globalization, or Brahmanization, compelled these Ambedkarite academic mafias to steal English from their students. This criterion should not include caste to protect future theoretical production from academic fraud.

Eventually, I started reading original academic works that CSCS used to assign us to read as part of our doctoral course work that I had never read while I was a student. I never read anything while I was there. This is my honest reply to my CSCS faculties now. It is my guilt now. If one's intentions, desires, aims, and ambitions are political and economic, one should feel guilty for their inadequate academic scholarship; otherwise, one should not enter academics. This is against the morality that Professor Gopal Guru focused on. The ideology of "political or economic power is the ultimate path to success" can’t be applied in theory production.

Ambedkarites chose this higher education field not to produce the knowledge production that Ambedkar produced for more than a half-decade, but because it was the economic and political climate to get university positions easily with their Ambedkarite movements while they were students. Almost all of these Ambedkarite academicians have come from activism. Their activism brought bureaucrats, UGC officials, University Vice-Chancellors, and local petty politicians together to get an easy university faculty position. Ambedkarites are eyeing university faculty posts right from their Master's degree onwards since they can get them easily with their Ambedkarite activism on university campuses such as UOH, EFLU, DU, and JNU. The intention of leading Ambedkar student associations in Indian universities is to have this in their mind. Sudden suicide cases of Dalit students are giving them opportunities to submit their plagiarized thesis works and get into academics without touching a book.

I started reading seriously after leaving CSCS. With my Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (RGNF), I realized the importance of purchasing OUP, CUP, Sage, Navayana, and Critical Quest books for serious theoretical reading. I purchased hundreds of books with my RGNF. Serious reading leads to serious thinking, and serious thinking leads to serious writing. Serious writing leads to morality. Change should take place. Serious academic reading changed my perception of the everyday behavior of sub-subaltern categories and their followers in Indian academia. The Hyderabad University experience changed my perception of caste politics and their everyday corruption in the name of Ambedkar. I experienced it from my serious reading of Economic & Political Weekly (EPW), Seminar, Social Scientist, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Verso, Sage Works, etc., and I found the truth about my demotion in their (CSCS) decision to demote me. I stopped thinking they humiliated me. I started appreciating their decision after one and a half decades of my "degradation". There is no doubt that there is racism and casteism in CSCS without any doubt. I do not want to go into that matter now.

Mala’s led the Ambedkar Students Association (ASA) at the  University of Hyderabad

I joined MA history at UoH in 1998. I did not see any non-Mala students in ASA at this stage, and it is rallying against Madiga Reservation Porata Samithi (MRPS). The MRPS was a rising voice against the internal oppression of Dalit communities by the predominant Mala caste in Andhra Pradesh. The MRPS movement against Malas in South India is the first Dalit movement to reveal corruption, exploitation, fraud, cheating, and scams by Ambedkarites, or Malas, in Andhra Pradesh state. MRPS is indeed carrying the spirit of John Rawls' "A Theory of Justice" for every Scheduled Caste. I discontinued my Master's program in 1999 and again joined for my Ph.D. in the Center for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP) in 2008 under the Open Category (even though I belong to the Untouchable caste, I do not like to use reservations in competition) at the same university, but again discontinued in 2011 due to the physical and psychological torture of Ambedkarites and Malas.

Before jumping into fraud, I want to give some brief feedback about student organizations at UoH. Ambedkar Students Association (ASA is run by Mala caste), the so-called Progressive Students Union (PSU is run by Mala caste), Dalit Students Union (DSU is run by Madiga caste), Radical Students Union (RSU is run by Madiga caste), Akhila Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP is run by Hindutva castes), Students Federation of India (SFI is run by Hindutva castes), etc are actively working in UoH.

The DSU, RSU, ABVP, and SFI are name-sake student union bodies at this university without any physical power. The ASA is a notorious student union composed of various hundreds of villagers, town dwellers, city dwellers, and children of daily wage workers from vernacular language backgrounds. There have been Mahars and their equivalent Ambedkarites from Tamil Nadu and other parts of North and West India in this organization. Telugu-speaking Malas are predominant in this university. They are omnipresent and omnipotent in a negative sense, irrespective of their ideological background. They are Dalits. They are Malas. They are Ambedkarites. Ambedkarites are Malas. Malas is a Marxist. The Marxists are Malas. They are the chameleon category. They will travel to any location if there is a financial, material, or personal benefit. Today’s Ambedakrite is tomorrow's BJP or Jana Sena.

For various personal and professional reasons, I witnessed suicide attempts by Dalit students, tribal students, and backward-caste students. ASA is a powerful student union with its massive physical force as well as strong support from Brahmin human rights professors Hara Gopal, Susie Tharu, Lalitha, Kalpana Kannabhiram, and Professor Upendra Bakshi, apart from Professor Gopal Guru, Professor Anand Teltumbde, Professor Aloysious, Professor Gail Omvedt, and Mala faculty members on campus. Mala faculty members are numerous on this campus. The above Brahmin professors took the responsibility of projecting future "Dalit or Ambedkarite or Marxist intellectuals for India" even though they did not know how to write a leave letter of their own in English.

 I am focusing on a few Ambedkarites to understand the whole scenario of Ambedkarites and their servants in Indian academia who can’t even tell the difference between "is" and "was" and are publishing research papers in not only EPW but also OUP, Sage, Rutledge, Rawat, Elsevier, etc.

Now anyone can understand how the academic mafia, or Ambedkarite academic mafia, emerged as a rising star since nobody dared question their academic manipulations, corruption, fraud, or plagiarism. Professor Ashish Nandi tried to reveal the corruption of lower castes, but he became a victim of the Ambedkarites and was projected as an anti-Ambedkarite, hence anti-Dalit or anti-reservation holder. Critical thinkers are scared of getting brands like "anti-Ambedkar", "anti-Dalit", or "anti-reservations". Indeed, they are anti-corrupt, anti-academic fraud, anti-plagiarism, etc., rather than anti-Dalits.

Gentleman's agreement of Mala People’s Ambedkar Students' Association (ASA) and their non-Mala caste agents in Systematic Academic Corruption at the University of Hyderabad

ASA started inviting non-Mala castes into their organization. The non-Mala castes started joining ASA for their benefit since ASA is a powerful and notorious student group at UoH. ASA members and its Mala faculty, including Brahmin Human Rights Professor Hara Gopal, and staunch Mala figures Professor K.Y. Ratnam, Professor Nancharaiah, Professor Sudhakar, Professor Chandra Sekhar, Professor Krishna Reddy, Human Rights Professor Reddy, Associate Professor Sripathi Ramudu, etc., are part of this Ambedkarite academic mafia. They used conspiracy theories to send out outspoken readers, anti-corruption activists, whistleblower activists, and LGBTQ activists like me from their university for my outspokenness against their deep-rooted academic fraud. They used "character assassination" to remove me from academics. There have been many victims of this ASA academic mafia. After my paper presentation on "Can the Gay Speak" in public places in UoH, female and male students, researchers, and faculty members of the ASA ideology started addressing me as "Gay" in public places. I was even physically assaulted by ASA goons at the University of Hyderabad.

I want to highlight the saga of academic corruption of these intellectually inferior individuals who systematically ruined original academic thinking, reading, and writing with their systematic academic fraud with the support of their godfathers and godmothers from India. Let me start with the notorious Kummitha Rama Krishna Reddy and his international academic fraud, academic fraud of at least four Ambedkarites of the ASA: Professor K.Y. Ratnam from Hyderabad Central University; Dr. B. Jagannatham from Gujarat Central University; Dr. Vulli Dhanaraju from Assam Central University; Professor Sheela Prasad (Hindu woman professor) from the University of Hyderabad; and Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha, Vice-Chancellor Senior Fellow at Newcastle Business School; and his brother Harshavardhan Reddy Kummitha, assistant professor at Budapest Business School(

Dr. Kummitha Rama Krishna Reddy, the then Ph.D. scholar from the Center for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy at the Central University of Hyderabad, or UoH, Hyderabad, joined ASA to get his M.Phil and Ph.D. degrees without touching a book by doing personal services to Brahmin, Reddy, and Mala caste faculties in the school of social sciences. Once, his M.Phil thesis was read aloud by Professor Sharma for its cut and paste from Google. But the same thesis was accepted by Professor Sudhakar and awarded him an M.Phil degree and a Ph.D. degree from the same center for his services to Brahmin, Reddy, Mala, and Madiga caste teachers in the school of social sciences.

The Anthropology Professor Sudhakar was a powerful Mala Professor, wielding power in both Anthropology as the department's head and at UoH as the director of social exclusion and inclusive policy during 2008. He built a social inclusion and exclusion center as the Mala Center, with majority Mala caste research scholars and his Hindu caste puppets. Kummitha Rama Krishna Reddy was a beloved personal assistant to Professor Sudhakar. Professor Krishna Reddy, Professor K.Y. Ratnam, Human Rights Professor Hara Gopal, Professor Chandra Sekhar, and Human Rights Professor Reddy were known as the "personal assistants" or "slaves" to every professor in CSSEIP. He is known as an obedient servant in the Social Science block just like Dr.K.Y.Ratnam, Dr. Jagganntham, Dr. N Sukumar, Dr. Vulli Dhana Raju, etc. while they were M.Phil and Ph.D. students or teaching. The School of Social Sciences (SSS) in UoH knows about the academic corruption of these most intellectually inferior individuals, about whom I am talking above, and will write below in detail. Remember, these individuals resemble every corrupted individual, group, gang, or community in Indian academia.

Kummitha Rama Krishna Reddy provided personal services to his Reddy, Brahmin, and Mala faculty members in the School of Social Sciences at UoH, and he used his caste and loyalty to obtain his master's and research degrees without any problems from his Ambedkarites and human rights faculties. He migrated to western universities, from UoH to Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) to UNO University in Japan, and from there to Italy and Europe, and to the United Kingdom, where he assisted his other intellectually inferior brother to become an assistant professor. To learn more about Dr. Reddy, talk to his political science professors about his academic fraud. His academic fraud began with his enrollment in Political Science at UoH and continues to this day in the West. He studied in the Telugu medium from his childhood days up to a BA at Andhra Pradesh Residential Degree College in Kurnool. He never had a history of reading or writing or achieving IELTS or TOFEL tests with 6 points in writing. But he published numerous theoretical papers in theoretical journals and published books by renowned academic houses, just like any other Indian academic.

He published "HCUSU Elections: Status of Democracy and Lyngdoh Committee’s Recommendations" in Mainstream, Vol XLVII, No 51, December 5, 2009 ( . He published it while he was a doctoral student at the Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy at the University of Hyderabad.

Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha, What Do Our Cities Need to Become Inclusive Smart Cities, Vol.54, Issue No:13, 30 March, 2019, EPW (

He published another paper on "Social Exclusion: The European Concept of Indian Social Reality" in Sage Journals ( .

He published a paper on "Dynamic curriculum development on social entrepreneurship – A Case Study of TISS" on ScienceDirect with other authors, Satyajit Majumdar ( .

His other published work on Sage Journals is "Social Entrepreneurship as a Tool to Remedy Social Exclusion: A Win–Win Scenario?" ( ,

He published a book on "Social Entrepreneurship: Working towards Greater Inclusiveness" by Sage ( .

Another work, "Social Entrepreneurship and Social Inclusion: Processes, Practices, and Prospects" by Palgrave Macmillan (

Another Elsevier paper on "How do we understand smart cities? An evolutionary perspective "with co-author NathalieCrutzen (

Another Emerald Insight publication, "Institutionalising Design Thinking in Social Entrepreneurship: A Contextual Analysis into Social and Organizational Processes" ( , is "Institutionalising Design Thinking in Social Entrepreneurship: A Contextual Analysis into Social and Organizational Processes."

"Social Entrepreneurship, Energy and Urban Innovations" (

Another Elsevier publication, "Entrepreneurial urbanism and technological panacea: Why does Smart City planning need to go beyond corporate visioning?" ( ,

Another Elsevier "Smart Cities and Entrepreneurship: An Agenda for Future Research" (

Another Elsevier publication, "Smart Technologies for Fighting Pandemics: The Techno-and Human-Driven Approaches to Controlling Virus Transmission" ( , discusses "Smart Technologies for Fighting Pandemics: The Techno-and Human-Driven Approaches to Controlling Virus Transmission."

Another Elsevier publication is "Why Distance Matters: The Relatedness Between Technology Development and Its Appropriation in Smart Cities" ( .

His brother, Harshavardhan Reddy Kummitha ((  ), has become an assistant professor at Budapest Business School. The irony is that they received their entire education in Telugu, but they have published dozens of research papers and books in mainstream academic journals and publishing houses in very short time. They can’t even read, speak, listen and write their own sentences in English, as the Political Science Department faculties of UoH know the academic fraud of Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha but published thousands of research pages in English.

Human Rights Professor Hara Gopal: The Mala Champion

Human Rights Professor Hara Gopal has a long history of "Mala Champion" of recommending his most non-meritorious Mala, Brahmin, and Reddy students alike as faculty members in various Indian central, state, and foreign universities. There has been news that he projected his son as an "intellectual, scholar, and writer through EPW". For example, N Sukumar (Living a Concept: Semiotics of Everyday Exclusion, Vol.43, Issue No.46, November 15, 2008, EPW at ) from Delhi University is recommended by Hara Gopal. As a matter of fact, N. Sukumar can’t even write a single page of his own but published this paper in EPW. He never had another EPW article after this one. His friends told us that his paper was written by his Kerala Brahmin wife. Only God knows who wrote this paper. Many JNU students were outraged when Hara Gopal portrayed his son as a scholar, intellectual, and thinker in EPW and portrayed another Mala student, Begari Jagannathan, as his co-author in his EPW article (Begari Jagannatham, G. Haragopal, Terrorism and Human Rights: Indian Experience with Repressive Laws, Vol.44, Issue No.28, July 11, 2009, EPW at ).Finally, Professor Hara Gopal recommended Jagannatham as an assistant professor in Gandhian studies at Gujarat Central University. He published a paper titled "Reclaiming Social Justice and Deepening Democracy" in the edited volume "B.R. Ambedkar: The Quest for Justice", Vol II, edited by Aakash Singh Rathore, 9th paper, Oxford University Press, 2020). Mr. Jagannatham Begari is editing another work titled "B.R. Ambedkar and Social Transformation: Revisiting the Philosophy and Reclaiming Social Justice." Rutledge is the publisher at and another publication
B.R. Ambedkar and Social Transformation: Revisiting the Philosophy and Reclaiming Social Justice” by Rutledge at

First Edition: B.R. Ambedkar and Social Transformation: Revisiting the Philosophy and Reclaiming Social Justice at


B.R. Ambedkar and Social Transformation: Revisiting the Philosophy and Reclaiming Social Justice (Hardback) by Taylor & Francis Ltd at Dr Jaganntham can’t pass basic English language test scores but can publish hundreds of research pages in theoretical journals and publication houses in India. Meanwhile, Professor Nancharaih, Professor Hara Gopal and other Brahmin professors have recruited their children to JNU and UoH. They made a knowledge center as another Indian cinema industry with their heritage.

Another iconic figure in this academic fraud is Dr. Vulli Dhanaraju. He has published at least a dozen books within a short span of five to six years. He never touched any academic work, but he obtained his M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D and became an Assam central university faculty with his Ambedkar activism and personal services to every Mala, Mahar, and Brahmin professor, such as Hara Gopal, Susie Tharu, Lalitha, Sukhdev Thorat, Ilaiah, Aloysious, etc. He does not know how to read an English text, forget about writing and speaking English. He can’t pass the basic English test scores. One can see his book publications at

The leading political theorist, Gopal Guru, recruited the intellectually inferior "Ambedkarite intellectual," Professor K.Y. Ratnam, in Political Science. Both the eminent Professor Gopal Guru and Professor K.Y. Ratnam belong to the same caste, the Mahar and Mala caste, from Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. Apart from my Slavic services to my then Ph.D. guide, Professor K.Y. Ratnam, I paid more than two hundred thousand rupees to my Ambedkarite Ph.D. guide as a gift. My former Ph.D. supervisor, Professor K.Y. Ratnam, stole my 15 expensive theoretical books in the name of supervision. He takes money and gifts from his Ph.D. students. I became a whistleblower to inform the "Muslim" Vice-Chancellor of UoH about academic fraud in recruiting faculties in CSSEIP without knowing that he was also part of this academic mafia. Professor K.Y. Ratnam, Professor Nancharaiah, Professor Sudhakar, Professor Hara Gopal, Professor Chandra Sekhar, Professor Reddy, and others from the University of Hyderabad's Social Sciences Department have awarded M.Phil and Ph.D degrees to hundreds of non-meritorious students. They ruined true academic scholarship by recruiting their non-meritorious candidates into academic positions. By observing his research scholars' plagiarized works and academic fraud, I started suspecting whether Human Rights Professor Hara Gopal and his EPW articles were losing faith in theoretical works as a result of seeing these corrupted people's works in legitimate academic publishing houses. I do not know how intellectually inferior Ambedkarites like Sunkanna Velpula ( and his fellow Ambedkarites got their M.A, M.Phil, and Ph.D. degrees in Philosophy of Social Sciences and Humanities or Sciences or Engineering courses from the UoH and joined universities as faculties. He joined postdoctoral studies at IIT, Bombay. He can’t even read, listen, speak, or write a sentence in English, but he has written M.A, M.Phil, and Ph.D. research papers and theses, and is doing PDFs.

In the name of Ambedkar, caste, and untouchability, 100% of Ambedkarites or Mala caste research scholars and faculty from the UoH commit massive academic corruption, fraud, plagiarism, and destruction of academic ethics. Almost all the corrupted Ambedakrites got their M.A, M.Phil, and Ph.D. degrees by using caste, untouchability, reservations, academic networking, godfathers, activism, and Rohit Vemula's death. Most of them became university faculty members by using Rohit Vemula's death. Vulli Dhanaraju and other Ambedkarites, or Malas, have joined universities by using their Ambedkarite political activism on the UoH. This reflects poorly on Ambedkar's ideology and poses a significant threat to true knowledge production.

Human Rights Professor Hara Gopal, the late Professor Krishna Reddy, Ambedkarite Professor Sudhakar from Anthropology (both were former Directors of CSSE & IP), and his Madiga assistant professor recommended Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha for his services to them. He is well-known for academic fraud, plagiarism, and academic misconduct. His M.Phil, Ph.D., and his journey to UNO University in Tokyo to become a faculty member in Italy and the UK should be investigated immediately by the judiciary or independent academic panels to protect genuine academic scholarship. His academic recommendation letters about his academic abilities, given by Ambedkarite and human rights faculties from the Center for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, are corrupt. He is well-known for serving personal works to Mala-Brahmins, as are N. Sukumar, Jagannatham, and Vulli Dhanaraju. Professor Hara Gopal, Professor Nancharaiah, Professor Sudhakar, Professor K.Y. Ratnam, Professor Chandra Sekhar, Professor Reddy, etc. Professor Susie Tharu and Lalitha are taking care of the EFLU Malas just like Professor Gopal Guru is taking care of his JNU Mahars. Professor Aloysius became part of this academic mafia too.

Another academic fraud is B.Venkat Raju and Sheela Prasad’s publication, the Magic Mountain Revisited: History of the Madanapalle TB Sanatorium, Vol.43, Issue No.33, August 16, 2008, EPW at . The main author, B. Venkat Raju, had met me in my NRS hostel room and told me that Professor Sheela Prasad, his center director, had added her name to his paper. He confirmed that Professor Sheela Prasad never contributed to this paper. He told me personally that "Sheela Prasad advised him that if he sends a paper to EPW without the professor's name, EPW will reject it, so he included Professor Sheela Prasad's name in this paper."

One should examine their academic scholarship by an independent judiciary or committee from CSCS, CSSS, CSDS, or lie-detector to know their academic fraud and corruption. Ambedkarite faculties from the University of Hyderabad engage in systematic academic corruption, fraud, plagiarism, and cheating for their existence. Before becoming university teachers, Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha and other ASA leaders who became university faculty are well-known for their academic fraud, corruption, and plagiarism.

There are young and honest scholars that I have seen at UoH, such as Mohammed Abbas from the Department of Sociology and Rajasekharam Mallipudi (Kapu by caste) from the Center for Comparative Studies at UoH, who are disappearing from academics since they lack godfathers, godmothers, and Ambedkar. These young and honest scholars with original reading, thinking, and writing skills are disappearing from theory production. Ambedkar became the godfather of corrupted followers. They ruined the name of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar with every moment of academic fraud.

These intellectually inferior individuals never touch a book or EPW or OUP or any academic work in their lifetime but publish dozens in theoretical journals. The Political Science Department faculty members are aware of Professor N. Sukumar's, Dr. B. Jagannatham, and Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy's academic fraud, and the History Department faculty are aware of Dr. Vulli Dhanaraju's academic fraud, but they were/are vulnerable because they were/are members of the powerful ASA. Let me write about their systematic academic corruption. They ruined academic ethics by entering into knowledge production with their mafia. 

Gopal Guru's Ethics of Theory or Life can be found in all of his works (Gopal Guru and Sunder Sarukkai (2012), The Cracked Mirror: An Indian Debate on Experience and Theory, Oxford University Press; or Gopal Guru (ed), (2009), Humiliation: Claims and Context, Oxford University Press; or Dhanwanti Nayak, "Plagiarism in the Classroom," Vol.46, Issue No.09, February 26, 2011, Economic & Political Weekly), but none of the Ambedkarites follow any morality in their material benefits.

One of my CSCS classmates, Nitya Vasudevan, (Nitya Vasudevan, Navigating a Field of Opposition, EPW, Vol. 50, No. 17, April 25, 2015; Reorganisation of Desire, EPW, Vol. 51, No. 14, April 2, 2016), has published a special theoretical research article in EPW by taking at least a decade. It has taken ten years for a genuine young scholar like Nitya Vasudevan to publish a genuine theoretical article in EPW, but the Ambedkarite and Reddy university communities, along with the majority of the Indian academic community, are publishing articles in EPW, Elsevier, Sage, OUP, Taylor & Fancies without touching a book.

Most of the joint papers from the University of Hyderabad where Human Rights Professor-Ambedkar Ph.D. scholars or Student-Professor papers are manipulated joint papers. ASA leaders are becoming university faculties by using caste, untouchability, Ambedkar, and activism, whereas the Ethiopian university community is using the "African" identity to escape from their everyday unethical lives of corruption, sexual exploitation, and academic fraud. Dalits, like Ambedkar, or African identities, are enemies of modernity, humanity, truth, and progressive ideology. Many unworthy individuals are becoming university faculty by using Ambedkar, caste, untouchability, Hindu, Muslim, neo-Buddhist, and Sikh ideologies.

The vernacular writers who can’t spell out or write a Michel Foucault or Louis Althusser or Antonio Gramsci or Jurgen Habermas or Slavoj Zizek name in English are becoming university faculties and publishing papers in EPW without referring to or acknowledging the person who edited their poorly-written English or essay. Vernacular language background writers like me should acknowledge English experts who are editing poorly written manuscripts in English. Claiming the plagiarized language, words, sentences, paragraphs, lines, etc. as one’s own is unethical in any sense. Acknowledging the person who edited an essay, thesis, book, or research paper is the spirit of ethics in life and academics.

Even in EPW, the Ambedkarite/Mala Academic Corrupted continues to publish papers. The vernacular background teachers and so-called research scholars who can’t spell out or write a Michel Foucault or Louis Althusser or Antonio Gramsci or Jurgen Habermas or Slavoj Zizek name in English are becoming university faculty and publishing papers in EPW, OUP, and editing Rutledge without touching a book or pen. Vernacular or English-language background writers like me should acknowledge English experts who are editing poorly written manuscripts in English. Claiming the plagiarized language, words, sentences, paragraphs, lines, etc. as one’s own is unethical in any sense. Acknowledging the person who edited an essay, thesis, book, or research paper is the spirit of ethics in life and academics.

There are millions of Indian academicians like this. In this university, there is much non-meritorious academic fraud. Ambedkarite and non-Ambedkarite professors in social sciences, such as Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha, Dr. B. Jagannatham, Dr. Vulli Dhana Raju, Professor N. Sukumar, Professor Nanchaiah, Professor K.Y. Ratnam, Professor Sudhakar, Professor Chandra Sekhar, and Professor Eashwaraiah, Professor Reddy, Professor (Kamma) Choudhury, as well as many Brahmin professors like Rekha Pande, Professor Sheela Prasad, and others, who became faculty through recommendations. This is an Indian phenomenon. How to save an academy from this academic mafia?

Professor K.Y. Ratnam, Dr.Vulli Dhanaraju, N. Sukumar, Dr.Ramudu, Professor Sudhakar, Professor Hara Gopal, Professor Rao, Professor Gupta, Professor Eashwaraiah, Professor Rekha Pandey, Professor Reddy, Dr. B. Jagannatham, and Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha were from the School of Social Sciences and Humanities background at UoH. There have been millions of Professor Rekha Pandas in Women's or Gender Studies in India in academic corruption. The irony is that nothing was written by them, but they became scholars. This is the irony of the 21st century in Indian academia. Vice-Chancellors, Professors, Deans, Directors, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors are among the positions held by Mala professors. They are known for encouraging their Ambedkarites for their benefit. For example, many non-meritorious Ambedkarites were awarded doctoral degrees, many were promoted as university professors, and many became university faculties during the present and past national incidents, such as the banning of Mala students and the recent suicide of Rohit Vemula. Rohit Vemula became a pawn in the hands of these corrupt Mala Ambedkarites to gain personal, professional, and material benefits. Indeed, ASA is looking for opportunities such as suicide to gain personal, professional, and material benefits.

All these academic frauds are openly supported by even eminent theorists like Gopal Guru, Gail Omvedt, Aloysious, Sharmila Rege, Susie Tharu, and Lalitha. This is the most painful thing in academics, in the name of caste, untouchability, and Ambedkar. The eminent Professor Susie Tharu, a Brahmin woman theorist, and the eminent Brahmin woman writer, Lalitha, had already projected "Shudra Critique" and "Ambedkarite-Marxist intellectuals in Hyderabad" as modern Indian intellectuals. At Osmania University, there is a murmur that the idea of "Why I Am Not a Hindu" was stolen from the Telangana Madiga Professor. I trust Madiga Professor's claims since his untouchable caste background can only force him to have such an idea. Kancha Ilaiach can’t have such an idea since he is a Hindu. Susie Tharu, a Brahmin woman professor and writer, portrayed him as a Shudra intellectual. Thanks to Brahmin women who are projecting non-meritorious Ambedkarites and Dalitbahujans for their historical mistakes. It appears that Brahmin women took the guilt on behalf of their Brahmin men. 

Many Ambedkarites with big heads like Vice-Chancellors, scholars, professors, bureaucrats, police, administrative officials, and politicians are involved in this deep-rooted academic corruption. It is an Ambedkarite Academic Mafia, and it is very difficult to deal with. Dr. Kummitha Rama Krishna Reddy is part of this Ambedkarite Academic Mafia on SSS, UoH.

How do we understand when caste-based, slavery-based, political activism-based, sexual relationship-based, religious-based academic recommendations, political recommendations, bribes, sexual relationships, and corruption are recruiting candidates at the cost of academic minds and destroying human values, ethics, and democratic principles in the name of caste, religion, and region in third world societies in general and Indian academia in particular? Don’t we have the right to have academic honesty in our institutions?

Professor K.Y. Ratnam alone awarded hundreds of his untouchable Mala caste candidates, along with his servile backward caste or general caste candidates, M.Phil and Ph.D. degrees, and they are doing PDFs and working as university faculty across India and abroad. Imagine millions of corrupted academicians who award their caste students with research degrees and who are working globally and reproducing academic corruption across the globe. How do you save academics from deep-rooted academic fraud? Millions of people, including Professor K.Y. Ratnas, have benefited personally, professionally, and materially as a result of caste and religion. How do you take any legal action against these millions of corrupted academicians in India and abroad?

Finally, academic fraud is mocking and challenging. For instance, Manjari Katju, "Plagiarism in Indian Academia: Plagiarism and Social Sciences", Col.46, Issue No.09, 26 February 2011, Economic & Political Weekly; or Dhanwanti Nayak, "Karaoked: Plagiarism in the Classroom", Vol.46, Issue No.09, 26 February 2011, Economic & Political Weekly; or Prashant Iyengar, "Pirates, Plagiarizers, Publishers", Vol.46, Issue No.09, 26 February 2011, Economic & Political Weekly; or Prashant Iyengar, "Pirates, Plagiarizers, Plagiarizers, Plagiarizers, and Publishers", Vol.46, Issue No.09, 26 February 2011, Economic & Political Weekly; or Professor Ramachandra Guha, "Death by a thousand cuts", May 20, 2015, Indian Express; or Professor Ramachandra Guha, "Death by a thousand cuts", May 20, 2015, Indian Express; or R. Prasad," more instances of plagiarism come to light," March 09, 2012, Hindu Newspaper; or Rahul

How do you understand where State and Central University faculties are taking huge bribes from their students per chapter to accept their plagiarized chapters or guides advising their students to plagiarize to accept their research works or chapters or thesis works by taking money per chapter or sexually exploiting their female students to accept their research works?

How can academics be saved from academic fraud?

What is the use of a lie detector when you can’t use it on corrupted academicians or corrupted people in India? Oh, I forgot to mention that justice or the justice system, as well as the Supreme Court or High Court justices, are all part of India's caste-based, deep-rooted corruption. Sorry, I forgot it!

Please use social media, blogs, Facebook, etc. to highlight the corruption of individuals so that people who are involved in corruption may reduce their corruption activities. I may not stop systematic corruption, but the above powerful individuals may not continue their long-standing corruption activities in the future, so I have given their names boldly even though my life or my family life is at high risk. We may die once, but dying for the greater good will benefit millions of victims like us.

I am untouchable by caste and am fighting against my untouchable caste academic corruption. Could you fight against your own caste's corruption?

Fight corruption in any form.

Silence is not an option!

 Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D(History)


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