Sunday 19 June 2022

The Forced Invisibility of African and Asian-Black People in the Public Sphere of White Man's Land -Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

The Forced Invisibility of African and Asian-Black People in the Public Sphere of White Man's Land
-Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

I started observing my blackness as well as my Ethiopian wife's Africanness in white man’s land for quite some time since 2021. We started observing another two African men from Togo in our residential area. They arrived recently by crossing water, hills, mountains, forests, ponds, oceans, snakes, anacondas, bullets, knives, blood, death, persecution, and rescue from a distance of thousands of miles to our residential area for a better life like every Muslim and Asian. I met another Muslim from Sri Lanka who said that he escaped from Sri Lanka since Sri Lankan police have arrested more than 1000 Sri Lankan Muslims who have a relationship with church bombs, which killed more than 275 Sri Lankan Christians and injured thousands of Christians. The irony is that neither New Zealand nor the United Nations, nor the United States, nor the European Union, nor Amnesty International, nor other global human rights organizations have spoken out about the massacre of 275 Christians by western-educated Muslim researchers. The Sri Lankan-UNHCR even sheltered thousands of Islamic extremists from arrest for being part of the genocide against Sri Lankan Christians in these church bombings. The Sri Lankan Muslim asylum seeker said he escaped Sri Lanka. He is even unhappy that he is eating Christian food in a European country without halal. He repeatedly tells me that since he is a good Muslim, he can’t eat food without halal and is openly humiliating European communities for being unable to provide them with halal food. Many Islamic State ideologues are taking shelter in Europe and applying for asylum, and many are granted refugee status. My fellow black Africans crossed at least 10 European countries, from Togo to our current white land. I started interviewing them about their desperate journeys from Africa to Europe via Islamic countries and their life experiences with Muslims and whites during their long journeys. They have similar stories of unbearable racism, persecution, and discrimination for being African as well as for being black men in Islamic and white lands. Finally, they reached us. When my wife and I saw them, we felt bad because we knew how much raw racism we face in our daily lives in our current white land. We felt sorry for them because we knew that they were going to stick to their room like us without appearing in the public sphere. The public sphere is loving our shadow. We are consciously segregated from the public sphere in this proud European land by our proud European race as well as by Muslims. They (Muslims) are free to eve-tease a white girl, touch a white girl inappropriately, make running comments on white women and under-aged girls, sexually molest under-aged non-Muslim girls, physically attack any non-Muslim, run a Quran school illegally in common and public places, and do whatever they want. They can do anything illegally. However, this is not the case for Africans and black Asians. They are too lowly to cast a shadow at any time of day or night. We can’t show our visibility. We can’t mingle with people. We can’t play football. We can’t chat. We can’t smile. We can’t talk. We can’t walk. We can’t sit. We can’t cheer in Whiteman’s land. We are the most underprivileged African and black people in a racist European country. Racism is practiced mercilessly on our black and African skins by the white, brown, and yellow skins. Proud Europeans are proud racists. Proud Muslims are proud religious extremists. Every white man or woman and every Islamist is a racist and a religious extremist.Their talk and practical life are entirely different. Nobody can be confused about the Indian way of life or ideology because Indians are open barbarians and uncivilized with their castes of mind as well as with their untouchability of mind, but a white man is a confused human being because he or she speaks human rights on international platforms but becomes self-conservative and racist internally on local platforms. Their international avatars are quite different from their local ones. Indians on global platforms and local platforms are united with their strong determination to carry out the spirit of barbarian, brutal, unethical, irrational, or uncivilized casteism, racism, and untouchability on fellow untouchable castes. Nobody can be confused about Indians because they openly practice brutal caste systems, untouchability, persecution, genocide, and racism against untouchable castes from local or international spaces across time and space, but white men confuse us with their Janus face or black-skin, white mask ideology. I feel sorry for my African neighbors who can’t even show their presence in our residential area. They are just like us. I felt bad when I saw their tears due to the unbearable racism in white people’s land. They are facing racism from white, brown, and yellow skins. Even in times of crisis, white, brown, and yellow asylum seekers are omnipresent and omnipotent in their practice of raw racism. In the eyes of asylum laws, every asylum seeker is equal, but African and black-skinned people are part of an excluded group in everyday theories and practices in Europe. Racism is dead. Long live racism.



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