Sunday, 5 June 2022

The Historical Necessity to Reject Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, Colombia University and London School of Economics Product, Social Theorist, Author of the Indian Constitution, Jurist, Professor, and 20th Century Leading Intellectual of India-Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla.


The Historical Necessity to Reject Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, Colombia University and London School of Economics Product, Social Theorist, Author of the Indian Constitution, Jurist, Professor, and 20th Century Leading Intellectual of India-Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla.

Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, popularly known as "Babasaheb", was born into an untouchable-Mahar Hindu family. He practiced Hinduism throughout his life by worshipping various Hindu gods and goddesses. He attended a British-run English-medium school in Mhow when his father was an army officer during colonial rule in India. He faced raw untouchability, humiliation, persecution, and racism from Hindus. He attended the prestigious Colombia University, where he obtained his master's degree in 1915 and doctoral degree in 1917 from the same university; he obtained an M.Sc degree from the London School of Economics in 1921; his barista at law from Gray’s Inn, London in 1922; and his LL.D from Colombia University in 1952; and he also studied in Germany.

Ambedkar returned to India after completing his degrees in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Germany. He never settled in either the USA or UK or Germany, like tens of millions of Indian Brahmins or Hindus generally made the USA or UK or Europe their home country after completion of their studies or migration to those countries historically. History reveals the fact that millions of Hindus or Brahmins migrated to the USA, UK, or Europe 400 years ago during colonial rule in India and made them their homes. The irony of Hindu or Brahmin migration is that the Brahmin or the beloved child of the white world imposed a strict rule on the Indian community that Indians should never cross any water or travel to any impure non-Hindu societies from their pure Indian society. Brahmin migrated to the impure white world from pure Indian society 400 years ago and made his white world his home country.

The Brahmin continues to control Hindu or non-Brahmin migration to his white world, even from the Diaspora. For the last 400 years, Brahmins have used employment, jobs, scholarships, political offices, and economic institutions to help Brahmins maintain their monopoly on the non-Brahmin Indian or South Asian community. The percentage of the Brahmin population in India is less than 2, whereas the population of Brahmins in the western world is 98%. The non-Brahmin migration to the white world has at least 200 years of history, whereas the migration of untouchables to the white world has not yet started. Individual cases exist, such as Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, who made a rare migration for studies but never settled in the white world. His dreams, goals, ambitions, and passions are opposed to those of Hindus, the butchers of untouchables. He was a well-read Indian untouchable in the white world. Many leading western scholars have evidenced that Ambedkar always spent his time in the library reading and writing books. This is juxtaposed with his followers. His Mahar or Mala followers never touch a book except to manipulate or become part of the corruption in their lives to amass wealth and fame. Here I am not going into his followers' history.

Ambedkar spent decades producing theoretical foundations on caste, untouchability, the economy, constitution, rights, morality, etc., unlike Gandhi or his Hindu followers, who were busy with illicit relationships with their Congress or nationalist Hindu girls and women. Gandhi used to sexually exploit under-aged girls and boys, like his close Brahmin friend Nehru. Every Hindu nationalist leader was part of the sexual exploitation of under-aged girls and women during the so-called anti-colonial agitations. Indian nationalist leaders have many Janus faces. They are best known as brown-skinned and white-masked leaders in public spheres. Nehru died of HIV like many Indian national leaders. Gandhi and his Hindu leaders were pedophiles. Gandhi was bisexual and had a Jewish bodybuilder husband. He sexually exploited under-aged girls and boys like any Hindu leader during colonial rule.

Ambedkar lacked the opportunity to sexually exploit his Mahar untouchable caste girls. He was straight and belonged to a cisgender group. He was a dedicated leader who worked hard to keep his untouchable castes safe from the clutches of Hinduism. He fought against Hinduism, the caste system, and untouchability throughout his life. He held various political positions. He did his best, as any Franz Fanon or Cornel West or Noam Chomsky would, and embraced Buddhism just before his death at a young age. In his 56 years, he championed rights for untouchable castes. He never slept except for reading and writing. He wrote the finest theoretical scholarship on the caste system, untouchability, racism, riddles in Hinduism, Buddhism, purity, impurity, etc. There is no doubt that Ambedkar is a great icon of human rights for untouchable castes, at least theoretically through his constitution of India. Finally, he died by advising his Mahar and Mala caste followers by advising that only Buddhism and political power would change their human status.Here I have a problem with his Buddhism and his advice to achieve political power to gain human status. This is where I began to regard the social theorist as a backward thinker, similar to Gandhi or any other Hindu leader in India.

Generally speaking, enlightenment comes from an individual level and individual reformation would lead to family reformation through which social reformation would take place, but in the case of Ambedkar, like Gandhi or any other Hindu leader, the idea of social reformation took place in the place of individual or personal or self-reformation. Ambedkar never reformated himself or stopped worshiping Hindu idols, but instead began advising his followers to abandon Hinduism and forcing his Mahar followers to convert to Hinduism. Any one of us knows that Buddhism is another face of Hinduism. He knows that converting to Buddhism won’t change their religious beliefs since they share a common ideology and idols and way of life. He knows very well that it is very hard to convert to Christianity since it has a human face that he does not want because he has a strong belief in Hinduism. His core ideology of Hinduism was converted into Neo-Buddhism.

As we are aware, Buddhism is a notorious religion like Hinduism, having a caste system, untouchability, racism, or just Hinduism. It is no different from the Hindu religion. So, even Gandhi or any Hindu leader never objected when Ambedkar converted to Buddhism with his millions of Mahar followers. India has no issue with Buddhism, unlike Christianity. India or Gandhi or any Hindu leader has a huge problem with Christianity or Jesus Christ since it leads to social equality of human beings, unlike in Hindu religion or Buddhism, where the social status of various castes is intact and nobody can change their given vertical hierarchies.

Ambedkar advised his Mahar followers to achieve political power to achieve human status. Millions of black Americans have long held political power in the United States and they have remained in that position to this day. How does political power alter our human status? It is another crazy thing about Ambedkar. How come such heinous Buddhism would promise untouchables access to equal social status on par with its pure castes? Buddhist countries are known for their brutal caste systems and untouchability against untouchable castes. Political power led his followers to practice huge corruption in India. Every Mahar or Mala Ambedkarite is part and parcel of systematic corruption to amass wealth, employment, power, and fame. How can political power or Buddhism give us social equality?

This is Ambedkar's insaneness, so it is time to discard, reject, and refuse Dr. B.R. Ambedakr. However, his theories are elegant against the caste system and are untouchable. He pushed his Mahars and Malas into the caste system and untouchability. Buddhism would never liberate untouchables, or political power would never liberate untouchables. Acquiring knowledge can only liberate individuals, through which families and communities would be liberated from the Hindu religion or Buddhist religion. Discard them and join Protestant Christianity. Christianity has a human face and can achieve social equality. Can Christianity guarantee social equality to any marginalized community? The best is atheism, and the second-best is protestant Christianity. A scholar or intellectual should be clear about liberation; otherwise, you will be like Gandhi or Ambedkar.

One can understand if Gandhi or any Hindu advises their people to stay in their brutal Hindu religion, but the fact that a leading theorist and scholar like Ambedkar misled his Mahar and Mala untouchables to Buddhism means that there is a threat of Hinduism reproduction through Buddhism to keep untouchables in their social ranks as they are. Discord Ambedkar and the untouchables need a new name with a protestant Christian background. Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla.

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