Wednesday, 21 December 2022

My personal experience with massive academic corruption, academic fraud, academic cheating, and an unethical academic way of life with Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha, Dr Jagannatham Begari , Dr. Vulli Dhanaraju, etc. in India and London.

My personal experience with massive academic corruption, academic fraud, academic cheating, and an unethical academic way of life with Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha, Dr Jagannatham Begari , Dr. Vulli Dhanaraju, etc. in India and London.

My personal experience with the massive academic corruption of the University of Hyderabad (UoH)[1]-based Ambedkar Students Association (ASA)[2] and its ally’s dates back to 1998. I joined the UoH in 1998 and started experiencing persecution from the notorious ASA members or brutal Mala[3] caste students, teachers, and non-teaching Mala caste employees. I felt shock when I experienced brutal violence and persecution from them, even though I am untouchable. First, they asked my caste directly in front of their community members. I replied, "I am untouchable[4]." They asked about my specific caste among the untouchable castes. I replied that I was born to Madiga[5], the untouchable caste, and Yadava[6], the Aryan caste. They called me a bastard since I was born to inter-caste parents. They assassinated my mother’s character by saying my mother might have slept with her Yadava man but named me and my sister my untouchable father surname. They started calling me, derogatory, "Madiga Bastard." They hate the Madiga caste so much for the simple reason that Madiga people are fighting the tyranny of the Mala caste for social justice, equality, freedom, truth, nonviolence, peace, democracy, etc. Mala caste is known for their brutal violence, corruption, cheating, lies, quid pro quo in the name of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar[7] to which he belong. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was too powerful, unlike other marginalized non-Mala untouchable castes. Mala caste people are historically known for wielding power. They are the only mainstream untouchable caste that is equal to Hinduism’s massive corruption, brutal violence, cheating, unity, gangs, lies, etc. Mala caste people are well-organized criminals just like Hindus[8] (Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras).  In 1998, I met Mala caste students, non-teaching members, and teaching members of the school of social sciences, and no Mala caste member participated in any democratic process or internal democracy. I have seen open academic corruption. I have never seen any Mala caste Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, PhD scholar, or M.Phil scholar reading a book written by their own godfather, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, or an article written by Professor Gopal Guru[9], or reading an Economic and Political Weekly. Professor Gopal Guru[10] once told me at Banaras Hindu University (BHU) that Dr. K.Y. Ratnam[11] was a highly corrupt guy like ASA members. It is the opinion of an eminent political scientist on Dr. K.Y. Ratnam and his ASA goons. I've never heard a Mala caste professor speak English in class.  Even Mala Professor[12] from the English Department couldn't speak or write English at this university in Hyderabad.It is the pathetic condition of academic corruption. Dr. Manohar Murali[13] was a student of Brahmin Professor Alladi Uma. She recruited him as a faculty member even though he could not speak or write English. Professor Alladi Uma[14] is his godmother. I've never seen a Mala caste faculty member read a book. I have never seen any Mala caste PhD scholar of any background read any academic journal or book published by Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Sage, etc. It shocked me how these people are awarded MA and research degrees like M.Phil and PhD degrees without reading a journal or without even writing a single word in English. But hundreds of Mala caste students have been awarded M.Phil and PhD degrees since 1998 without touching a journal or without writing a single word in English. 100% Telugu-speaking Mala caste people are dominating the UoH 100% of Scheduled Caste Reserved Category Professors are Mala caste people in the school of social sciences, but they can’t speak a single word in English or write a single word in English. They take only Mala caste and slave students as their M.Phil and PhD students and make them personal slaves and maids to clean their cars, do market work, and do domestic and other personal work. There is no PhD or M.Phil course work in the school of social sciences. That is strongly opposed by Mala caste professors and research scholars. If there is course work, the professor and student should read literature, which is something hard work for Mala caste people. I used to speak against the ASA’s open violence in 1998. Among all men's hostels, every hostel secretary is a Mala. They run the hostel mess for the simple reason that the hostel warden gives a check for more than four hundred thousand rupees to run the hostel for hundreds of students. Mala caste or ASA leaders always focus on the mess secretary position to corrupt 50 thousand rupees to one hundred thousand rupees in a month. The position of Mess Secretary is only for 30 days or one month. Hostel employees do a lottery or select two people to run the hostel. I had this experience in 1998, when I was too young. One of my senior Madiga caste friends asked me to be his teammate to run the hostel. Innocently, I said okay, and I joined him. His older brother was a PhD scholar in the humanities (Telugu Department). Of course, he is a professor now in the Telugu department. His younger brother started asking me to sign on some bills to submit at the hostel. He takes commission from the grocery shops, vegetable shops, etc. whose business owners give him commission by writing more money on their paid bills. When I observed his corruption, I objected to him, and finally he and his brother physically assaulted me and threatened me like any Mala caste student or teacher. I tried to expose people's corruption through postal letters, but it was futile. Innocently, I used to inform university officials and teachers verbally about the corruption and fraud of those who were the architects of corruption and fraud. ASA members and their Mala caste professors talk about human rights, caste, and untouchability to get their personal, professional, and political benefits from public institutions. There is no internal democracy among the University of Hyderabad’s highly corrupted Mala caste professors and students. They are simply materially or morally excused for their criminal activities in the name of caste and untouchability. Because of my public speeches against Mala or ASA members, I became easy prey for them, and violence began with beatings, character assassination, humiliation, derogatory comments, and so on. They beat me twice, and the Madiga brothers beat me the third time. Every men’s hostel is run by Mala caste mess secretaries, who earn 50 to one hundred thousand rupees in a month. They buy two-wheeler vehicles, gold chains, and do real estate businesses like their Mala caste professors.  I met Dr. Vulli Dhanaraju[15] when he was doing his PhD in history. He was such a notorious goon. He is part of a beating gang, and I saw him always beating, threatening, and threatening non-Mala caste students and teachers on campus. He used to be a long-running mess secretary after another notorious Mala caste PhD scholar and leader of ASA, Dr. V. Sunkanna[16]. Sunkanna's[17] (Mala caste) irony is that he has been a mess secretary more than 22 times and has stolen more than two million rupees from students. He was part and parcel of open academic corruption, fraud, cheating, and plagiarism. He could not write a word or speak a single word in English even now but was awarded M.Phil., PhD., and postdoctoral degrees at the University of Hyderabad and Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay[18]. He has never heard of EPW, like our Drs. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha, Jagannatham Begari, and Vulli Dhanaraju, but he has received research degrees for his thesis works in English. I have known this corrupted Mala for a long time. He was a leader in ASA. Suddenly he became an overnight human rights voice like Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha[19], Dr. Jagannatham Begari[20], and Dr. Vulli Dhanaraju[21]. He used to humiliate me in front of every student and teacher like Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha[22], Dr. Jagannatham Begari[23], and Dr. Vulli Dhanaraju[24] by asking me, "Hey gay, are you bottom or top?"  . Dr. Vulli Dhanaraju[25] was suspended from the UoH for massive violations, including beating and attacking university officials. I saw at least a group of 5 to 7 Mala students or ASA members suspended from the University of Hyderabad for beating university officials. Actually, Mala caste professors are non-meritorious just like every Hindu professor in the school of social sciences, so Mala caste professors use their Mala caste students for their survival on campus as well as to get personal, professional, and political benefits from the government. Gummadi Nancharaiah[26], the so-called emeritus Economics Professor, had awarded hundreds of Mala caste students research degrees and made them university faculty members. The irony is that none of these Mala caste professors and research scholars studied in English medium, never had a history of learning English, never read a book or journal, and never touched an academic journal, but have submitted hundreds of pages of M.Phil and PhD theses and dissertations in English. In other words, Mala caste researchers and professors do not write a single word in their research works but are awarded research degrees and promoted in their professions. In academic corruption, fraud, cheating, manipulating, plagiarism skills even after his PhD was awarded. He led ASA for a long time and was a full-time activist. Like every job-oriented research student in India, he prepared for the University Grants Commission's (UGC) National Eligibility Test (NET) and qualified. He developed caste-based academic mafia relationships with powerful Mala caste professors, the UGC chairman, the ICSSR chairman, and other bureaucrats by using Ambedkar, got research degrees, and became a faculty member at Assam Central University despite a lack of any academic merit. In academics, he is pure evil. Like any Hindu or Mala Professor, he is a pure evil of academic corruption and corruption. He can't write a letter or a paragraph in English, but he's published a slew of research articles and books in the last two to five years. Again, I met Dr. K.Y. Ratnam[27] (Mala caste), Professor Gummadi Nancharaiah (Mala caste), Professor Sudhakar Rao[28] (Mala caste), Professor Laxmi Narayana[29] (Mala caste), Professor Chandra Sekhar Rao[30] (Mala caste), Professor Krishna Reddy[31] (whose wife is Mala), Human Rights Professor Reddy[32] (Reddy caste), and Professor Hara Gopal[33] (Brahmin caste) in the school of social sciences in 2008. In 2008, Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha and I were classmates at the University of Houston's Center for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSE&IP)[34], School of Social Sciences. We joined CSSE&IP. CSSE&IP was under the directorship of another notorious Mala caste professor, Sudhakar Rao, from the department of Anthropology. He was in charge of both Anthropology and the Center for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSE&IP). I applied and joined the center under the general category so that these notorious Mala caste professors would be unaware of my inter-caste and gender background. I was chosen by the general category Professor Selection committee rather than by members of the Mala caste selection committee. But they came to know that I am an inter-caste-born student and that I am openly criticizing their Ambedkarite academic mafia. They also realized that I am fond of reading, buying books, academics and knowledge production. I used to read books, and I purchased at least 2000 books with my Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (RGNF) when Mala research scholars are buying gold, land, two-wheeler vehicles, and loaning money. Dr. K.Y. Ratnam became my PhD guide until Professor G. Krishna Reddy became director of CSSE & IP. Professor G. Krishna Reddy was selected as director of CSSEIP since his wife is of the Mala caste. He was selected by notorious Mala casteist Professor Sudhakar Rao since Professor G. Krishna Reddy's wife is a Mala. I met and saw Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha[35] at the Center for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSE&IP). He was my PhD colleague. He does not know a single word in English in 2008. He can’t speak English. He became a personal servant and maid to every Hindu and Mala caste professor, including Professor Sudhakar Rao (Mala caste), Dr. K.Y. Ratnam (Mala caste), Human Rights Professor Hara Gopal (Brahmin caste), Professor Krishna Reddy (Reddy caste), Professor Chandra Sekhar Rao (Mala caste), Professor Laxmi Narayana (Mala caste), and others. I am astounded by his dedication to every Hindu and Mala caste professor. He used to clean their cars, carry their bags, luggage, and vegetables, bringing water, tea, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. Late Professor Gaddam Krishna Reddy drinks alcohol and cigarettes in the CSSEIP director's office. Literally, he smokes and drinks alcohol in the office. His office room is filled with cigarette smoke and beer bottles. I used to attend seminars, conferences, and workshops across India with my personal money, despite my poor background. Meanwhile, Dr. K.Y. Ratnam stole 20 theoretical works published by Oxford University Press from me. He never returned my books, just as he stole money from that PhD scholar in order to accept her PhD thesis work. He and his notorious ASA members branded her a prostitute when she asked for four hundred thousand rupees. Mala caste professors and students, bureaucrats, and politicians are Ambedkarites, and Ambedkarites are corrupt. Beware of their so-called civil rights movement in India. Even I purchased my present PhD degree by spending huge amounts of money on everyone at every step in India. This is India. The books cost approximately 15 thousand Indian rupees. If I asked for my books, he threatened to have me arrested by the police. He said my fellow Mala caste professors and leaders are forcing me to remove you from my guidance, but I am still helping you; if you ask for your books, then I would hand them over to the police. He used to take money from students, cheat them, and threaten them with the support of his notorious Mala caste students, or so-called Ambedkarites. Meanwhile, ASA members and Mala caste professors, research scholars, and their allies, including Drs. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha[36], Jagannatham Begar, and Vulli Dhanaraju, named me "gay," "HIV," "prostitute," "abnormal," "unnatural," "a lone human being," etc. My father and mother were both anti-corruption activists and whistleblowers, so my parents were never particularly fond of money. We remained homeless until now. My father had been fighting and fighting against deep-rooted corruption throughout his life, until he died. He became a victim of his anti-corruption activism. When I witnessed the academic corruption of the aforementioned Mala professors, research scholars, and Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha, I filed a whistleblower complaint with the University Vice-Chancellor in 2008, 2009, and 2010, but in vain. Professor Sharma of the department of political science has thrown out Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha’s M.Phil thesis work by saying that it was 100% plagiarized, which was later accepted and awarded by Professor Sudhakar Rao. Now you can understand how Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha obtained his research degree and later research degrees. He qualified for the UGC-NET job search and was hired at TISS before moving to UNO University in Japan. His PhD thesis is not his work. Without a doubt, he stole the draft from someone. He published a book by Sage. It is not his work. Within a few years of not touching a book, he published numerous research articles in prestigious journals, including EPW. No word is written by him. He can’t write. He can’t speak. How can he write a theoretical research paper or book? He is engaging in global academic corruption. This is the credibility of University of Hyderabad. My whistleblower complaint was leaked, and the above Mala caste professors, researchers, and allies physically abused and threatened me. Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha and his other corrupt younger brother, Dr.Harsha Vardhan Reddy Kummitha[37], threatened my life for making a corruption complaint against them in 2009. They came with another notorious Mala caste leader to threaten me. His younger brother was not an official student of UoH but was just as powerful as any official student since his brother is an ally of the notorious Ambedkar Students Association (ASA) or Mala caste people on campus. Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha and his other corrupt younger brother, Dr. Harsha Vardhan Reddy Kummitha[38], openly told me in front of my first wife, Mamidi Richa Naidu, that everyone does corruption in academics; if you have guts, you can also do it. If you continue to make any corruption complaints against me and ASA members, then you will be no more. They physically threatened me in front of my wife, who is also a UoH MA Health Psychology student. Meanwhile, my first Hindu wife, Mamidi Richa Naidu, was harassed for sex by Mala caste leaders, who used to harass her, saying that your husband is gay and can only have sex with boys, so why are you suffering for sex, and how did you marry that black-skinned untouchable? In the school of social sciences, I met another corrupted Dr Jagannatham Begari[39]. He was a student of Professor Hara Gopal. Dr. Jagannatham Begari, like Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha and Dr. Vulli Dhanaraju, has a poor academic record. He can’t speak English. He can’t write a single sentence in English, just like Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha, Dr. Vulli Dhanaraju, and the other 99% of research scholars in the school of social sciences, but he published his article in EPW as co-author with Professor Hara Gopal. When I asked him, "How come you wrote a theoretical research article in English when you can’t speak or write a single sentence in English?" He replied to me honestly that he begged Professor Hara Guru to add his name as co-author since he has been serving him personally for a long time, so that Professor Hara Gopal added his name for his personal services to him and to his family members. Professor Hara Gopal recruited tens of his non-meritorious students and slaves across India by using his credibility as a Brahmin human rights professor, apart from recruiting his two sons and their wives at various central universities in India. Professor Nancharaiah, too, recruited his daughter and slaves from all over India. Many people follow tradition by enrolling their children in the University of Hyderabad. He is just like Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha, Dr. Vulli Dhanaraju, and others in serving Professor Hara Gopal and others. Every student, research scholar, and teacher at UoH serves their big bosses to get personal and professional benefits. Thousands of research dissertations have been awarded to the most non-meritorious and corrupted students by the most non-meritorious and corrupted professors in the school of social sciences at the University of Hyderabad. Meanwhile, Associate Professor Sripathi Ramudu[40] (of the Mala caste) joined the Center for the study of social exclusion and inclusive policy[41]. Professor Sudhakar Rao, a well-known Mala caste professor and director, also chose him. Professor Sudhakar Rao worked as a university registrar at Assam Central University, where Dr. Vulli Dhanarju worked as an assistant professor. I knew Professor Sripathi Ramudu personally since 2005, when I went to do my PhD at the most dangerous Islamic university in the world, Jamia Milia Islamia (JMI) in New Delhi. Professor Khan, who represents Dalit and minority students at JMI[42], and Professor Sripathi Ramudu, along with other Muslim and Mala caste teachers, are known for human rights violations against non-Muslim and non-Mala students and teachers. Professor Khan was the godfather of Professor Sripathi Ramudu at JMI. Professor Khan and Professor Sripathi Ramudu are non-meritorious teachers and brutally corrupt. Professor Sripathi Ramudu was a personal servant and maid to Professor Khan. Every Mala caste teacher at JMI is a personal slave and maid to Professor Khan[43] since they are all non-meritorious teachers. It is a non-merit-based survival politics. Professor Khan persecutes every non-Muslim teacher and student. He, like any Muslim or Mala, seeks power and is a religious fanatic. So finally, thousands of non-meritorious, brutally corrupted, cheating, and inadequate students have been awarded research degrees and non-research degrees by their non-meritorious, brutally corrupted, cheating, and inadequate caste-background professors. Now, Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha and his brother, Harsha Vardhan Reddy Kummitha, are globally cheating and corrupting academics in the UK and EU, whereas Dr. B. Jagannatham, Dr. Vulli Dhanaraju, etc. are cheating academics in India. How do you catch them? How do you punish them? Meanwhile, I presented a paper on "Can the Gay Speak?"[44] in the center for human rights at the school of social sciences, UoH. ASA members, including their allies Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha and his brother Harsha Vardhan Reddy Kummitha, started calling me "gay" in public places, making fun of my gayness, publicly humiliating me, bullying me, etc., which traumatized me, stressed my existence, and forced me to leave their university for good. How many times have I been persecuted for my caste, skin color, gender, anti-corruption activism, and whistleblower activism in India and Ethiopia? Let me tell you my experience with merit: when the Center for the Study of Culture and Society (CSCS) removed me from my PhD degree for my inadequate academic scholarship and the University of Sydney removed me from my master’s degree for my plagiarism of paragraphs I am the only one who accepted my academic corruption and left their institutions. It is a moral thing. But can anyone live and fight the academic corruption in a country like India where every word, every pen, every book is corrupt? I was forced to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get my PhD in India. I was forced to pay thousands of dollars as a bribe to continue my job in Ethiopia. How to eradicate deep-seated corruption in Third World countries such as India and Ethiopia, where truth has no place. I am part of the corruption and bribery in India and Ethiopia. As part of my anti-corruption and whistleblower activities, I was involved in bribes and corruption. I became a victim of my anti-corruption and whistleblower activism in India and Ethiopia. Even Asian-Pacific students and teachers of human rights, democracy, and peace are corrupt and black-skinned white men wearing masks. Even in the West, how do we find genuine students and teachers? I am certain that neither India nor Ethiopia can achieve an honest, based society, but how do we catch international academic corrupt like Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha and his brother Harsha Vardhan Reddy Kummitha? Can an Englishman publish theoretical works in non-English languages? How do we catch brutal corrupted people like Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha and his brother Harsha Vardhan Reddy Kummitha, Dr. B. Jagannatham, Dr. Vulli Dhanaraju, and others who never write a single word in English but publish dozens of theoretical works in English over the course of two to five years?

On the University of Hyderabad campus, Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha, his brother Harsha Vardhan Reddy Kummitha, Dr. B. Jagannatham, and Dr. Vulli Dhanaraju are best friends. The trio qualified for the UGC-NET, the trio has godfathers, the trio is non-meritorious, the trio is from a Telugu-medium background, the trio is brutally corrupt, and the trio is stealing money from taxpayers in India and London. How to catch them legally. Let us request an honorable court in London and Europe to test lie detectors or to test them with scholars to know the academic scholarship of Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha and his brother Harsha Vardhan Reddy Kummitha. It will be the most stunning academic scam in history.




 Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla, (he/they), B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D(History), John Rawls Good Shepherd, Author, LGBTQ Rights Activist, Human Rights Activist, Anti-Corruption Activist, Whistleblower Activist, Anti-Pedophile, Anti-Slavery, Anti-Caste, Anti-Race, Anti-Untouchability, Rationalist, Writer, Scholar, Poet, Critic, Atheist, YouTuber, Philanthropist, Humanitarian, Former Assistant Professor, Outspoken, And Blogger.

Truth and Justice Matter-John Rawls, A Theory of Justice.

“There will be no death penalty, extrajudicial killings, or judicial killings. Judicial killing is a crime against constitutional morality, and extrajudicial killing is a crime against humanity. Even criminals have the right to life in prison.” Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla.

Author of the globally acclaimed "Compatibility of the Death Penalty with the Purpose of Criminal Punishment in Ethiopia".

Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship.

LGBTQ Rights Campaigner + Untouchable Lives Matter Campaigner + Black Lives Matter Campaigner + Human Rights Campaigner+ Anti-Death Penalty Campaigner.

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla (he/they), black, untouchable caste, labour, founder of Equality Religion.

"India had never seen me as a fully human being because of my untouchable caste background, my black skin color, and my gay background."  Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla (he/they), black, untouchable caste, labour, founder of Equality Religion.


[10] Presented a Paper ‘Can the Dalit Speak ?’ in the 3 Day National Seminar “Repositioning ‘Subalternity’ in Globalized India: The Dynamics of Social Inclusion”, organized by Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi-Dt.19-21 November 2009

[44] Presented a paper ‘Can the Gay Speak’? In a 2 day National Seminar on Human Rights in India: Dalits and Minorities, Conducted by Centre for human rights, university of Hyderabad on 20-21 Feb, 2010.


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