Saturday, 21 May 2022

“The Brahmin or Pundit or Manu-smriti fascism of the Hindu religion existed thousands of years before Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler.” Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla.


“The Brahmin or Pundit or Manu-smriti fascism of the Hindu religion existed thousands of years before Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler.” Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla.

“Human beings were divided into pure and impure, untouchable and touchable castes, white and dark, beautiful and ugly human beings, labor and intellectuals, Aryan and Anaryan, vegetarian and meatatarian, intellectuals and laymen, masters and slaves, sacred and dirty humans thousands of years before Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. Totalitarian, authoritarian, autocratic, monarchical, white supremacist, or capitalist ideologies arose from Hinduism. 6000 years ago, Manu, who is a Brahmin or pundit in the definition of Britania, laid the foundation of genocidal persecution through his Hindu Manu Dharma smriti. Manu-Smriti laid the foundational stones of genocidal persecution against untouchable caste people, dark-skinned people, Africans, Jews, sexual minorities, dwarfs, physically and mentally challenged people, inter-caste marriages, love marriages, modernity, food, dress, identity, human worth, human status, critics, science, rationality, humanity, reason, logic, progressive thought, change, critical thinking, equality, freedom, liberty, equity, human rights, peace, trust, truth, tribal, women, female children. Fascist and Nazi ideologies have vanished, but raw-based Munu-smriti ideology persists even in the twenty-first century. Islamic terrorism is new terrorism, whereas Hindutva and Buddhist religions are the oldest terrorist religions across time and space. India’s Election Commission’s election symbol stamp is the Aryan symbol Swastika, with which Indian citizens elect their representatives from the village level to the Prime Minister of India constitutionally. When George Floyd was killed, most American multinational companies banned any racist symbols from their products to honour African-Americans and Jewish communities, but the Indian State is officially using the Aryan symbol Swastika as its election stamp symbol. The Jewish community is still fighting against the West's youngest Aryan identities by worshiping age-old Aryan Indian races. The community is an alley of the Aryan community of South Asia. Muslims are victims of the definition of terrorism.” Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla

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