Sunday, 1 May 2022

Narcissistic religious books and their historical abuse of humans and other living creatures: Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla


“Simply because 1 billion, 2.3 billion, 800 million, 50 million, 10 million Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jain worship the Bhagavad Gita, Quran, Tripitaka, The Guru Granth Sahib, and Agam Sutras, we can't stop banning these narsisstic books, which are known for genocidal persecution and crimes against humanity. We can’t glorify these narcissistic books, which are crimes against humanity. For greater freedom, liberty, equality, fraternity, equity, independency, truth, honesty, peace, rationality, progress, development, human growth, love, humanity, kindness, advancement, identity, and brain health, prohibit them.” Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla


Narcissistic religious books and their historical abuse of humans and other living creatures: Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

The caste system was created by God.      Untouchability is a creation by God.

Racism is created by God.                         Humans are touchables and untouchables.

Humans are not equal.                      Burqua is a respectable woman.

Same-blood marriages are lovely.    A father raping a daughter is spiritual.

Positive thinking                               Master-slave service

The Quran is indisputable.               The Bhadvad Gita is unquestionable.

Tripitaka is unquestionable.             The Guru Granth Sahib is unquestionable.

The Agam Sutras are undeniably true.  Women must be controlled.

Killing an athiest is blessed.          Sexual minorities to be beheaded, stoned, lynched, etc

Killing untouchables is not a sin.    Killing a Brahmin is sin.

Untouchable is impure.                   A Brahmin is pure.

Brahmin is Pundit.                          Non-Brahmin is stupid.

Untouchables are inferior.             Brahmins are Superior

Women are inferior.                       Female infanticides

Meat eaters are deplorable.            Vegas are superiors.

Dark skin is evil.                             White is pure.

"Crow is untouchable."                  The cow is sacred.

Pigs are evils.                                  Camels are sacred.

Buffalo is unholy.                           Cow is sacred.   

Killing Muslims is a sin.                 Killing non-Muslim is not sin.   

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