Monday, 2 May 2022

Why are global human rights bodies reproducing casteists, racists, religious fundamentalists, jingoists, and brown-skinned, white-mask pseudo-human rights leaders? Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla


Why are global human rights bodies reproducing casteists, racists, religious fundamentalists, jingoists, and brown-skinned, white-mask pseudo-human rights leaders? Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

When I was in India, I used to think the western-educated Indians, South Asians, Asians, Africans, and Muslims were knowledgeable, educated, and dedicated human rights intellectuals, activists, theorists, scholars, advisers, writers, and public intellectuals due to their western degrees and posh English language. Their western degrees, polished, scholarly English, body language, smoking, drinking, dating, living together with students, radical speeches, dresses, smiles, high tea, cycling, and expressions convinced me that they were Noam Chomsky's agents.

I visited the Center for the Study of Culture and Society (CSCS), the Center for Studies in Social Sciences (CSSS), and the Center for the Study of Developing Society (CSDS), Delhi University, Jamia Milia University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, EFLU, the University of Hyderabad, etc., and met and saw many western-educated Brahmin and non-Brahmin theorists. I began to believe their white mask on their brown skin and began advertising them as Noam Chomsky's agents.

I went to Brazil, Australia, and Ethiopia, where I met and saw the same western-educated belt and non-belt scholars and their white and non-white and Jewish teachers and their way of politically correct selection, admission, teaching, awarding, and recommending people from Asian, Islamic, and African regions. Scholarship holders make up 100% of the population from third-world societies. Every year, tens of thousands of dollars in partial and full scholarships and fellowships are awarded to them by state and non-state actors to study and work. Every scholarship is sponsored by Western states, the UNO, EU, and global NGOs through universities to make conservative leaders in every field.

University departments, centers, and schools select people from developing countries based on their criteria. The most important criterion for getting a full scholarship is meeting English language skills. Hence, historical victims of thousands of years who are banned from learning any education are still buried in their third world societies, so they do not even know that western universities and their global NGOs are funding scholarships to third world societies to study any program. They are not even aware of the free education offered to third-world societies in western schools, colleges, and universities. They are still buried in their third-world ghettoes.

Colonial rule in third world societies educated their vertically equal caste, race, and gender people in English so that every butcher of humanity in third world societies became well-versed in English in 450 years of colonial rule, for instance in India. The Colonial masters in India educated Brahmins and non-Brahmins in English by keeping untouchable castes as they were till 1947. Indeed, untouchable castes were banned from any education by Brahmins and their foot-soldiers (Raju, Gupta, Reddy, etc.) till today. People in India live in villages. The lion's share of untouchables were bonded laborers, slaves, temple prostitutes, devadasis, scavengers, leather workers, and messengers. Untouchables were not even allowed to attend school until today in Indian villages or Nepal.

India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, and other parts of Asia share similar ways of life regarding their untouchable castes, and untouchable castes have the same social status irrespective of their place, space, faith, skin color, gender, etc across Asia. It is very hard to imagine an untouchable with a twelfth-class certificate. Hence, they remained at the mercy of their Brahmin or non-Brahmin master for life and death. Even today, the master-slave categories are deeply ingrained in the aforementioned societies.

Master children buy education in the English medium right from their childhood days till their final education. They apply for studies in human rights, peace studies, justice studies, gender studies, human rights and democratization studies, sexual minority studies, race studies, etc. without bothering about whether they are morally eligible or not for those full scholarships to study the above courses.

They pass English language test scores, get study visas, go to western universities with full scholarships, and participate in intellectual discussions and debates with their politically correct teachers without hurting each other. They can’t hurt each other because they are all basically perpetrators in their countries. They just applied for UNO-sponsored or EU-sponsored scholarship programs because they had English in hand, which the victims lacked. Victims are not even allowed to attend a public school in their Indian village, so how come they have even basic schooling?

They show their English power in classroom performance with their tablets, laptops, cotton clothes, and eyeglasses. Anyone can identify them as pure Brahmins or non-Brahmins, Hindus or Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis, or vegetarians by their facial expressions, body language, and religious identities. Muslims are open. Every third-world national has a gentleman's agreement with each other so that nobody attacks the other's faith. They have politically correct ideology teachers' full-pledged support to respect third world national cultures, yoga, meditation, spirituality, traditions, ideologies, ways of life, thinking, ideas, dresses, identities, etc.

 Global human rights bodies celebrate even third world religious beliefs and faiths and encourage their people to practice them in Asian culture, Middle Eastern and North African culture, or African culture. Nobody will bother you if you are religious, traditional, or cultural. Indeed, they need hard-core religious, cultural, national, casteist, racist, and jingoist people to study their human rights programs.

They already have anti-hate speech laws to punish any dissident who questions religiously sponsored human rights violations. Generally, dissidents do not have the basic educational qualifications to attend any western university. In the rarest of the rare cases, there may be one in one billion people like me, but our politically correct ideologues know how to perish. Dissidents do not know how to act in front of white men or Jews.

Perpetrators are Nobel laureates in acting. We have many Nobel laureates who were part of genocide or the ideology of genocidal persecution. Every Nobel laureate from a third-world nation is part of a repressive ideology. Of course, global awarding bodies chose people from hegemonic ideologies with a fear of classroom disturbance from victims of third world lords.

Western degrees are very important for masters' children to get more dowries from their spouses as well as to represent the UNO, EU, Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, etc. Generally, third-world people who are working with global bodies or residing in western countries are 100% masters and their children. They are the leaders of climate change now. Western nations need conservative ideologies from third-world nations along with extremist ideologies in order to remain in power or shifting the discussion from systematic corruption. They require them because an extremist or conservative who is a Western citizen or currently holds a political office can easily shift dissident voices within their society. One can see that third world nationals are leaders, teachers, scholars, researchers, traders, actors, writers, poets, fashion designers, secretaries, vice-presidents, presidents, judges, NASA scientists, CEOs, permanent resident holders, green card holders, etc.

Western degree holders are becoming not only multi-millionaires in their home countries but also becoming representatives of the UNO, EU, Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, etc., but they change the language when they change their masks. Their originality is known to historical victims like the untouchables or Yazidis. Once victims, the Jewish community became very powerful, with a politically correct ideology and an ally of third world lords. Without any doubt, Jewish running centers are 100% anti-Christian, anti-Jesus, and anti-white. They are a powerful lobby group in western society. For a long time, they were known as the Brahmins of the West.

Finally, every piece of white western scholarship is intended to reproduce third-world fascist, casteist, and racist ideologies through master caste people. There is no space for any radical social change in these scholarships. The philosophy of awarding a third-world national carries the spirit of age-old ideologies, not the philosophy of awarding a third-world national. This is the mask of every human rights study center, school, and university in the west. That is why I often refer to people from third-world nations as "western-educated eastern fools."

The world believes that Jews are a powerful lobby concerning Israel or anti-Semitism, but the Hindu Diaspora, Buddhist Diaspora, Sikh Diaspora, and Muslim Diaspora are so powerful that none of the western states, UN, EU, Amnesty, or Human Rights Watch mention 6000 years of the most lethal forms of the caste system, untouchability, or violence against untouchables.

Dissidents are confused about UNO, UNHCR, WHO, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Western States, Unions, Bodies, Universities, EU, BBC, CNN, NASA, etc. by watching their perpetrators working with them and vice-versa. Indeed, the bodies above are reproducing repressive ideologies rather than changing any status quo in third world societies.

 Eventually, I came to know that third-world nationals can’t become even friends with Noam Chomski because Noam was born into the most persecuted Irish-Jewish families and refugees to the United States of America and had experienced violence and humiliation due to their Jewish background. He, like many Jewish theorists, has a historical persecution background in the hands of Aryan supremacism, with which he has been fighting for a long time, whereas Indian or South Asian or Asian or Muslim or third world masks are perpetrators of humanity against the most vulnerable sections of the world, the untouchables.

That is why none of the third world nations ever produce a public intellectual like Noam Chomsky, who has lived experience with the most lethal forms of violence and poverty with white supremacist ideologies, whereas third world intellectuals themselves are Aryan supremacists. With all this genocidal persecution and brown-skinned white-mask ideologies, how come a third-world nation can produce a living legend like Noam Chomsky in the public sphere?

They may wear Noam Chomsky's mask or Karl Marx's mask or Guevara's mask, but any mask can’t produce public intellectuals like Noam Chomsky but may beg for Nobel awards, UNO awards, or EU awards. Only third-world dissidents are Noam Chomsky, i.e., every untouchable caste person is a Noam Chomsky unless they become part of social corruption.

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