Wednesday 17 November 2021

My name is Pandit Sharma.

My name is Pandit Sharma.

I am a physics professor.

My wife is Pundit Lalitha.

She is a professor of chemistry.

We are teaching at Cambridge University.

We came here 450 years back from India.

I have three sons and two daughters.

My daughter is Pundit Sharada.

She is doing her B.Sc in Biology at Cambridge University.

She is 19 years old.

We are looking for a bride-groom for her.

He should be a Brahmin.


My daughter is pure.

She is very pure.

She never came into contact with the untouchables.

She never touched meat.

She never touched Africans.

She never touched Muslims.

She never touched Christians.

She is a vegetarian.

She never eats garlic.

She never eats onions.

She never cleans the toilet.

She takes two baths a day.

She takes a bath in the early morning.

She does Madi.

She will bathe and clean her husband's feet after marriage.

As a sign of respect,

Just like her mother, bathing my feet every day.

in the morning and in the evening, just before sleep.

She will not perform any divine rituals.

She is an obedient Brahmin girl.

She will be an obedient wife.

She will be very loyal to her husband.

She is a strict practitioner of purity and impurity.

She won’t touch any scavenger girls.

She won’t touch any tribal.

She will not have anything to do with indigenous people.

She won’t touch any person who eats meat.

She won’t touch widows.

She won't touch divorces.

She won’t use soap.

She won’t use sanitary pads.

She won’t wear underwear.

She won’t wear jeans or pants.

She won’t wear shirts.

She never touched cow-eating people.

She won’t touch pork-eating people.

She won’t touch chicken-eating people.

She won’t touch fish-eating people.

She won’t touch egg-eating people.

She won’t touch dark-skinned people.

Her friends are from our caste only, except a few Kshatriya girls.

She has some white girls.

She never talked to African girls.

She hates dark-skinned people.

She practices our Aryan poojas.

She loves yoga.

She loves mediation.

She is very spiritual.

She and her white friends attend yoga every day.

She recites the Gayatri mantra every day.

She is currently reading the Bhagavad Gita.

She recites Ramnamam 1000 times a day.

She is my great, proud daughter.

My second daughter's name is

Pundit Suguna

She is 15 years old.

Pundit Rao

He is 5 years old.

Pundit Shashri

He is 7 years old.

Pundit Panthulu

He is 9 years old.

We are all born scholars.

Born intellectuals

Naturally, scholars

Naturally, mathematicians

Naturally, scientists

Naturally, cricketers

Natural chess players

Naturally, medical practitioners,

We raised her as a pure doll.

Her mother is very strict.

Even though she was born,

brought up


teaching and

Researching at Cambridge University

She never allowed her daughter to touch any filthy people.

We are traditional Hindus in America.

Oh, no...How come the global community is silent about hating entire human beings by Brahmins?

Don't you know that in the West, everyone claims to be a Brahmin?

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D(History)



Twitter:  Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter

Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook

Author of unpublished autobiography:

"Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India's Citizenship" 

 Published poems by Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla at My poetic side

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